Chapter o1.

Two Flavors

Two Flavors

Chapter o1. 

My long-awaited vacations are finally here. My parents let me go on a cruise with my best friend Lourdes and her parents.

Although Lourdes is very different from me, we get along really well. She is crazy and really bold, while I am quiet and reserved. If you compare our bodies, you will notice a big difference. Lola, like I call her, is taller than me, her body is slender and it gets your attention. And I... I am healthy. I mean, I'm not that flat like a surfboard, but certain parts of Lola protrude more than mine, like her s and , for example.

To be honest, I've never felt jealous about that. I'm really shy and if the boys look at me like they do with Lola, it would be too embarrassing.

The reason why Lola's parents decided to go on a cruise for vacation was for their anniversary celebration. They didn't want to leave their beloved Lourdes alone in vacations because it would be unfair for her, and she didn't want to be with her lovey dovey parents because that only would remember her how lonely she was. And when I say that, is because Lola was really sad because she broke up with her boyfriend, or I should say, ex-boyfriend. So she asked her parents to take me too.

I liked this. My friend and I were having a great time, we've been here for three days in this magnificent cruise and it was so much fun. It was supposed that the next day we set sail on the island of Jeju.

Lola and I sat at a bar that night to take a pina colada, but as soon as she finished, she went to the bathroom leaving me alone. I hate being alone at bars because strange men come to me and say weird things. Most of them are dirty old men.

But this time something unexpected happened. A tall extremely handsome boy walked to the bar and ordered a soda. Something told me that I had seen him before. He was so handsome, I couldn't take my eyes off him.

He also looked at me and our eyes met. He smiled! I've seen that smile before.

Of course!

I opened my mouth to say something but he talked first.

- Perhaps are you Lee ____?

What? He knows my name! He knows me!

I tried, I searched all my mind, but I couldn't recognize him although I was very sure I've seen him before.

- Come on! I'm Jongin. You don't remember me? We studied together in tenth grade.

Ahhh! Now I remember him! Kim Jongin!

- Oh! You are the one that danced in the school's festival and won first place.

I remembered that day. It was weird because I was used to see Jongin like a normal guy, but that day when I saw him dance he looked really different. It looked like he was another person and my heart went crazy when I saw him. That was the only time I felt such thing for that guy though.

He stopped smiling a bit and looked at the floor. But suddenly he looked at me again and a big smile appeared in his face.

- Yes. That was me. I thought you wouldn't remember me.

He looked a bit disappointed, I don't know why but I decided to ignore that. I was happy that it was him who came to me and not a stinky strange old man.

- It took me a little to remember but your face was familiar to me. I'm happy that I found you over here.

- Are you alone?

He asked this a bit shy. Typical of Jongin, that was why I was really surprised when I saw him dancing at the festival. He was too shy to do those... those sensual moves. And his face. His face looked like another one!

Although it was obvious that it was him, the expressions that he made while dancing were totally different from the shy Jongin. His expressions were no joke! That night he left all the girls in school with a war of hormones and I was one of them. But that was the only time that I felt like that. Now he is in front of me and I feel normal.

I saw Lola coming our way. I cleared my throat and pointed at her.

- I am with my friend. I think you'll remember her.

When she came to us he looked at her face. He looked her face! All men look at her s and then her face, and then her s again repeatedly, but he looked at her face, only her face.

- I remember her, but I don't know her name.

I don't know why, but Lola gave him an assassin look.

- How come you don't remember my name? I remember yours. You are Kim Jongin. I am Lourdes but you can call me Lola.

He just smiled, then looked at me.

- We are arriving Jeju tomorrow. Want to have breakfast with me before we arrive?

It seemed strange to me that he was inviting me so fast, because we just met again, but I took it as a friendly request so I accepted. We decided to meet at 6:30 in the morning. Lourdes was also invited, but knowing her, she won't be awake at that hour.

The truth is that Jongin is very, very, very shy. However, it was fun talking to him. We were practically talking alone because Lola left to dance at the dance floor with some cute boys. But I was comfortable with Jongin. He also didn't like to drink and I was a little shy, but not more than him, so we got along really well.

The next day I left my cabin to find Jongin. We were supposed to meet at the restaurant but I was surprised when I saw him at the foot of the stairs and he looked a little... no, a lot more different.

Last night his hair was brushed down. But now he had a middle parting in his hair and looked a bit uncombed. His clothes were very different too. Last night he had a black button-down shirt, dress pants and elegant shoes. Now he was wearing a gray t-shirt, ripped jeans and some converse. In one hand he held a Yankees cap. He looked so different. I don't know why, but I felt the same excitement as when I saw him dancing. He looked like the day of the festival.

I decided to go to him and say hello. I walked over him and stood right in front of him. He looked at me weird, but I smiled.

- I thought we were going to meet in the restaurant.

He looked at me weird again.

- Sorry?

He said it like he didn't understand anything.

- Kim Jongin! Yesterday in the bar you told me to eat breakfast with you before arriving in Jeju.

Everything got more confusing for me when he started to laugh. That laugh, y and cynical at the same time. How could this guy look so different from the overnight?

I heard somebody calling my name, so I turned around looking at the stairs and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

- ____, I told you to meet me in the restaurant. Why are you h---?

He stopped in his tracks, looking at the guy by my side, while I looked at him.

This is unbelievable. I had two Jongin's in front of me!



Hope you guys liked the first chapter! The more feedback we get, the faster I'll update it (:

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Chapter 1: I was about to write a same thing like you. A twin Jongin. But I guess Im a little bit late. Fighting for the next update ^^
Winterberry04 #2
Chapter 1: Update soon.