
1004, my angel

Yoona's POV

"Where am I?"

" You're finally awake, gosh you sleep so much."

" Who are you?"

" I'm the one and only, Jung Daehyun. Of course you wouldn't know who I am you have memory loss. Well, I'll just tell you straight up, you're a normal human being. If anyone tells you that you're an angel, it's a lie."

" Why are you telling this to me?"

" No specific reason, oh and your name is Im Yoona, you have no one to live with so you're going to live with me."

" Why do I have to live with you?"

 This guy kind of seems creepy, like a stalker, is he a stalker? He seems like a stalker, I'm going to have to run away from him. But I don't know where I am.

" Where am I?"

" One question at a time lady. You're at the hospital, and I'm your only guardian."

He doesn't seem related to me.

" How are you related to me?"

" Umm, I'm your, um, boyfriend."

Daehyun's POV

" Umm, I'm your, um, boyfriend."

Well, I did take her first and second kiss, so might as well call her my girlfriend.

" But, aren't I too young to be sleeping with a man?"

 Gosh, this girl has so many questions.

" You're not going to sleep with me, you're going to live with me."

" How can I trust you?"

 Gosh, that's a tricky question, what do I say.

" Well, he's your only guardian correct," yes, thank you Youngjae.

" Yes, but who are you?"

" I'm Daehyun's friend, Youngjae, now the doctor said that you're feeling a little homesick so we have to take you now."

" But.."

" No buts, missy, we have to go now."

Bap's house

" This is where you're going to live from now on, oh and the attic is an off limits place never go down there."

" Ok, but where am I going to sleep."

" You're going to sleep in my room."

" But, I'm still too innocent, to be sleeping with a guy."

" Don't worry I'm not going to do anything bad."

Yoona's POV

I have a bad hunch about this kid, I'm going to have to explore this place.

" So Yoona, Youngjae and I are going grocery shopping, do you need anything?"

" No, I'm okay."

" Ok, bye."

" Bye."

 It's time to explore, there must be a reason why they said the attic is off-limits, I have to go check it out.


When I go to the attic, the first thing I see is a sign that has squiggly lines, or words, but I can't tell what it says. Anyways I go inside and there's like a computer that is linked to many screens, I start going thru the computer like a hacker. The first thing I see is Daehyun and I, we're holding hands and kissing, was this photoshopped?

Youngjae's POV

Grocery store

I'm not dumb, Im Yoona, all those photos that I put on my computer are photoshopped except one, that one is the one where Daehyun and Yoona are on the rooftop. Yoona, was an angel talking to Daehyun, and Daehyun was just looking at Yoona. There's a reason for everything.

Hi Cuteyoona7 here, sorry this chappie is short, but if you like the fanfics I write, Yoona, BTS, and Date A Live, you'll love my new fanfic called Date A Live: The Girl Version. Enjoy! :)

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Hadif1202 #1
Chapter 8: Daeyoon pls
Btsyoongie #2
Chapter 8: Thx, for updating again, waiting for your next chapter!
Btsyoongie #3
Chapter 7: Please update, I like the jungkook and yoona part, update soon.
Chapter 7: They met before ? Aww jungkook like yoona hehehe
Chapter 6: Daeyoon for me
Chapter 5: Why they did that to her huuu
hh_wolf88 #7
Chapter 6: daeyoon :)
Chapter 6: Daeyoon for me i guess .
gadisemasa #9
Chapter 6: I hope it daeyoon!
exoyoong08 #10
Chapter 4: Awesome .. Can't wait for next chapter ..