Chapter 4

The Russian Doll

Suho's mouth was agape at what he saw in front of him. There Kyungsoo was, kneeling on the ground, blood on the floor. wasn't his blood. Suho's gaze fell on the lifeless body of the dog. It's head was in an abnormal positon as if it's head was snapped back. Blood was flowing out of it's neck until there was a pool of red surrounding  it's body. 'Kyungsoo? B-buddy?' Suho whispered. He could see Kyungsoo visibly shaking. 'What happened Soo??' Suho asked. 'I'm sorry....I'm so sorry' Kyungsoo said, suddenly crying. 'Soo, what did you do? What happened?' Suho cautiously put his hand on Kyungsoo's shoulder. 'HE WAS TRYING TO HURT MY DOLL' Kyungsoo suddenly looked and and screamed. 'He was trying to get to my doll and hurt her' Kyungsoo cradled the doll in his arms like a baby. His hands were bloodied and scratched badly. The doll had changed it's face once again. It now had a sad face with two tear drops running down the right eye. But Suho was too concerned over Kyungsoo hysterical state to be bothered about the doll.

'I had to do it' Kyungsoo whimpered, clutching the doll to his chest 'Or the dog would've hurt my doll'

'Kyungsoo, the dog wasn't trying to hurt it. It was just trying to play'

'No,no, no, it wanted to hurt my doll' Kyungsoo said, tears rolling down his eyes. 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt it. I'm Sorry, please forgive me' he said over and over again. 

'He's really distraught' Suho thought. 'It's okay Soo. Here, let's get you cleaned up. You go wash up ok. C'mon give me the doll, I'll clean it up for you.' Suho offered, trying to take the doll from Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo looked at Suho with a dead gaze, as if warning him to take his hands off his precious doll. Suho, slightly scared now quickly removed his hands from it. Kyungsoo quietly went into the bathroom and locked himself in it.

Suho sighed. 'What is going on?' he thought, rubbing his face.

Suho went back to the living room and scooped up the dead dog, put it into a box and went outside to bury it in the ground. He said a slight prayer for the dog. He actually had grown quite attached to the cute dog. Pity. When he got back, he noticed Kyungsoo had already went inside his room. Suho got the mop and a pail to clean the bloody mess of the floor.. while he was cleaning, he could hear Kyungsoo softly crying in his room. Suho sighed, 'I'm too young for this ' he thought and went on cleaning the mess. By the time he had finished, he was bone tired and couldn't wait to get back to bed. he quickly went to get some sleep before his alarm rang. He was so sleepy and tired, he didn't notice that the previous layer of the doll was placed at the side of his room door.


Suho whamed his hand on the alarm clock to cease the annyoing sound of the alarm clock. '5 more minutes' he thought groggily. He then fell back into deep sleep again. By the time he decided to check the clock just in case, it was already 9.00 am. '!!' Suho cursed. Class started in 15 minutes. His professor was going to kill him. He stumbled out of bed and almost tripped over his pajama pants.Suho changed into his clothes like hs life depended on it. He didn't even bother to brush his hair and proceeded to brush his teeth in 30 seconds. When he went to get his carrier bag, he noticed the doll at the foot of his door. 'Whatever, if Kyungsoo wants to creep me out like this whatever' he thought and zipped out of the dorm. 

By the time he got to class, he was already 15 minutes late. He meekly peeped into his lecture hall. His professor who had already proceeded with the lecture gave him a deadly glare, obviously not appreciating the fact that his lecture was interrupted by a tardy student. 'Quickly take your seat Mr. Suho' the professor said severely. 'Yes sir' Suho quietly said and walked up the steps of the hall to his seat. Suho swore he could feel his back burning from the professor's intense stare. All the students were looking at him as if he had just murdered someone. 'As I was saying before being interrupted...'. Suho cringed. 'I'm going to kill Kyungsoo when I get back' he swore and went on to taking notes from the lecture. 

3 hours later

The professor had finished his lecture and already gave the students their weekly assignments. Suho wanted to quickly get to the university's cafe and buy something to eat. He hadn't taken his breakfast because and now he was starving. he was about to leave the hall when....

'Suho? Can I see you for a minute? the professor called. Suho gronaed. Was it possible to starve to death in a minute? Suho felt like he could prove that theory right.

'Yes professor?' Suho said, trying to smile. ' I swear if it's for my tardiness, I swear I'm going flip'

'I want to talk to you Suho' the professor said peering at Suho through his glasses

'Sir, if this is about my tardiness then I want to apologized. You see I got up late because I was spending the whole night trying to clean-'

'Wait Suho. Let me talk first'. Suho quickly clamped up his mouth

'I'm concerned for you Suho. You're one of my best students and lately I've noticed you being distracted, not concentrating in my lectures and even sometimes falling asleep at the back of the hall. What's wrong Suho? Is everything okay?' the professor asked, his face concerned.

'It's nothing professor. I've just been....tired and disturbed lately. I'll work harder. I promise'

'Suho, I can see that it's more than just nothing. Mind telling me what's been getting to you lately?

Suho sighed. Should he tell his professor it's nothing or tell him what's been bothering him?.....He chose the latter

'Well, it's something that's going to be hard to believe and I don't expect you to believe but, lately something's going on with my room mate.'

'What's wrong with him?

'His strange behaviour all started when I bought a doll at a night market. It was a really pretty doll so I decided to keep it. Ever since I bought it, my room mate, Kyungsoo has been acting very weird and honestly it's freaking me out. His emotions change very suddenly and it's usually a very exxagerated display of whatever emotions he was feeling at that current moment'

'Do you think maybe he's having a bipolar condition?

'I've thought about that but it doesn't seem likely because he's never had any history of any kind of abnormal conditions before and I've known Kyungsoo for a very long time and this is the first time I've seem him acting so strange.'

'Hmmm, can I ask what kind of doll did you buy?'

'It''s a Russian nesting doll. The type were there are multiple layers inside one doll. I bought it from a Russian guy at the night market. Why?'

The professor's face suddenly turned very serious and dark, 'It's just that...the doll that you mentioned are sometimes do I put this?...spiritually unstable.?

'What do you mean sir?

'What I mean is that these dolls are favorite haunts of a certain kind of spirits. In Russian they are called shchupal'tsami, The Feelers. These spirits each have different emotions decipitating the 7 emotions of the human. Each one can manipulate the feelings of the owner of the doll and each one equally as dangerous as it can leave the owner very emotionally unstable and can make them do reckless things. It seems your friend has been haunted by these spirits. You must try to pry the doll away from your friend. If you don't, this can only end very badly. You must not let the final Feeler get hold of your friend's emotion. That one is usually the most wicked and dangerous. Quick! You must hurry back and stop the doll from manipulating your friend. Hurry!

'Wait, how am I suppose to believe that all of this is true? Spirits? Haunted doll? I'm sorry sir but I'm not sure I can belive all of this.'

'I'm just telling you what I know Suho. I am afraid your friend will do the unthinkable. But if you don't belive me it's fine. Just keep a close eye on your friend'

'Okaaaay..well, thank you for your advise sir. I'll be on my way'

'Goodbye Suho. Be safe'

'I will..and sir?'


'How do you know so much about the doll?'

'Well, I'm Russian. Before I came here to be an English professor, I used to live in Russia'

'I see, well thanks again. See you soon sir' Suho waved and left

'I hope so, Suho. I really hope so too' the professor shook his head sadly as he watched Suho disappear into the hallway



I'm sorry for killing the dog!!!!! T_T trust me it hurt me a lot when i had to kill it to keep the story going. don't  be mad at me /hides in a closet. Anyways, sorry for taking longer than i said i would. i haven't been feeling well lately and had no inspiration to write this chapter until now. i hope you enjoyed and understood it though. forgive me if you think this is a crappy chapter. i hope i'll do better the next time round. FYI the whole haunted russian doll concept was entirely made up so don't freak out if you own one. i'm sure theyre pretty harmless.....i hope. well, thats all i have to say for now byeeeee


PS; thank you whoever subscribes to this fic. i dont know why you would even want to read my sad excuse of a horror fic. anyway your subscribtions are much appreciated and hope you anticipate the next chapter^^ byesie byes

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Cloudless94 #1
Anger's next....
Cloudless94 #2
Chapter 2: Don't let it be death>.<