The Morning After


Changmin stirred awake from his heavy sleep when his phone alarm blasts one of their songs, indicating it is now the time to wake up to their duties. Times like this he hates his phone it elicits the desire in him to smash the piece of plastic on the floor. With a grunt he sent one hand towards the night stand where his phone is sitting and switched the alarm off. Today they have a big concert; it is the beginning of a long planned tour where both him and his hyung will exhaust themselves to exertion. It is worth it thought. Being able to bask in the unwavering love of their fans for a couple of hours a day is something him and his hyung will be willing to exhausts themselves over.

Speaking of Yunho, Changmin abruptly turned his head to his left, the man is still sleeping with mouth a little open, and he still looks handsome. How can a person look this gracious even while sleeping with an open mouth, must be a Yunho thing or a Changmin thing. He thinks whatever his hyung does is precious.

“hyung, it is time to wake up” called Changmin shaking Yunho by the shoulder slightly. The older man just turned over to his other side and kept snuggling towards the pillow.

Chuckling Changmin shoved him some more “c’mon Yunho, we have a rehearsal to go to and you have something very important to talk about. Don’t think I will forget this easily.” If he is going to bring Yunho’s alcohol fueled confession it might as well be now.

“Do we have to?” mumbled Yunho form where his face is shoved in the pillow.

“oh my god Yunho, you remember? .. Please tell me you do”

Turning his face fully towards Changmin now Yunho said “ I do, as embarrassing as it was.”

“uh … are you embarrassed you said anything or are you embarrassed because you remembered?”


A small “oh…”escaped Changmin’s lips “so you don’t mean any of it?”

“Ugh, Changmin of course I do mean it, every word … I’m just embarrassed at the timing and the state I was in.”

“So, you like me then? … You know the way I do and not that brotherly love we have for each other?” Changmin is getting a little excited at the prospect of Yunho remembering his drunken confession.

“I do, but it doesn’t mean we should act on it” Yunho slowly dragged himself out of the covers until he is sitting back resting on the headboard “there is a reason I didn’t act on my feelings all those years ago, other than me being afraid of rejection of course.”

“okay, what is the reason then?”

“Changmin, can we at least go get some coffee in our system before we talk about life changing things?”

“NO! I have waited for so many weeks for you to even show me a little emotion after that day and last night, no matter how drunk you were, you gave me hope after freaking me out by deciding to move out, last night you let me believe that I could have forever with you and not be afraid to show my affection the way I want. I will not allow you to back away from this talk until we decide what’s the next step for us” Changmin looked at Yunho’s eyes “I will not allow you to walk away until you decide whether to break my heart or not”

“chang—min …i ” Yunho stuttered.

“I am not having any of it … so let’s talk hyung and please tell me you are not really moving out” Changmin sent a pleading look towards the older man.

“okay, let me ask you this first, When did your feelings for me start to change? What caused those changes? I always thought it was one sided on my part”

Changmin took a moment to process the questions, when did he start feeling differently? “I can’t put a day on it Yunho, I guess I always treat you differently than my other friends I react strongly towards you, both in a positive or negative way. I cared a little too much when you are sick or hurt and worry a little too much when you go to events outside the country without me, it hurts a little too much when we have one of those arguments or fights too, that’s why it takes me a long time to come around to apologize or accept your apology.” He paused to search Yunho’s eyes for recognition hoping it is the same for the older man. “Before, I thought all of this was normal i do this because you are twice as worse about fussing over me so I thought it was a normal thing for us. I didn’t know it was much more than the love a friend should have for another friend until the prank, after that day It suddenly become clear to me that I like you just a little bit more than a friend”

Yunho listened to his confession intently with his usual poker face on, Changmin hates it when he couldn’t tell what the other man is thinking, he is good at reading his hyung like an open book most of the time but not when Yunho is putting up this mask on.

“I … I always thought it was only me Changmin” came the reply from Yunho agonizingly slow “now it is going to make it even harder from me to ask you to forget about it”

“what do you mean hyung?” Changmin doesn’t like the panic he is feeling.

“well, I am afraid if we do act on our feelings it will mess things up. What happens if it doesn’t work out? Hmm Changmin? It will ruin our friendship beyond repair and I’m not ready to lose that just yet.”

“seriously? That’s the stupidest thing you can come up with Yunho. If you are going to reject me be a man and say it upfront” Changmin is livid at what is coming out of his hyung’s mouth. The man admitted being in love with him the previous night and now he is acting like none of that matters. Changmin throw the covers away and got out of bed he had had enough of these back and forth with his hyung “Yunho, if you don’t want to be with me let me know now” he demanded looking straight into his hyung’s eyes.

Yunho is out of the covers as well standing at the opposite side of the bed facing Changmin“I told you that fear of rejection is not the only reason I didn’t tell you about my feelings, remember”

“yes” replied an annoyed Changmin.

“I am also scared Changmin, scared of my family, your family, friends, co-workers what would they think of us? You know the society we live in as soon as we make it official they will cast us aside like we have some incurable disease that is transmitted if they as much as try to treat us like human beings. I don’t think I will be able to handle that.”

Changing is baffled at that “Yunho, who cares what others think. All that matters is that I will have you by my side and you me. We have been through much worse than the discrimination we might face from a bunch of ignorant idiots. We can handle it hyung.  Do you think our friends would be that shallow enough to abandon us because we love each other?”

Changmin walked towards Yunho and got a hold of his hands “hyung, these are silly reasons for denying what we both want” he Is getting closer to Yunho now, invading his personal space their noses almost touching he can feel the gust of Yunho’s breath on his face it would be so much easier to give in to the temptation and lean forward, capture his hyung’s lips the way he wanted to do for weeks now, so easy but not welcomed just yet.

 “don’t worry about family too hyung, I am sure they will come around when they see how serious we are about it. Besides, we don’t have to say anything until we are sure. We can keep it a secret Yunho I don’t mind if you don’t” He looked into the older man’s eyes; they look even more beautiful up close. Maybe he should kiss him, Yunho is not exactly moving away or protesting when Changmin was invading his personal space a moment ago.

The moment Changmin decided to go for the kiss he has been craving for the door to his bedroom opens and a visibly upset manager walks in.Both men shoved each other aside hastily and with such a force that Changmin almost landed on his if it wasn’t for his fast work of feet to study himself.

Mr. Choi stared at them with an expression that resembled something like amusement on his face, which disappeared as fast as it appeared “ you two, are going to kill me one of these days. Do you know what time it is? You were supposed to be in rehearsal thirty minutes ago”

Yunho quickly got himself into leader mode and apologized to the manager “I am sorry hyung we got carried away a little, just give us a couple of minutes to get ready”

“I expect you in front of the van in no less than five minutes Yunho” the manager walked out with a shake of his head.

“I think we should go” said Changmin after a moment “uh, about what happened earlier” he wanted to address his attempt at kissing his hyung not sure if he should apologize or promise to continue it later.

“let’s just go Changmin, please”

“yeah, okay”                     



As much as I want them to gush over each other and be cuddly and lovey dovey I want to keep it realistic so that’s why this chapter didn’t end up in a fluff fest: D

But no worries only one chapter to go so there will be plenty of fluff.

As usual thank you for the love and support, it means a lot to me. 

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ohnoona #1
Chapter 5: please update asap..i will wait..
Anashim #2
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update:D
taranalove #3
Chapter 5: i love this so so much.................. please keep update this fic..... love to read this.. love it
Chapter 4: Thank you for the update. I'm crying right now but still loving this. I hope for a happy HoMin ending.
nam101 #5
Chapter 4: yunho sounds very coherent for someone who's drunk so it shouldn't be too bad in the morning. thank you for updating :)
Minniequeen #6
Chapter 4: Thank you for updating ><><
Whoaa I bet changmin must be blushing when he heard his hyung confession ~~
it was sad to know that yunho want to live seperately, but then the next scene is so lovely ~~

Can't wait the next chapter !^^
hope u can update asap and yesss please write longer xDxD
ohnoona #7
Chapter 4: ouhh so sad..i hope yunho still remember what he say to changmin..

homin fighting..
Chapter 4: Oh gosh I really hope yunho won't run away from changmin again
Yunho loves changmin, please confess and explain to changmin
Don't let changmin down again please coz he loves you too TTTT

Anyway really thank you for ur updating XD
Please continue to update and I hope you write longer kekekekekeke XD
Anashim #9
Chapter 4: I hope yunho will remember his confession to changmin, and their relationship will be fine again.
Even yunho's wall destroyed by changmin, why he avoided changmin in the first place? The feeling is mutual anyway when changmin kissed him.
Thank you for the update :D
Dont, abandoned this fic please, update once a month or when you have time.