I Don't Like Boys - Heechul

Happy Ever After or Never Ever After (a series of one-shots)

I hate boys. I hate them. I despise them, I loathe those filthy, insolent creatures. Viah mumbled angrily under her breathe as she marched up the stairs towards the studio. "Boss, what's wrong?" Nika, her secertary asked her as she grabbed the pile of drycleaned clothes for the photoshoot from Viah. She continued to rant about her hate for boys. Nika just nodded and directed her towards the shooting location.


Viah was a strong individual, strongly believing that she didn't need any man in her life. Each day she'd vent about all the boys she had encountered on the way to work. The ones that whistled, the ones that d, the ones that shoved their phones in her face, the ones that followed her, there were too many to count. She was a top international Fashion Designer, her clothes, unique yet classy and elegant but fun. Just like her. "I'd never let a boy into my life. A man I would consider, but never a boy. I am highly doubtful about males, I have yet to meet a man, I personally think they don't exist, especially at such an age. These deliquients age at such a slow speed. You'd think they'd at least have some common sense!" She said as she entered the photoshoot location. she walked over to the espresso machine and made her own coffee. No matter how wealthy she was or highly respected, she'd never treat people differently. Unless they deserved to be treated in such a way.

Nika handed her a clipboard showing the order of the outfits and photos of prototypes of her designs. She walked and pointed out everything on the board, what was good, what needed to be adjusted and what just didn't fit. Nika's pen hurridly scribbled across the page of her notebook. "The model is here, he is the most popular idol at the moment, he has been popular for quite a long time, his fanbase is continuously growing. He's so handsome, omo, do you think I could stick around?" Nika fanned her face as she felt it heat up.

Viah laughed at the young girl and nodded. "Just make sure to talk to the co ordinators and pattern makers over the phone while you're fan girling" Nika squealed happily and took out her phone. Viah walked towards the photographer and watched the boy posing in front of the back drop. She stared at his face, analyzing him. "Cocky, obnoxious but..what? Shy? HA! Impossible" she said to herself. She continued to look at him, trying to learn more about him. The photographer was done and he stopped for outfit changeover. Viah looked over the photos with the photographer and went through the good ones and bad ones. "So, how do I look? They're pretty good right?" Viah turned to the voice behind her and rolled her eyes to find the boy standing there 'We deleted alot, your nose is crooked, so is your smile. Shut your mouth when you smile. This is mean to portray a man, not a boy." She continued to look through the photos, she stood in front of the backdrop, camera pointed at the boy. "Ready?" she asked him, he pouted and glared at her "Why are you taking the photos" She stared at him "Because you're only pretty. I need photos of someone handsome, now turn sideways" she directed his movements and took photos. After flicking through the last of the photos, she smiled happily. "Perfect" she exclaimed, smiling to herself. "I know I am." she turned to find the smug faced boy. 

Walking in the opposite direction, she started to pack up to go home, the photoshoot had taken the whole day. "Yah! Don't you know who I am? Girls would die to be with me!" she froze in her steps "Ma jayo. Girls. I'm not a girl, I've past that frame of mind." She continued to walk away. "Kim Heechul! Doesn't that sound familiar? You know how painful it is when your role model ignores you and stomps on you? So you're like that, huh?" He said, his voice turning into a quiet whisper. Viah froze, she felt a sharp pain in her chest, guilt, it was guilt. She turned to him "Joesomnida, but I don't enjoy conversing with cocky people. Try being who you really are, not who people expect you to be" She proceeded to walk off.

Heechul arrived at the dorm and immediately walked into his room. He sat there staring at the mirror. "Is my nose really crooked?" He turned his face on many angles. He smiled into the mirror and frowned, "My smile is really crooked, how come I didn't notice...am I not handsome?" He put the mirror down and fell onto his bed, "Is this really who I am? Seriously, is this me?" he closed his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows. He got up and marched out the door towards the living room where everyone was gathered. He smiled a toothy grin "Is my smile ugly? Is it crooked? It is isn't it? Should I get my gums done?" He looked desperate, the younger boys just stared at him, "Hyung, go get surgery, it's crooked, everything is, your eyes are also too small, your face is bigger than Shindong's" Kyuhyun said, not looking up from the computer. He went up to Siwon and grabbed him by the shoulders, "Church boy! Be honest, what do I need to get done? Am I really not handsome? I'm not right. I'm only pretty" Siwon stared at him with a startled look. The whole room just stared at Heechul. Kyuhyun broke the silence by throwing a pillow at his face "It's called SARCASM! You're well know for your good looks. Stop being so foolish" Heechul sat on the ground frustrated. Kyuhyun stopped and shut his laptop lid, "What is wrong with you? You didn't even yell at me for being informal" Donghae nodded "Hyung, you've never been insecure" everyone else mumbled with agreement. Heechul grabbed at his hair and pulled it screaming and kicking his legs "Why am I so ugly! WHYYYY!" He flopped onto his back in defeat. "Ahhhh....I get it" Siwon said as he crawled over to Heechul and picked his limp body off the ground and holding him by the shoulders, he lifted his chin and made eye contact with him.

"Tell me it's not a girl" Heechul shoved Siwon's hand away and stomped around the room "It's not a stupid girl!" he stopped and stared at Siwon. "Siwon, you're a man, teach me to be a man, I want to be handsome, not pretty. I don't want to be a boy" Siwon laughed at his hyung and turned towards the confused group "Claps for Heechul, He's finally in love with someone that isn't himself" Everyone ooh-ed and ahh-ed "Hyung, hyung, where did you meet her?" "hyung is she pretty" "Hyung did she really say that to you?" "Hyung, your cat food tastes funny" "Yah Heechul, bring her here" Heechul stoop up and shouted "YAH! I am not in love! She's not a girl! She's a woman" He sat down on the couch, "A woman, and I'm out of her league!" He started to wail dramatically. Siwon covered his mouth "Step 1, no drama." Heechul stopped straight away and stared at Siwon eagerly. The rest stared at Siwon and Heechul, they were entertained and they lonely ducklings wanted to learn too.

Siwon walked out of the room and came back with a large book in hand. "How to be a gentleman" he read, "YAH! English man!" Heechul yelled. Siwon pointed a finger at him, "English please" Heechul said through gritted teeth. Siwon was enjoying this.

"Rule 1: Chivalry" "But you sa---" Siwon stared at Heechul, shutting him up immediately.

"Hold the door open for her, Pull her chair out for her to sit, lend her your coat when she is cold, remind her you love her with gentle kisses or by holding her hand, carry heavy bags for her, wipe away her tears, surprise her with flowers, or anything pleasent. Do anything that makes her happy and never be the reason for her being upset"

Eunhyuk raised his hand and Siwon nodded in his direction "But hyung! Why do we have to do everything?" Siwon smiled at his question. "Rule 2: Respect. The only way people can unify their minds is to respect each other. Kindness, respect, favours should go both ways. This is a silent agreement, it is common knowledge. If one does not know, then one does not respect." Everyone chattered happily at their newly gained knowledge. "This is all I'll give you, this is the basics, the foundation. I basically told you everything to make the relationship work in the 2nd part" Siwon smiled and snapped his book shut, "Would you like me to visit her and put in a good word for you?" Heechul's eyes widened "ANI! ANIYO! I don't want a gentleman to be near her! That's what she's looking for and I want to be the one to give it to her!" A select few sniggered at his choice of words "YAH! Don't be so sick!"


Viah sat there, staring at the picture on her computer screen. It was opened in photoshop, she had been editing pictures, but this one, she was stuck. She continued to stare at it, it was flawless. Everything in the picture was perfect. It was hard for her to believe, but she had to, because it was the truth. She closed the lid on her laptop, his words wouldn't stop running through her head. So you're like that, huh? She shook her head, trying to get the voice out. Viah turned and screamed into a pillow in frustration, I've really become my own enemy. Viah, who are you? Where has your heart gone? She put her iPhone into the speakers and hit her Yiruma playlist, breathing slowly as the piano soothed her nerves. She slowly started to drift into a deep slumber.


"Saranghae" He whispered into her ear as his lips lightly brushed her cheek. Viah suddenly sat up straight in bed, her heart was racing. She jumped out of bed and walked straight into the shower, turning on the cold water so that she could cool down her flushed face. "Bingeul, Bingeul, Bingeul, Bingeulll" she sang as she jumped out of the shower. She stood inside her wardrobe and stared at the clothes, she just decided on a simple white dress with black pumps. She grabbed her bag and walked outside to find Nika leaning against her car. "You're early" she said. Viah smiled "Maybe it's you who's early" she said as she stepped into the car. "Hit me" she said, Nika turned to her "Nothing today, all the designs are processed, the 3 o'clock was rescheduled and the review for the next collection is post poned because we still have the last collection to expand on" Viah turned to her "Seriously? Nothing? At all?" Nika nodded as she continued to drive "Where do you want to go?" Viah pondered for a moment, "Let's go to Emart. Let's have a staff party tonight, everyone is back at post right?" Nika nodded "Are you feeling alright? You don't really have free time, well free time with other people" Viah stared at her "Yes I do, don't I seem like a people person?" Nika just kept quiet and kept driving as Viah sat there wondering where she went wrong.


That day, Viah spent her time slaving away in the kitchen making lunch boxes filled with kimbap, bokkumbap, ddukbboki and many other things. She also took the time to bake sweets for everyone. She checked the clock 6:00pm, she looked at the door and she heard a knock and the door opened. Nika peered in and smiled "Ready? Wow it smells delicious!" The two piled everything into the boot of the car and they headed to the building. When they got there Viah noticed everyone working hard. "Food is heree!~" she sang. They stared at her strangely "What is the occasion?" Viah just looked at them and shrugged "You guys deserve it!" They stared in awe as they saw all the boxes of food line up on the large table. Everyone enjoyed the food and chatted happily together, they all become aquainted with Viah and she also started to open up to them. she smiled as she felt the old self coming back. She felt a tap on her shoulder to find Nika gesturing to the foyer. Viah walked towards the front of the building to find a man with their back facing her. "Excuse me?" she asked, the man turned to her and smiled a smile that made her knees weak. "Do you know me?" he asked her, she stared at him confused "Am I suppossed to? People always seem to expect me to know them straight away" she huffed, she got annoyed with that question, he sounded downright cocky. He held out his hands "Don't get me wrong, I was just wondering. But my name is Siwon, I'm from Super Junior" He said smiling. She stood there, "Super Junior...Super Junior...It sounds so familiar" He then started to dance and sing "Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry naega, naega, naega..." "Oh! Is THAT Super Junior? Nika, my secertary always talks about your group! I always though it was a tv show" she said blushing slightly at her lack of knowledge. Siwon chuckled lightly and advanced towards her causing her to take a step back. He tried again and got the same reaction from her. "Would you like to go for a walk?" She stared at him unsure. "You can go tell your friends, I'll stick to the Han river." She mentally debated whether or not she should go but her foot thought for her as it took a step forward. He smiled and opened the door for her.

"Why are we here?" she asked him, he smiled "I had a feeling Heechul needed me." Viah turned her head towards him and stopped. "You're not taking me to him are you?" Siwon shook his head, "I just wanted to know who captured the arrogant princess' heart." She sighed and rolled her eyes. "He's trying hard you know, he's trying hard to break out of his shell. The arrogance is a facade, to protect him. It was his wall. How about we work on yours too?" Siwon took a step sideways towards her and she quickly backed away, falling on her bottom. He walked over to help her up but she shuffled away in fear. He sat down 3 metres away from her and faced her. "Is this comfortable? I promise I won't move closer unless you let me" She started to relax a bit, "Why, how?" she stuttered. "Everyone deserves to live comfortably. I can tell, I've dealt with many masks before. Who was it?" She froze up as images flashed in her head. 

"Omma?" a young girl called out into the darkness. "Omma! Appa!" she started to cry. "Hey sweetie, lost?" A teenage boy said. She nodded her head as she stood under the street light. "I saw your omma and appa down the street, I'll take you to them" the boy said smiling and holding out his hand. She stared at it and refused to leave the safety of the street light. "Come on, my friends are here, it's not just me here so nothing bad will happen." The boy smiled again. She shook her head and refused again. She suddenly felt arms grab at her and hands covering . She cried and tried hard to wrestle out of their grips. But a 4 year old against a group of boys, it was hopeless. She cried her heart out, wailed and screamed until was raw, until she coughed out blood. The little girl woke up sore and bleeding all over. Her dress was torn, shredded and blood stained. She cried as she struggled to get up. Her legs throbbed and inbetween stung. She collapsed and cried. All she could do was cry, she cried curling up into a ball, hoping for death. For a 4 year old to experience such a thing, to think such a thing.

Viah cried uncontrollably by herself. Siwon held her as she shoved him away, getting more hysterical, but he kept his grip around her. "Shhhhhhhh, shhhhh." he shushed and her hair. She stopped crying and kept her head against his chest. She only cried silent tears. "A-a-appa?" "I'll be your appa now, shhh, it's okay" he said as he continued to her hair. He traced up and down her nose. She froze and looked at him "h-h-how did you know?" he smiled at him "I don't, but god does, we're all here for a reason. I believe i've found my purpose" He lifted her only his back and walked towards his dorm after he heard a light snore. He wondered himself, how he knew what happened to her, how he knew how to calm her. But he didn't want want to doubt, he had no reasons to doubt. He opened the door to the dorm, everyone was watching tv and they just stared. He raised his finger and told them to be quiet. He placed her on his bed and tucked her in. He took one last look before he closed the door.

Viah stirred when she felt something squish her nose. She groaned and turned around. "I made breakfaaasssst~" a voice sang. She froze and slowly turned around. Siwon was grinning widely, holding a plate out infront of him. The happenings of the previous night recollected in her head. She smiled and grabbed the plate, walking out, not wanting to mess his bedroom with crumbs. She froze when she saw a large group of guys directly infront of her, staring at her. She panicked and ran back to Siwon's room. She bumped into him on the way there. "ahhh it's okay, I'll protect you, it'll take some time to get used to them" Siwon held her while she was behind him, one arm around his waist, holding the plate out infront of her and the other arm holding onto the back of his shirt tightly.

"Everyone, this is Viah. Please help her grow accustomed to this group, because we'll be her second family!" Everyone immediately said their greetings, but Viah stayed attached to Siwon. She felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned around to come face to face with him. Again. "Annyeonnnng! I'm glad you came! I missed you!" Heechul grinned happily in her face. She just stared at the crazy boy and started to eat her bokkumbap.

This became a daily happening, visiting the boys at the dorm. Siwon would force her to come, to help her adjust. She started to become  more open to them. But not to the extent of where she could have a casual conversation. She always stood or sat at least 2 arm widths apart. But there was always one that did not let the boundaries stop him. "Viaaaaahhh~ I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me!" Viah turned and stared at Heechul and shook her head. "Aniyo, I don't want to go out with you." Heechul just stared at her and turned around and walked away. Siwon looked at her "Why don't you give him a chance? You've technically known him the longest" she shook her head. Siwon sighed and placed a hand on her head "Just go, Heechul is one of the weakest guys I know, you could easily get him down, even with words if you feel scared. He most definately won't do anything to you" she shook her head "But his fans would" Siwon laughed "He's smart enough to wear a disguise" Viah just stared at Siwon and sighed in defeat. "Mm Whatever" she got up and walked towards Heechul "Tomorrow, I'll come here, same time as always." She then left to go home.

That night she spent tossing and turning, she managed to fall asleep near the morning. When she woke up she was lying there, eyes open. She seemed to have a bad feeling about today. Brushing off the feeling, she got out of bed, showered and stood in her closet like she did everyday. "Ottoke..what to wear" she riffled through the various dresses she had and settled on a white vintage styled dress that faded into red towards the bottom. She walked outside to see Nika waiting for her, she updated her about work and dropped her off at the dorm. She was walking towards the building when she noticed Heechul standing at the entrance of the building in semi formal attire holding a large bundle of lillies. He held them out towards her as she walked towards him, holding out his arm, he encouraged her to link with his. She stared at it and asked "Where are we going today?" He motioned towards his arm and she placed her hands in it, still cautious. He happily started to walk down the footpath. After 5 minutes, they were at the Han River. She widened her eyes in shock when she saw a picnic set out, the area surrounded by petals. She looked up at him, "Did you do all this?" He nodded and smiled. He gestured for her to sit down and she did. They both talked and laughed as they become accustomed with each other. "I find it hard to believe that you made this food" she said as she pointed at the chocolate dipped strawberries, sandwiches, pasta salad, kimbap and cake. He sniggered "I didn't. I only set everything up! Maknaes were made for a reason" he laughed cheekily. she rolled her eyes at him. 

"HEECHUL-SHII! OMO IT'S HEECHUL!" Heechul turned his head in panic towards the sasaeng that managed to recognise him. He grabbed Viah's hand and they both started running. Viah looked around and noticed that the sun had already gone down, and there was only a light orange glow left in the sky. Behind her, there 10 fans running after them with their phones out in front of them. She felt a slight jerk when Heechul pulled her into an alleyway. Her breathing inclined, flashes of the memories from that night when she was younger appeared in her mind as she shoved Heechul away from her. She backed out of the alleyway and ran away in panic. She tried to get herself to stop running but her body was thinking differently. "Trust him" she whispered to herself. "He isn't one of them. Siwon isn't one of them. Heechul isn't one of them. My friends. They're not one of them" she shook her head and hept repeating this to herself as she started to slow down and her running came to a halt. She noticed she was on a small bridge over the Han River. She turned towards the railing and leant against it, closing her eyes and slowly breathing in the crisp, cool air. "Viah! Viah! Quick! Run!" She turned to her right to find Heechul heading towards her. She looked at him confused. All of a sudden she felt hands around her arms and legs as she was lifted off the ground.

Time slowed down.

She could hear Heechul's screams, she turned hear head to find several girls lifting her.

Her weight shifted as she felt herself falling.

Reaching for the railing, she grabbed onto it for dear life.

The screams and shouts were all muffled in her head.

All the times she spent with her newfound friends flashed in front of her eyes.

She could see Heechul shoving the girls away.

They all fought towards her fingers, trying to pry them off.

A girl ran up towards Heechul and shoved him away and sent her foot flying to her hand.


Falling down, the last thing she saw was his tear streamed face, his pleading screams.

A sharp pain engulfed her body as she started sinking in a dark abyss.












"Jagiya! Yeobo! Wake up!"

Viah opened her eyes slowly as pain started to disappear. She looked around her to find herself in a bedroom, unfamiliar to her. "Nightmare again?" she stared at the aged man beside her as she recollected everything. She nodded and smiled while getting up. He crawled over to her and hugged her, while kissing her. "Saranghaeyo, I missed you while I was asleep, Viah" He said smiling cutely at her. 

"Saranghae, Heechul. I'm glad I'm still here"






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omg I miss the old days so much TT
CupcakeChoi93 #2
The Xander oneshot is too adorable! <br />
teuk makes me sad! good job btw!
OMYGOSHHH unni! dongsaeng! (lol idk who's older.kkk) THANKYOU for that awesome one shot!! I srsly loved it!! <33 i mean..WOW. that's sooo Heechul!! and the story fitted him..^^,'' lol at my assistant's name..it's Nika right? that's my other nickname btw. lol anyway!! i thought Siwon will fall for me. XD (i wud be happier tho if yu did that tho i knoe it'll be much complicated and can impossibly be a oneshot in the end..xD so it's fine.lol) omggg jeongmal komaweoyo~ i might be requesting another one in the future..will that be okay?:D<br />
YAYSHHH! chuli and I got together in the end.. omo.. chuli yeobo~ //fangirl squeals. XD<br />
thanks again~ *huggles* :ö
omo! the xander one was srsly sweet!! omgg dongho's so cute!!
Could I please request a oneshot with Daito Shunsuke♥♡♥ 「J-Actor」φ(ω`●)<br />
and Kwon Min Ji [ME]?? -Minji mecha sparkeling puppy dog eyes- please please V(⌒w⌒)<br />
age: 18<br />
Japanese-Korean<br />
personality: Naive & Shy, but when I trust someone I'm really talkactive (><`). bubbly & bright personality. Always curious about things around me and it can sometimes bring me and others into trouble.<br />
plot: no high school storries, please* We're already dating~~ could u make up the rest (^.-)\/<br />
genre: romance & comedy<br />
Happy ending~~ ♡^▽^♡ <br />
<br />
Hope u want to write it~~<br />
reichi99 #7
can i request...pls.pls.jebal??<br />
i would like to request a fic<br />
boy:alexander eusebio(ukiss)<br />
it's a best friend to lovers'story...<br />
tnx......hope ul find a time......