Chapter 5

The Russian Doll

'That really hit the spot' Suho sighed after consuming a foot long sandwich. He seriously thought he was about to die from hunger. He leaned back on his chair and just enjoyed the window view of his seat. It was a sunny autumn day with sunlight streaming into the cafe. Plus, it was a slow day for the cafe so it was quiet and peaceful. For a long time or what seemed like it, Suho hadn't felt this at peace. He got out a novel he was about to finish, meaning to make the most out of this beautiful morning. Imagine his annoyance when his phone started to ring. He wouldn't have answered it if hadn't seen the caller ID on the screen. 

'What's up Kyungsoo?'

'Come back home now' Kungsoo answered

'Wha-? Why?'

'Get your back home NOW!! Don't make me ask twice' then he hung up

'Huh? what in the world?' Suho thought. What was wrong with Kyungsoo? I better get home before that lil does something wrong' Suho sighed as he got up from his comfortable seat, gabbed his coat and briskly walked out of the cafe. He hurriedly got on a bus and headed to the dorm.

All through the journey back, Suho kept thinking about what Kyungsoo might want that was so urgent and made him sound so angry. That Kyungsoo is always up to some shenanigans. When he reached at his stop, he quickly unboarded the bus and quickly climbed up the stairs to his dorm. He unlocked the door and let himself in.

'Heyh Kyungsoo, I'm ba-'

A glass suddenly smashed at the wall, nearly hitting him.

'KYUNGSOO!!! WHAT THE FU-' this time a vase hurtled towards him. With cat like reflexes, Suho managed to duck.

Suho stared at Kyungsoo in shock and anger. 'What the hell is wrong with you Do Kyungsoo?' Suho yelled

'Where is she??!!!!' Kyungsoo screamed as he stared at Suho with full of venom. The whole dorm was in a mess. Books and papers scattered everywhere, ornaments all smashed to the ground, furniture all upturned and damaged.

'Where  is what?'

'Don't act dumb. I know you took her. Now give her back!!!!'

'You mean your doll? Why on earth would I want to take your goddamn doll Kyungsoo? It's just a useless piece of wood

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Cloudless94 #1
Anger's next....
Cloudless94 #2
Chapter 2: Don't let it be death>.<