The Origin

My Lovable Girl Part 2
The Origin
The Origin

Since Krystal was a young girl, she had enjoyed listening to Rain’s pop songs. He had been her role model since young, even when she was living in America, and she vowed that one day, she would become as great a dancer and singer as he was. However, life had worked another way for her, and she had ended up at SM entertainment with her sister, Jessica. She never expected that she would have the chance to meet him, let alone act as his love interest. She knew that he was dating Kim Tae Hee, and that their relationship was very strong. She also knew that he was 12 years older than her, but this didn't stop her from falling in love with him. Everytime he had contact with her, be it on screen or off screen, her heart thumped wildly, and she experienced passion and feelings that she had never felt before. All these feelings helped her to act very realistically and she was always excited to come to filming, regardless of how tiring her schedule was. 

She had always thought that this was a one-sided interest on her part, but ever since that particular kiss scene, she could not stop wondering if Rain had ever thought of her as a woman. The more she thought, the more she was convinced that he liked her back, at least partially. "This drama was the first drama he accepted when he left the army, and I know for a fact that he got a lot of drama offers, so why did he choose this one? There was also that time when we went out for a cast dinner after the script reading, he purposely sat opposite me and helped me to cook meat before he even started eating. There was also one time when I caught him staring intently at me! What do you think all this means, Oppa?" Krystal sat up and stared at Myungsoo, who had all this while kept silent. His eyes had a wistful, faraway look, but at her question the look disappeared and was replaced with a bright smile. "Well, from my diverse relationship experience, I would say that hyung is very caring towards you, but whether or not he has interest in you...I'm really not sure." Krystal sighed and leaned on Myungsoo's shoulder. "Oppa, what do I do? I know that all this may just be wishful thinking on my part and that Bi Oppa already has a great girlfriend, but I can't stop wishing that my fantasy isn't just a fantasy. Ahhh how am I gonna face him in the next few filmings..." As Krystal continued lamenting, Myungsoo continued to smile and comfort her, but his thoughts drifted to 10 years before. 

It was a cold winter day, but colder than the weather was young Myungsoo's heart. He was 12 at the time, and his introvert personality had already surfaced. He had found it very difficult to make friends, especially after he transferred high schools when his family moved. On his first day of school, he had been picked out by the school bully because his good looks were attracting the girls. He was dragged to the park and beaten up. The bullies had left him there, alone, crouched under a withered tree with a bleeding nose. It was orignally one of the worst and loneliest days of his life, but someone changed that. A handkerchief appeared magically in front of him, and when he looked up, he saw a girl with a sweet face staring at him kindly. "Oppa, do you want to hold this to your nose? You're bleeding!" He was so stunned by this act of kindness that he continued staring at the girl. Seeing that he wasn't reacting, the girl used the handkerchief and gently wiped the blood from his nose. She even took out another handkerchief and wiped away the blood from the scratches on his face. "It's cold out, Oppa, you should be going home soon!" He looked at her curiously, wondering how someone as young as her had the boldness to approach strangers and help them. Her parents suddenly called from behind her. "Soo Jung ah! Come here, we need to go home!" She nodded at her parents and got up from where she was squatting. Myungsoo grabbed her hand before she left, wanting to thank her, and she put something in his hand. "I have another one at home and it encourages me a lot, keep it Oppa, fighting!" She ran off to her parents before he could say a word and disappeared as quickly as she had come. He looked at the trinket she had given him, it was a guitar shaped keychain with the words "If you dream it, you can do it" Tears came into his eyes and from then on, this girl's face was engraved in his mind. 

"Oppa! Are you listening?" Krystal shook Myungsoo, who looked dazed and dreamy. "Oh i'm sorry, what were you saying?" He smiled quickly to hide his emotions and gestured for Krystal to go on. 

*Hey everyone! Thank you for reading and subscribing hehehe please do leave comments (be it good or bad, but pls haha constructive criticism!) Thank you  and I hope you enjoy the story :) 

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soojungie94 #1
Chapter 20: OMG this is the best myungstal story I read so far!!!!!!!!!!!!
krystalshipper #2
Thank you for writing this amazing story :D
esther512 #3
I wish Soojung and Myungsoo can really date each other*sigh* Good job author-nim:)
ByunEvelyn95 #4
Chapter 20: OMG this is the greatest MyungStal fanfic I've ever read!!! It caused so much emotion for me, i ship them a lot! :"D Thanks for making this perfect story!! Pls keep going and make another perfect Myungstal fanfic. Much love! <3 <3 <3
chaeminjuliette #5
Chapter 20: aww its finished!
thank you authornim for writing such a good fanfic. ^^
im a shipper of Myungstal! hihi
Chapter 20: A happy myungstal indeed.. d=(´▽`)=b
Zartree #7
Chapter 20: Aww such a cute ending
Chapter 20: Hehe thanks for sweet and happy ending authornim...finally myungstal reunite again :D
I'll waiting ur next story, it's still krystal with myungsoo or other idol couple??
Chenda #9
Chapter 20: A very happy ending indeed...
KhunKrystal #10
Chapter 20: Happy ending finally!!! I really like this story. I love how you try to make up the storyline based on the reality. Krystal and Myungsoo were so loveable here, and they ended up together. Aweeeee :) Thanks for writing this story. My Myungstal feels <3333