Meant to Be - Kevin Woo

Happy Ever After or Never Ever After (a series of one-shots)

Pim sat up in her bed, squinting, letting her eyes adjust to the bright light flooding her room. She heaved a heavy sigh and got out of bed reluctantly. After walking around her bedroom, lost and half awake, she managed to remember that she had to get ready for school. She stumbled into the bathroom and took a long shower. She then walked out and opened the door to her wardrobe. She sat down on a stool placed in the middle of the room wardrobe. She heard a knock at her bedroom door "Miss, are you ready?" She quickly put on her underwear and placed the towel around her "NEH!" She yelled from her wardrobe. The maids quickly came in along with her hairdresser/stylist. She sat there as they moisturized her and did her hair. The maids then helped her into her freshly pressed school uniform. She smiled and thanked everyone and bowed slightly to them all as she skipped out of her bedroom.

After skipping through several corridors and two flights of stairs, she had arrived at the dining hall. She wasn't surprised when she saw no-one in there. She didn't like keeping her hopes high about having a breakfast with her family, they were too busy, but she understood. "Good Morning, Ms Leee!~" She sang as she spotted her maid that had looked after her ever since she was born. She took a seat at the head of the table as everyone brought out her breakfast. Halfway through her meal she heard voices and footsteps entering the room. She looked up and was surprised at the sight she saw in front of her. Her parents advanced towards her and took a seat on each side of her. Pim's mother reached out and her hair "Good Morning, Darling. How is your morning? I haven't seen you in a while" She said kissing her forehead. Pim just stared at her mother. This wasn't normal. She knew something was up, but she smiled back sweetly "Good morning, Omma, Appa!" They smiled at her and walked away. She ignored the awkward meeting and set off for school. She spotted a tall pretty boy standing at the gate, she walked up to him and tightly kicked the back of his knee, causing him to stumble. "YAH!" He said as he pulled her into a bear hug "You cheeky girl!" She let go of the embrace and looked up at him. 

"Kevin opaaaaa~! I hate you for being absent! Where have you been?!" She whined, crossing her arms and turning her back. He shoved his face in front of hers and pouted holding a er "Piiiimmmm, you know I'm about to debut with U-Kiss..." She sighed and frowned snatching the lollipop from him "Mianhe, I'm happy for you, I forgot I'm losing my best friend to the entertainment industry but...Kevin Hwaiting!" She cheered, holding up her fist. They both linked arms together and happily walked to their classes, which they conveniently had together. The day passed by relatively quickly for them, before they knew it, it was lunch time. "Oppa? What's wrong?" She asked him, nudging him. He smiled "Nothing" he said smiling. She stared at him, skeptical, she knew something was on his mind because he wasn't as talkative and happy. "Well, my parents want me to get married" he said "BWOH?! Why! You are still so young!" she screamed in shock, he just shrugged and continued to pick at his food. "I don't really want to talk about it, you know how much I respect their decisions, so this is hard for me" he said frowning. She hugged him and changed the subject.

Pim waited patiently for Kevin by the front gate, her schoolmates all bid her farewell as they passed her at the gates. "BOO!" Kevin screamed into her ear, she jumped and punched him lightly while laughing. "Movie first or homework?" She asked him as they set off towards her place. This had become a ritual for them ever since they were younger, each week they'd alternate places, but they always did their homework together, watch movies or play games. They rarely missed out on their after school activities and they never got sick of it. When they reached the manor, they were confused at the cars parked outside the house "Why are your parents here?" she asked Kevin, "Why are yours home?" She shrugged, they were both confused. They walked in and were greeted by the maids and butlers, assisting them with their shoes and school bags. They walked into the kitchen to have afternoon tea like they always would. Instead of walking in to find sandwiches and cider, they saw their parents at the table. "Kevin? Pim? you two are acquainted with each other?" both parents asked. Both their faces dropped "Omma, Appa, we've been friends since primary" Pim whispered quietly, sad about the fact that her parents knew nothing about her. Kevin nodded, he of course, was feeling the same.

"We have something to announce, and you two won't be disagreeing since you two are already close" Pim's mother started. "To help expand our companies, we have decided to wed you two. It will enforce the company bonds" The two teenages stared at each other in shock. "Aniyo! I can't do this! Kevin is just starting his career and I haven't even gotten into university and finished school yet!" Pim stuttered, trying hard not to believe what was going on. It was all she ever secretly wanted but she didn't think that it was the right time. Pim stared at Kevin, waiting for him to back her up. Kevin turned to her and kneeled down with her hand in his, "Let's make if official then, Pim. We've been best friends since forever, and i have loved you for that long. Will you do me the honor of forever being mine?" The parents smiled happily knowing that they were going to make more money from the companies joining and the two teenagers smiled, both lovestruck.











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omg I miss the old days so much TT
CupcakeChoi93 #2
The Xander oneshot is too adorable! <br />
teuk makes me sad! good job btw!
OMYGOSHHH unni! dongsaeng! (lol idk who's older.kkk) THANKYOU for that awesome one shot!! I srsly loved it!! <33 i mean..WOW. that's sooo Heechul!! and the story fitted him..^^,'' lol at my assistant's's Nika right? that's my other nickname btw. lol anyway!! i thought Siwon will fall for me. XD (i wud be happier tho if yu did that tho i knoe it'll be much complicated and can impossibly be a oneshot in the end..xD so it's omggg jeongmal komaweoyo~ i might be requesting another one in the future..will that be okay?:D<br />
YAYSHHH! chuli and I got together in the end.. omo.. chuli yeobo~ //fangirl squeals. XD<br />
thanks again~ *huggles* :ö
omo! the xander one was srsly sweet!! omgg dongho's so cute!!
Could I please request a oneshot with Daito Shunsuke♥♡♥ 「J-Actor」φ(ω`●)<br />
and Kwon Min Ji [ME]?? -Minji mecha sparkeling puppy dog eyes- please please V(⌒w⌒)<br />
age: 18<br />
Japanese-Korean<br />
personality: Naive & Shy, but when I trust someone I'm really talkactive (><`). bubbly & bright personality. Always curious about things around me and it can sometimes bring me and others into trouble.<br />
plot: no high school storries, please* We're already dating~~ could u make up the rest (^.-)\/<br />
genre: romance & comedy<br />
Happy ending~~ ♡^▽^♡ <br />
<br />
Hope u want to write it~~<br />
reichi99 #7
can i request...pls.pls.jebal??<br />
i would like to request a fic<br />
boy:alexander eusebio(ukiss)<br />
it's a best friend to lovers'story...<br />
tnx......hope ul find a time......