Chapter 2

The Russian Doll

'I'm gonna take the trash out ok? You do the dishes' Kyungsoo said. Quite the bossy lil minx, that Kyungsoo

'But I hate doing the dishes!!! Kyungsoo man, you know that' Suho whined

'Tough' Kyungsoo smirked

Suho glared at the shorter male, wishing he could sock him one on the head. But he knew better than to do that. Kyungsoo was quite the fighter despite his dimunitive size. He was capable of leaving bruises that last.

'Fine' Suho gave in. 'Go take the damn trash out'

Whether he liked it or not, Suho got on with the dishes while Kyungsoo bundled up the garbage and went downstairs to throw it out. After completing the task he went into his room to finish reading the literature assignment he had.

Suho, being so engrossed in reading he lost track of time. It was already past 11 by the time he went out of the room to get a drink. He made another cup of tea for Kyungsoo in case he needed a drink. He's probably in his room having a Game of Thrones marathon again. Suho knocked on Kyungsoo's closed door.

'Kyungsoo? Open the door, I brought some tea for you.'

No answer

'Kyungsoo? C'mon man, open up. Pry your damn googly eyes away from the screen for one second and open the door'


Suho was getting annoyed. What in the world was that gremlin doing? He tried the doorknob on Kyungsoo's door. It wasn't locked. Suho entered into Kyungsoo's dark room. He obviously wasn't in here. Suho tried the bathroom. No sign of Kyungsoo. Suho was starting to panic. Where was Kyungsoo?  Don't tell me he hasn't returned from disposing the garbage. But that was hours ago. Maybe he went out to buy something? But he definitely would've told Suho or at least sent him a text'. Suho checked his phone. No missed calls. No text messages. Suho hit the speed dial to Kyungsoo's number. A familiar ringtone was heard at the living room. Dammit he didn't take his phone. 'That's it. I 'm gonna have to go look for him'. Suho grabbed his jacket and rushed to the door. He opened the door and screamed.

There was Kyungsoo.

Suho clutched his chest and breathed. He almost had a heart attack.

'DUDE!! Where on God's green earth have you been? What took you so long to throw one bag of trash? It's been hours!

'Nothing' Kyungsoo mumbled

'What do you mean nothing? Wait, what do you have in your hand? You didn't throw the trash away? Then what took you so long?

Kyungsoo didn't answer. He just stared at the floor 

'Kyungsoo? Talk to me buddy. Why are you so pale? Wh-...wait is that my doll you're holding? Why did you bring it along? I thought you hated the thing?

'I like it' Kyungsoo mumbled without breaking his gaze from the floor

'Ok, whatever. I don't know why you're acting so weird but don't ever disappear like that again. Geez'

Kyungsoo just shuffled into his room and closed the door behind him

Suho watched as his room mate shut himself in his room. He turned and stared at the bundle of trash on the floor. He sighed and picked it up to dispose of it downstairs.

When he returned to the dorm, he heard laughter emanating from Kyungsoo's room. He knocked on the door and entered to see Kyungsoo huddled up on his swivel chair laughing at a show he was watching on his laptop. He had never heard Kyungsoo laugh at movie or show before even if it was a comedy. But it wasn't the case now. He was laughing at a horror movie. Suho knew that film really well since it was the one that made him have sleepless nights. 

'Errr...Kyungsoo?' Suho called timidly

Kyungsoo swiveled his chair around to face Suho. KYungsoo's laughter suddenly ceasing. Now he was definitely weirded out when he saw Kyungsoo hugging the Russian doll in his arms like it was a precious baby. Suho backed away in slight fear when he saw the doll had changed it's expression. The doll now had hearts for it's eyes.

'Whatcha doing there Kyungsoo buddy?' Suho asked nervously

'I'm watching The Grudge. It's so funny how everyone is just being killed by the ghost' Kyungsoo without expression

Suho was definitely creeped out now.

'Well, about your business Kyungsoo. I'll leave you to it' Suho backed away quickly and shut the door behind him. He could hear Kyungsoo suddenly heard continuing to laugh at what maybe the next person in the movie to be killed. Suho tried calming himself down. 'Maybe Kyungsoo was just tired. He acts really crazy when he's tired' Suho reasoned. 'But that doesn't explain his sudden attachment to his doll. Suho decided to just let it slide. He was about to enter his room when his eye caught something at the living room. It was the original expression of the Russian doll. The one with the jolly expression. Suho picked it up from the mantelpiece and examined it. 'Strange' he thought. He shrugged, put it back and went into his room to sleep.

Meanwhile in Kyungsoo's room



'I wonder what's next'





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Cloudless94 #1
Anger's next....
Cloudless94 #2
Chapter 2: Don't let it be death>.<