Chapter 7

The Curse of 4 Students

 They went 'hunting' for foods around the school.Their foods got stole by a dog and they received a letter that Jongin gave them new foods.They were already exhausted after only searching at Block A.Their school have 3 blocks."Let's divide.Me and Yoona.You and Taeyeon."Bobby said and they agreed.B.I and Taeyeon went to Block B while Bobby and Yoona went to Block C.


*B.I and Taeyeon*


 It was creepy in there like super creepy.They often heard growling from the mystic creature.Taeyeon hold onto B.I's arm tightly."It's scary."Taeyeon whispered.Just when they wanted to turn left,B.I saw the creature at the hallway where they were heading.He quickly pushed Taeyeon and lean their back on the wall."That was a close one."Taeyeon said and continue walking.They saw a box on a table in a class."That's the food."B.I said and he pointed at the food.They took it and saw a note."It say.'This room is save.If you want to eat it,eat it.Bobby and Yoona will find another box of foods'."They finished reading it and quickly closed the door and took the foods.


 "It has donuts,soda and a bucket of ice cream."Taeyeon was delightful when she saw the ice cream and quickly stuff it in her stomach."Taeyeon,you smeared the ice cream on your cheek."B.I pointed at Taeyeon's cheek and chuckled.Taeeeon wiped it but it still re.ainon the same spot."It's here."B.I said and lean closer.He wiped Taeyeon's cheek.They looked at each other's eyes."Taeyeon."B.I said.Still mesmerized in Taeyeon's eyes."Nae?"Taeyeon also still looking at him."Actually,I like you."B.I said that made Taeyeon snap."W-what?"Taeyeon widen her eyes but then she smile."Ofcourse I'll accept."She said and they giggled.


*Bobby and Yoona*


 They already found the food but they only have to go back to their usual class."Ah!"Yoona shrieked when they saw the creature was charging toward them.They quickly chant whils holding their bracelet.In a blink of eyes,it disappear."Let's go back quickly."Bobby said and they ran toward the class.Wben they arrived,they got no sign of B.I and Taeyeon."They've not arrive yet."Yoona said and sat on the ground while panting.Exhausted because of the running the just did.They took a bite of the foods and doze off.When they woke up,theydidn't saw B.I and Taeyeon.'Unnie is still not here?'Yoona thought and just sighed.


 After a minute,Bobby awoke."I'm bored.B.I and Taeyeon is still not here."Yoona sajd and they sighed.They build a castle in the air first and Yoona suddenly broke it."Do you have crush?"She suddenly asked.Bobby looked at her weirdly."Wae?"He squinted his eyes toward Taeyeon."Ani,I know tbat Taeyeon has a crush on B.I.So,I want to know yours."Yoona said."Really?! She told you that?'Bobby said and they laughed while clapping like a seal."Okay,back go my question."Yoona atared at Bobby."I have a crush"He said and Yoona widen her eyes.Totally dumbfounded."I acceptyour proposal."Yoona said and they laughed just because of  a proposal.



A/N :Just a chapter full of their moments!! Hope ypu enjoy?

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Aww~ They already confess to each other! It will not be long till the last chapter! Maybe 2 or 3 more chapters??


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LuYoona #1
Chapter 7: bobby and yoona so cute
Nadyangela #2
Chapter 10: Waitt, i somehow didn't understand this chapter thus it is very short author-nim T.T
Nadyangela #3
Chapter 9: Oh wait so Hyuna is telling a story to KkwonSoh all this time ? Been fangirling to B.I and Taeng to much and suddenly forgot how it begins >.<

Please update soon!! I'm anticipating the end of this story :3
Nadyangela #4
Chapter 8: WAITT? Dont tell me this is the end author-nim ? T.T
Btw b.i and taeyeon thooo :3
Nadyangela #5
Chapter 7: Aahhh its so short and fast >.<
anyway update soon please!!
Nadyangela #6
Chapter 6: Aww so cute :3
Author-nim pls make it longet XD
btw update soon!! So intresting ;D
Nadyangela #7
Chapter 3: Aww finally my bias xD
well honestly i wish tae will be with b.i but it's up to u author-nim :3
Btw it is too short >.<

Update soon, hwaiting!!!
omg taeyeon & bobby are my ubs for snsd & ikon respectively. & then yoona and b.i omg!!!