The Confession


A/N: i am happy this story still has readers left.thank you all for sticking around and leaving comments of encouragement as an apology for the long hiatus here is the next chapter. 


Changmin is at a loss for words for the first time in his life that is saying a lot because he is a snarky little in normal situations. This is far from normal though, isn't it?

He shook himself out of the shock and darted towards his bedroom door opening it forcefully to run towards his hyung. He caught a sight of Yunho's retreating back towards his own bedroom

"Yunho, wait" he quickly moved to Yunho's bedroom before the older man slammed the door shut "are you serious?" he asked.

"yes Changmin, i am. I do not know if it is encouraged by the late night drinks we share or something my presence here obviously is causing you to feel things you normally wouldn't. We are too old to live together anyway" said Yunho with a stern look

Changmin stared at him for a while and blurted out "Bull-, you don't get to tell me how i feel. Fine, you can run away from it but don't tell me how i feel" a rage that he doesn't know he is capable of shook him all over suddenly.

"Look… Yunho, we lived together for how many years now? It doesn’t have to be like this. I am truly sorry for what happened and it will never happen again "Changmin searched his hyung’s eyes looking for the understanding he was craving for since that unfortunate day “I promise, okay. Never again” he finished head hanging low, feeling dejected all over again.

When Changmin looks up, Yunho was studying him with a masked look too intense for Changmin’s state of mind. He shuffled from one foot to another when the awkwardness became unbearable. Yunho continued to stare at him for a long while.

 “Please don’t leave me Yunho, not for a stupid mistake on my part.” Changmin added braving himself to look straight into his hyung’s eyes.

That boldness seemed to wake Yunho up from the trance he was in moving quickly to the bed he grabs the abandoned jacket laying there and walked past Changmin. He can hear the front door closing and the roar of Yunho’s car starting as he left the house.


Hours passed after Yunho stormed out of the house, Changmin is sitting down on his bed, phone at hand listening as his calls were forwarded to voice mail. He gave up trying to contact his hyung after the clock strikes midnight and decided to call it a night. Getting under the covers he wiggled a bit until he found a comfortable space and prayed for sleep to come sooner.

After tossing and turning for what he guessed is an hour, he gave up on sleep. He turned to lie down on his back and stared at his roof, too tired to think. Long minutes passed with him just staring and dozing when he heard the door of his bedroom being opened slowly.

He drags his head up and called “Yunho…?”

“yeah” came the reply from his hyung “may-I come inside?”

Yunho walked into the room while Changmin was sitting up, back resting on the headboard looking up expectantly.

“h-i-” slurred Yunho after stopping at the foot of Changmin’s bed. “Can I sit here?”

“uhm… sure, since when did you start asking for permission?” questioned a nerves Changmin.

“I’m drunk” giggled Yunho sending a shy look towards Changmin

Changmin rubbed his eyes at the site of his hyung, ears and chicks flushed from the alcohol he consumed “I can smell it” he said giving a small smile.

Instead of sitting the older man, dropped down to the bed with a ‘thud’ coming to lie down on the left side of Changmin head resting on his pillow and red eyes staring up at Changmin.

Concerned “are you okay, hyung?” Changmin asked.

“…Peachy…” came the reply from Yunho. “I am fine … I don’t know... I am not sure anymore” he continued.

He looked up again staring into Changming’s eyes for a moment a cheeky smile breaking out on his face “you look beautiful like this, all natural and hair messed up from sleep” almost as soon as the words left his mouth his hand came to brush a thumb on the soft skin under Changmin’s left eye.

Changmin shudders as the heat from that single contact washes all over his body it is ridiculous how such a small act can affect him. As much as he wanted to lean into that touch though he knows this is not the real Yunho doing it. So he gathered himself quickly moving away from the touch “hyung, you are drunk. You can get under the covers and sleep or I can help you to your room”.

Ignoring his words, Yunho just kept staring at him his extended hand suspended on air “do you know how hard it was for me to ignore you, all those years? Telling myself to stop, he is your friend your band-mate, your brother tried to will my aching heart away … do you Changmin?”

Changmin released a breath he didn’t know he was holding all he can manage to come up with is a pathetic “Yunho… what are you…?”

Yunho continued ignoring him, like he is talking to himself “You were so young then too, we both were. I thought it was just a little crush that can go away but it never did when I couldn’t hold back my feelings from growing bigger I thought about confessing to you confident your stern rejection will give me the strength to move on. I couldn’t do it. I didn’t have the courage you have Changmin”.

Yunho turned to his side now, facing Changmin “time works wonder though, I finally managed to work around it. I tamed my wild heart to listen to my brain. If the feelings cannot go away I was determined to ignore them… It worked too, so well in fact I could be myself around you act normal” the older man breathed again moving to hold Changmin’s fumbling hand closest to him. “But you had to ruin it all Changmin, shattering my carefully built walls away”.

The room falls to a deafening silence after that both men lost in their heads. Changmin can feel the heat radiating from his hand Yunho is holding but he is not looking towards his hyung, trying to avoid crumbling into pieces.

‘Is this a confession?’ Changmin gapes, lost for words again. ‘Could his feelings possibly be reciprocated?’ … ‘Nah, no way’, it’s shim Changmin we are talking about he would not miss something like that not from Yunho, the man is an open book once he trusts you enough to let you get close to him. Maybe he is dreaming this … must be.

A soft snore woke him up from his disgruntled thought reminding him that this is definitely not a dream. Of course, Yunho is snoring the man is drunk out of his wits.

Taking Yunho’s example, Changmin slides down to lie down properly on his back, tightening the hold on his hyung’s hand not wanting to let go just yet.

Sleep now, he will demand an explanation in the morning. Hope Yunho is not too drunk to remember what just happened.


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ohnoona #1
Chapter 5: please update asap..i will wait..
Anashim #2
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update:D
taranalove #3
Chapter 5: i love this so so much.................. please keep update this fic..... love to read this.. love it
Chapter 4: Thank you for the update. I'm crying right now but still loving this. I hope for a happy HoMin ending.
nam101 #5
Chapter 4: yunho sounds very coherent for someone who's drunk so it shouldn't be too bad in the morning. thank you for updating :)
Minniequeen #6
Chapter 4: Thank you for updating ><><
Whoaa I bet changmin must be blushing when he heard his hyung confession ~~
it was sad to know that yunho want to live seperately, but then the next scene is so lovely ~~

Can't wait the next chapter !^^
hope u can update asap and yesss please write longer xDxD
ohnoona #7
Chapter 4: ouhh so sad..i hope yunho still remember what he say to changmin..

homin fighting..
Chapter 4: Oh gosh I really hope yunho won't run away from changmin again
Yunho loves changmin, please confess and explain to changmin
Don't let changmin down again please coz he loves you too TTTT

Anyway really thank you for ur updating XD
Please continue to update and I hope you write longer kekekekekeke XD
Anashim #9
Chapter 4: I hope yunho will remember his confession to changmin, and their relationship will be fine again.
Even yunho's wall destroyed by changmin, why he avoided changmin in the first place? The feeling is mutual anyway when changmin kissed him.
Thank you for the update :D
Dont, abandoned this fic please, update once a month or when you have time.