The Kiss


A few weeks have passed since yunho's unfunny joke, at least to changmin they were unfunny, and things had not been the same.

It started with small things like not holding hands as often as they used to or feeling awkward when yunho casually drapes his arms around changmin's shoulder, because yunho loves to do that, then it escalated to, changmin going out of his way to avoid yunho. if they finish whatever is scheduled for them on that day he runs away to his other friends and comes back to their home when it is really late.

To make matters worse other colleagues were noticing this unusual behavior and changmin was not happy with the follow up question that usually came to his way. He wants to scream, we are fine, we are not fighting, I’m just having a midlife crises of sorts, at them but he can't do that because that' would be acknowledging there is a problem and he is not ready to do it.

Of course this is all on changmin's part. Who knew all it took was a simple prank to make him realize his feelings for his hyung were not as platonic as he thought. All those moments he enjoyed with him, sharing cloths, the bed, the cozy feeling he gets when they are sitting in a room together watching some sappy drama or some sport show, with a cold beer at hand, had deeper meanings.

What would yunho say if he finds out? He would punch him on the face or worse he would never talk to him again. Changmin would not blame him.

This is all he thinks about these days, except for the part where he spends his time drinking those thoughts away. Hence days like today, where he is sitting alone in the living room for once, sipping an already cold coffee, thinking what was wrong with him.

Right when the clock on the wall ticks 4 PM, he decided to quit feeling sorry for himself. He was about to get up and go for a quick late afternoon run when an exhausted looking yunho walks through the front door.

“Oh, there you are changmin, I was looking for you everywhere”

“Uh you were?” replied a startled changmin

“Yeah, I feel like I haven’t seen you for ages … is it me or is there something wrong?”

Well that is yunho for you, no going around the bush, straight to the point. “um, I think it is you” came changmin’s reply followed by an awkward laugh.

At that Yunho gave him his serious poker face, the face that makes changmin weak on the knees, and says “ changmin, this is not a joke, did I do something to offend you without me knowing it?”

“No, there is nothing wrong yunho .. I am just tired from our activities, I promise” said changmin trying to reassure his hyung.

“I don’t think so, because I know you for a long time now and you never gave me a cold shoulder, not once” said yunho sighing along the way. “I must have done something wrong. And I wish I knew what it was.”

“Trust me yunho, you did nothing … this is all on me and I’ll get over it soon." changmin hates making him feel like this, yunho is a person who blames himself for everything that goes wrong in his life.

Sighing again yunho dropped to the couch, next to changmin, and started rubbing his face with his hands; it almost makes it look like he was trying to rub the worries away.

“don’t lie to me chami, you know I hate lies”

“I’m not lying” comes the denial from changmin

“look, you have been avoiding me, ignoring my calls and messages, we don’t talk like we used to your words are reduced to yes and no’s when I ask you something, you don’t tell me where you go and spend hours at  night, you even stopped looking at me in the eye, like what you are doing right now.” Yunho took a pause to emphasize his point more and continues “If there is something wrong with you or me I need you to say it so we can fix it and be like we used to be.”

somewhere in the middle of yunho's speech about him being distant and secretive lately, the speech changmin was zooming in and out of, he did the only thing that he could think of at that moment, he inched forward closing the gap between them, grabbed yunho by the collar and kissed him, pouring all the bottled up emotions and feelings in to it.

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ohnoona #1
Chapter 5: please update asap..i will wait..
Anashim #2
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update:D
taranalove #3
Chapter 5: i love this so so much.................. please keep update this fic..... love to read this.. love it
Chapter 4: Thank you for the update. I'm crying right now but still loving this. I hope for a happy HoMin ending.
nam101 #5
Chapter 4: yunho sounds very coherent for someone who's drunk so it shouldn't be too bad in the morning. thank you for updating :)
Minniequeen #6
Chapter 4: Thank you for updating ><><
Whoaa I bet changmin must be blushing when he heard his hyung confession ~~
it was sad to know that yunho want to live seperately, but then the next scene is so lovely ~~

Can't wait the next chapter !^^
hope u can update asap and yesss please write longer xDxD
ohnoona #7
Chapter 4: ouhh so sad..i hope yunho still remember what he say to changmin..

homin fighting..
Chapter 4: Oh gosh I really hope yunho won't run away from changmin again
Yunho loves changmin, please confess and explain to changmin
Don't let changmin down again please coz he loves you too TTTT

Anyway really thank you for ur updating XD
Please continue to update and I hope you write longer kekekekekeke XD
Anashim #9
Chapter 4: I hope yunho will remember his confession to changmin, and their relationship will be fine again.
Even yunho's wall destroyed by changmin, why he avoided changmin in the first place? The feeling is mutual anyway when changmin kissed him.
Thank you for the update :D
Dont, abandoned this fic please, update once a month or when you have time.