Cliche - Alexander (Xander)

Happy Ever After or Never Ever After (a series of one-shots)

"YAH! I told you to get out of bed! You're so lazy! Look at your room, what is this? Your hamper is full! why didn't you do laundry and..."

You pulled the pillow over your head to block out all the nagging.

You reached up to grab the headboard as you felt a pair of hands searching for your ankles.

"GO AWAAAAAYYYYYYY!" you complained, trashing as you were being pulled.

"Oof" you wriggled as you tried to get away from the crushing weight on top of you.

"YAH! King Kong! Get off me!" Alexander laughed and gave you a kiss on your cheek before getting off of you and ripping your sheets away.

"Rise and Shine, my lovely little pumpkin!" he happily skipped out of your room and thudded down the stairs.

This happened every morning, but you were used to it. It'd feel weird if you weren't waken up by Alexander like you were everyday.

You stared at the picture of the two of you in diapers and smiled.

Getting up defeated, you went and got dressed for university.

Heading to the kitchen with your toothbrush in your mouth, you find Kevin and Soohyun busying themselves in there.

You went to sit down at the dining table and continued to brush.

"Well you look great, like always" Eli smiled cheesily at you like he did everyday.

Picking up your foot, you kicked him in the stomach and continued to brush your teeth.

"Heeeeey! My baby pidgeon! Oppaaa~ are you okay?" Kevin said as he shook Eli with one hand as he was holding a spatula in the other.

You started laughing at the unsightly couple like you did everyday. 

"Two of you go back to the kitchen, I don't trust Soohyun there"

"AHH! YAH! OMO" frantic screams were heard in the kitchen as the two boys rush into it.

"Ehh?" Dongho shuffled into the kitchen in his bunny onesie, rubbing his tired eyes.

"Noonaaaaa~" Dongho whined as he put his head in your lap and supported his upper body on another chair with his legs hanging over the edge.

"awwwww, my baby maknaeeee" you cooed as you pat his head, like you always did everyday.

You stood up to go to the bathroom to rinse your mouth of all the foam and paste with Dongho hanging on your back.

You finished washing your face and doing your hair with Dongho asleep at your feet.

Dragging Dongho by the feet, you managed to get him into the lounge and you threw a blanket over him on the ground.

You ironed his school uniform and took it out with you, skipping happily.

You felt a pair of arms snag you back,

"Yeobo, why so happy?" you felt chills run down your spine.

"I just love how everyday I go through the same thing, waking up by the sound of your nagging, the arguments in the kitchen, Dongho following me to the bathroom and ending up asleep on the floor..." You sighed happily.

Alexander shook his head and laughed, "You're crazy you know that?"

You smiled at him, "Duh. That's why we're best friends!"

You noticed his smile drop slightly, but you ignored it.

Everyone had finished breakfast and had left, leaving only you and Alexander, like always.

"Off to class!" He lifted his arm and you linked your arm with his, something that you did everyday.

"Yah, King Kong. Don't you have a schedule today?" you turned to face him.

He just shrugged and continued walking.

The campus broke out in whispers, something that happened everyday.

The two of you were used to it, his fans couldn't do anything about it, you had been around since they even knew he existed.

From Macau, America to Hong Kong then Korea.

When you got to your first lecture, he hugged and kissed you on the cheek and skipped away like he did everyday.

You laughed and shook your head at his dorkiness.

4 Hours worth of lectures later, you had a break.

Checking your phone, you found 16 texts, but none of them were from Alexander.

You ignored the slight pang that ran through your chest.

You couldn't deny the fact that you loved Alexander, in every way possible.

You frowned and kcked the ground sadly as you wondered over to the cafe on the corner.

You sat there and drank your hazelnut mochacino like you did everyday.

You had no more classes for the rest of the day so you decided to walk around the town, 

People stared at you, maybe it was because of your relationship with U-Kiss, or maybe for the way you dressed.

You loved wearing victorian/lolita modern dresses, not the over the top styles, just the simple ones. 

Maybe it was the fact you were the only girl that was wearing a dress that covered their thighs.

You came to a halt when you noticed an orchid lying on the road. 

You stared at it and picked it up.

You continued walking when you noticed another one, you were really confused now.

Why would someone be so careless, but you picked it up anyway because they were your favourite flowers.

You ended up with over a bundle of orchids and lillies.

You froze when you saw that at your feet was a carpet of orchids.

Looking up, you found a large crowd surrounding a small stage area.

The curtains slowly drew back as a group of boys were revealed.

You felt someone shoving you and you turned around to find Dongho, he held your arm and guided you to a seat, on a raised platform, facing the stage.

The music started to play,

as you sat there in confusion.

You saw Alexander appear in front of you as your heart skipped a beat,

you couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked in his suit.

He slowly pulled you towards the centre of the stage

"as long as you love me...~

Pumpkin face, I've loved you ever since I had diaper rashes.

When we were 4, we got married,

I'm hoping that could happen again.

We've raised a family, this wreckless family called U-Kiss,

I know I nag, but maybe you nag too little,

I know that it may seem cliche seeing as we're best friends but..."

You stared at him, your heart was pulsing in your ears.

"I'd only date King Kong." you cut him off.

He grinned widely and hugged you tight, spinning you around in a circle.


So today wasn't like every other day.

But it was a little more cliched.






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omg I miss the old days so much TT
CupcakeChoi93 #2
The Xander oneshot is too adorable! <br />
teuk makes me sad! good job btw!
OMYGOSHHH unni! dongsaeng! (lol idk who's older.kkk) THANKYOU for that awesome one shot!! I srsly loved it!! <33 i mean..WOW. that's sooo Heechul!! and the story fitted him..^^,'' lol at my assistant's's Nika right? that's my other nickname btw. lol anyway!! i thought Siwon will fall for me. XD (i wud be happier tho if yu did that tho i knoe it'll be much complicated and can impossibly be a oneshot in the end..xD so it's omggg jeongmal komaweoyo~ i might be requesting another one in the future..will that be okay?:D<br />
YAYSHHH! chuli and I got together in the end.. omo.. chuli yeobo~ //fangirl squeals. XD<br />
thanks again~ *huggles* :ö
omo! the xander one was srsly sweet!! omgg dongho's so cute!!
Could I please request a oneshot with Daito Shunsuke♥♡♥ 「J-Actor」φ(ω`●)<br />
and Kwon Min Ji [ME]?? -Minji mecha sparkeling puppy dog eyes- please please V(⌒w⌒)<br />
age: 18<br />
Japanese-Korean<br />
personality: Naive & Shy, but when I trust someone I'm really talkactive (><`). bubbly & bright personality. Always curious about things around me and it can sometimes bring me and others into trouble.<br />
plot: no high school storries, please* We're already dating~~ could u make up the rest (^.-)\/<br />
genre: romance & comedy<br />
Happy ending~~ ♡^▽^♡ <br />
<br />
Hope u want to write it~~<br />
reichi99 #7
can i request...pls.pls.jebal??<br />
i would like to request a fic<br />
boy:alexander eusebio(ukiss)<br />
it's a best friend to lovers'story...<br />
tnx......hope ul find a time......