Chapter 1

The Russian Doll

Suho was casually walking through the streets of Seoul. It was a nice evening with perfect weather he noticed. It was nice to stop rushing around once in awhile. As a university student with no guranteed means of commute to classes and lectures, he was rushing around more than he'd like to. So, a stroll like this was more than welcomed. While walking, he stumbled unto a night market. 'Oh sweet' he thought, he hadn't went to one of these markets in like....forever. He checked his watch, 6.00 pm. It wasn't too late. He could still afford some time. Maybe he'll buy back some dinner for his room mate Kyungsoo. Market eats were very promising. An hour and a half later, enjoying all the market had to offer, he had bought a promising array of street food for him and Kyungsoo plus a few nice things for himself. It was a splurge he could hardly afford most of the time, but hey, it was a one time thing. He was ready to leave. While exiting the market, he stumbled unto a stall he hadn't seen when he was entering the market. He didn't take much notice of it when he spotted a Russian doll. It was beautiful, Suho thought. He picked it up and examined it. The doll was very intricately painted and designed. A true masterpiece. It looked old but it was in very good condition, just a little dirty. As a person with a penchant for antiques, he decided he had to have it. He looked around for the owner of the stall. He saw a crouched old man at the corner.

'Er, excuse me. How much for this doll?' he called

The man looked up. He was a foreign man. Definitely not Asian.

'Vhat you vant?' the man said in English with a heavy Russian accent

'Oh, he speaks English' Suho, the English major thought

'I was wondering how much you would like for this doll' Suho said, this time in English

'Oh, you speak English, yes? Very good. Zhis doll iz veryyyyy speciaul. It iz a matryoshka doll. A verrrrryyy speciaul doll, this van. Yes, yes verryyy speciaul indeed, no? the old man smiled

'It is very beautiful' Suho smiled, 'How much is it?'

'Oh, it iz my family heirloom but I do not vant it anymore. Er, you can take it, yes? For...for 2000 von'

Suho could hardly believe the price. I mean he was happy that it was so cheap because trust me, his pockets were getting pretty shallow by now but he was a bit confused as to why the shopkeeper wanted him to have it for such a low price. It was so beautiful. It must cost a fortune. It was a family heirloom too.

'Sir, are you sure you want to sell this for that price?

'Yes, yes, I vant you to have it. You iz nice boy. You take it. Pleaze I do not vant it anymore. I have been trying to get rid of it for yearz now. Pleaze take it. It iz of no value to me'

'Thank you so much, sir.' Suho said happily 

'It iz no problem, boy. You are doing zis old man a favor. Thank you'

Suho paid the man with the remaining money he had and happily took off

'Vait boy!' the old man called

He turned around. 'Yes sir?'

'I vant to tell you to be cairful around it. Be very cairful. Do not let other people to go near it or touch it ok? And alzo DO NOT open it'

'Ok sir, will do'

'Remember, no opening that zhing, yes? Da svi danya boy. Good luck'

'Ok bye'. Strange, why so many warnings. He probably still has some sentimental value to it maybe. Well, I'll take good care of it. Suho thought

He examined the doll closely once again. The doll had a jolly smile on its face. He smiled. What a lucky catch



When he reached home, his room mate Kyungsoo was lying on the couch watching TV. He got up when he saw Suho come back.

'Dude, where have you been? You were suppose to be home an hour ago.'

'What are you? My mom? Cool it Kyungsoo. I just went to the night market downtown and got us some grub for dinner.'

Kyungsoo's face lit up at the mention of dinner.

'Then let's eat' he beamed


After dinner, Suho decided to show Kyungsoo his doll. 

'Hey Kyungsoo. Look at this neat doll I got from the market just now.' Suho said showing the doll to Kyungsoo

'Suho, you're just wasting your money with all these useless crap. Besides, that thing is filthy. Throw it out'

'No Kyungsoo, I got a damn good price for this and I'll be blown if I'm gonna throw it away.'

'But it's creepy. C'mon Suho, you know I have a phobia of these things'

'Quit being a scaredy cat Kyungsoo, it's just a doll. You've been watching too many horror films. This thing is staying and that's final'

'Geez, just get that thing as far away from me as possible'

'Hmmm, maybe I'll put it right on the mantelpiece right above the TV' Suho grinned wickedly

'Suho, NO! I watch TV and I will jot have that thing stare at me'

Suho took no heed and placed in on the mantelpiece and walked away cackling

'DAMN YOU SUHO!!' Kyungsoo yelled.

Kyungsoo stared at the doll uneasily. 'I'll get rid of you alright. One way or another' he whispered

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Cloudless94 #1
Anger's next....
Cloudless94 #2
Chapter 2: Don't let it be death>.<