The Depression

My Lovable Girl Part 2
The Depression
The Depression

For the next few days, Krystal wandered around like a living zombie. She ate and slept and practiced and acted as per normal, but there wasn't any life in her eyes. It was a good thing that the filming for My Lovable Girl was coming to an end, because Krystal really could not bring herself to see Myungsoo anymore. Her heart hurt everytime she looked at him, especially because she had to be careful not to have any contact with him that could be viewed suspiciously. It ended up with Krystal avoiding Myungsoo everytime she could and creating a very tense atmosphere between them. Rain noticed the tension and the pent up sadness in the both of them so he cornered Krystal after filming one day. "Krystal, what happened between you and L sshi? Weren't things going well for you?" Krystal shook her head, taking care not to look at Rain. Although she was well over her crush on him, they had not gone back to being comfortable friends yet. "Ani Oppa, nothing happened. Nothing at all." She walked off quickly before he could continue to ask and escaped in her van. 

Myungsoo watched Krystal leave with a heavy heart. Although he had told the presidents that they had decided to breakup, he knew very well that it wasn't what they had agreed on, and it wasn't something that the both of them were ready for. He closed his eyes in frustration and despair. "I told you to trust me but I have no idea what I'm going to do to resolve this situation..." He muttered softly under his breath. "Please...Krystal...just be patient and trust me...I'll save our relationship..." 

Myungsoo slumped on the floor tiredly. Sungjong handed him a bottle of water in concern. "Hyung are you okay? You look very tired. Is the filming going okay?" The maknae asked sweetly. Infinite F had been practicing for their upcoming debut the past few days and Sungjong was worried that the constant practices and busy schedules had gotten to Myungsoo. Myungsoo smiled slightly and shook his head as he recalled the awkward filming atmosphere. In one of the scenes, he had to kiss Krystal on the cheek playfully while they took a selca, and while it would have normally been a very natural action for him, he found it very hard to do so because of the current circumstances. When he leaned close to Krystal and inhaled her fragrant scent, his heart sank, just as it did whenever he thought about their forced breakup. He also felt Krystal's body stiffen when he approached, making him further unable to complete the scene. It took them several takes to finish it and they were even reprimanded by the director. 

"Then what happened, Myungsoo ah?" Sungyeol sat down next to them, asking curiously. He had observed Myungsoo's odd behavior the past few days and knew that it was probably not just the result of stress. "Wait, is it regarding those dating rumors? Don't worry about that, it'll pass with time." Myungsoo's eyes flickered towards Sungyeol. Somehow his best friend always knew what was on his mind. "The rumors will pass with time, but my feelings won't. I promised her that I would take care of the situation and told her to trust me, but now that i've told the presidents that we've broken up, I really don't know what to do." 
"WHAT? You told them that y'all had broken up? Why would you do such a foolish thing Hyung?" Sungjong's unexpected outburst shocked them all. "Yah..don't yell at your hyung, he's feeling bad enough already. Why did you do it though?" Sungyeol asked him as well. Myungsoo looked down at his hands as he finally confessed the real reason. 

A few days ago 

"You know how powerful my company is, don't you Myungsoo sshi? Don't do anything with Krystal, do you understand me? If you dare to ruin her image, I'll make sure to ruin yours and your group's one as well. Your dear CEO Lee's company isn't that big as well, if I destroy Infinite, I destroy your company. Do you really want to offend me just to continue your childish romance?" CEO Kim looked at him threateningly. "You know what to do when we meet later on right?" Myungsoo was shocked by the threat, but he was well aware of how realistic it was. Woollim was a small company, it certainly didn't take much to destroy it. He couldn't do that to his fellow members, to his dear CEO who had taken such good care of them all this while...he would have no choice but to sacrifice. Clenching his fist, he nodded silently. 


"So you agreed to his threat? Pabo..." Sungyeol whacked him on the head lightly. "No matter what CEO Kim wants to do to us, we can't be destroyed so easily. We're Infinite remember? We have our Inspirits with us, no one can do anything to us." His expression softened slightly when he realised that Myungsoo gave up his love for the group. "Don't do anything stupid like that anymore, do you understand?" Myungsoo nodded, tears forming at his eyes. Sungyeol hugged him tightly as he asked. "Is there really no way to resolve this then? Some way that CEO Kim won't be able to control us anymore?" Sungjong shouted suddenly. "Hyungs!! Call Woohyun hyung now!" 

"A ToHeart comeback? Hmm that's not a bad idea, I was actually wishing for that..." Key spoke on the phone excitedly with Woohyun. "I'll speak to the CEO then!" He hung up before turning back to CEO Kim, who was sitting in front of him. "Sajangnim! What do you think of that idea?" The CEO nodded. "It's not a bad idea, ToHeart had a successful debut so we can look forward to winning some music awards this time around. I'll get the music and production team started on it right away." Key thanked the CEO before exiting the office. Once he made sure that there was no one around him, he whipped out his phone and sent a quick SMS. 

To: Woohyun 

Part 1 of our plan is done! It's up to L sshi for the rest now...hwaiting! (: 

Myungsoo looked at the message with a contented smile on his face. His plan was working...for now.... 

*A/N: One last chapter to go! Thank you for all the continued support, it was so much more than I could have ever hoped for (: My dream is to get to 100 subscribers so I really hope that it'll be fufilled by the last chapter (hehehehe) Anyway, I hope that y'all will continue reading/upvoting/subscribing/commenting and that y'all will enjoy the final chapter (: 

**No offense intended to SM Entertainment and Woollim Entertainment all this is just a figment of my imagination 

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soojungie94 #1
Chapter 20: OMG this is the best myungstal story I read so far!!!!!!!!!!!!
krystalshipper #2
Thank you for writing this amazing story :D
esther512 #3
I wish Soojung and Myungsoo can really date each other*sigh* Good job author-nim:)
ByunEvelyn95 #4
Chapter 20: OMG this is the greatest MyungStal fanfic I've ever read!!! It caused so much emotion for me, i ship them a lot! :"D Thanks for making this perfect story!! Pls keep going and make another perfect Myungstal fanfic. Much love! <3 <3 <3
chaeminjuliette #5
Chapter 20: aww its finished!
thank you authornim for writing such a good fanfic. ^^
im a shipper of Myungstal! hihi
Chapter 20: A happy myungstal indeed.. d=(´▽`)=b
Zartree #7
Chapter 20: Aww such a cute ending
Chapter 20: Hehe thanks for sweet and happy ending authornim...finally myungstal reunite again :D
I'll waiting ur next story, it's still krystal with myungsoo or other idol couple??
Chenda #9
Chapter 20: A very happy ending indeed...
KhunKrystal #10
Chapter 20: Happy ending finally!!! I really like this story. I love how you try to make up the storyline based on the reality. Krystal and Myungsoo were so loveable here, and they ended up together. Aweeeee :) Thanks for writing this story. My Myungstal feels <3333