Chapter 8

The Curse of 4 Students

 B.I and Taeyeon went back to their class hand-in-hand.Yoona and Bobby 'Woo-ed' them and laughed while the two just blushed."Guys,we received a note."Yoona took out a note from her pocket."It said.'We gave you a way out.But,it is at OUR secret place.Not really a secret place but most people didn't go there.It will only activated till 00:00 a.m..Good luck'.Aish,I didn't even know that there is a place where I myself don't know."Taeyeon said.B.I found a box behind his back and quickly took it."Oh,it has 4 walkie-talkies.And a note too."B.I said and they look at it."It said that we have to separate."They froze after hearing his words."W-we could do it.If anything happen or if you guys found the secret place.Use it."Taeyeon gave them the walki-talkies and they separate their ways.Each of them fortunately has a torchlight.




 She headed toward canteen and sneakily crawled under the tables since there are 3 creatures in it."This is worst than ever."Taeyeon muttered.She saw the 4 long creature's arms were heading toward her table.'Sh*t!I should go to the other table.'I shall not use this bracelet first or else it will lost it's power.'Taeyeon thought and moved toward the kitchen door.Fortunately,there is a table nearby the door.When she was already in front of the door,she quietly open the door but she accudentally stepped on a stick that make an echoing sound.The creatureslooked at the door and found nothing.Fortunately Taeyeon already went inside.'That was so close.'She thought and continue searching.




 She was inside the scariest place ever.Lab science.Fortunately there is no creature in it.When she was searching for any secret door,the door open by itself....or maybe not.She looked behind her and saw that the creature was looking around.She quickly squatted and crawled toward the exit door aftershe found nothing in it except the creature and some tables.Also a skeleton and some science equipments.She stood up and just as she wanted to open the door,she heard a growling sound.She turn around and saw the creature is looking at her.'I'm doom.'She hold her bracelet and chant the words.She open her eyes and saw nothing in front of her.She quickly ran and thought.'Now,I have to wait for 10 minutes before the power is full.'She sighed.




 He went to the library.The place where he hate the most in this school.When he enter,it's silent gave him a creep and he hate it.He saw from afar,a book from horror section was glowing.He went passed the adventure section and got trouble at the fiction section.He saw the creature was throwing the books all over the floor.And all over direction.'Two more sections and I get the book.'B.I thought.He quietly walked toward the science section and hid besjde the shelf.He heard the growl getting near.B.I quickly ran toward the horror section and grabbed the book.He saw a big box and quickly hid in it.He heard the geowling sound getting near and it suddenly faded.He heard the door slammed.The creature already went away.He saw at the cover of the book it write.'Go to the rooftop'.He told the others.




 He was in the music room.He looked behind the curtain.Inside the store and many more.Just when he wanted to went out from the music room,he heard the growling sound behind him.'Sh*t,my bracelet power is still zero! Ugh..'He thought and quickky looked around him.He saw a big violin and quickky grabbed it.He turned around and smashed the creature's head.He hit the body and legs and arms.He pant and threw the violin."Huh,that's tiring.He suddenky saw two box and quickly took it.He read the note."These are friendship bracelets.You can give it to your friends as a prize for killing the creature! What? There is a prize everytime we kill the creature? Wow,this is totally daebak!"He said excitedly.That when he received the message from B.I.


 Four of them went to the rooftop and saw a door that Doraemon always use to transport to another place.They laughed and before that,Bobby gave them the bracelet."Where did you get these bracelets."B.I asked and Bobby grinned."I killed a creature and saw this box in that thing body.Their face totally showed disgust."Whatever,let's go inside the door."Yoona said.They open the door and saw light only.When they enter,they suddenly woke up and found that they are on their bed.They smile victoriously.

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Aww~ They already confess to each other! It will not be long till the last chapter! Maybe 2 or 3 more chapters??


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LuYoona #1
Chapter 7: bobby and yoona so cute
Nadyangela #2
Chapter 10: Waitt, i somehow didn't understand this chapter thus it is very short author-nim T.T
Nadyangela #3
Chapter 9: Oh wait so Hyuna is telling a story to KkwonSoh all this time ? Been fangirling to B.I and Taeng to much and suddenly forgot how it begins >.<

Please update soon!! I'm anticipating the end of this story :3
Nadyangela #4
Chapter 8: WAITT? Dont tell me this is the end author-nim ? T.T
Btw b.i and taeyeon thooo :3
Nadyangela #5
Chapter 7: Aahhh its so short and fast >.<
anyway update soon please!!
Nadyangela #6
Chapter 6: Aww so cute :3
Author-nim pls make it longet XD
btw update soon!! So intresting ;D
Nadyangela #7
Chapter 3: Aww finally my bias xD
well honestly i wish tae will be with b.i but it's up to u author-nim :3
Btw it is too short >.<

Update soon, hwaiting!!!
omg taeyeon & bobby are my ubs for snsd & ikon respectively. & then yoona and b.i omg!!!