The Miracle

My Lovable Girl Part 2
The Miracle
The Miracle

Myungsoo kept vigil at Mi Soo's bedside and as he watched her sleep, he remembered all the memories he had with her. Although the time they spent together was very short due to his busy schedule, every moment they spent together was fufilling, and he only wished that he would have more time with her. At around 3am, the rest of the Infinite members came quietly into the room after their full day of schedules. Woohyun gently placed a bouquet of flowers at the bedside table before the members exited with Myungsoo to talk to him without disturbing Mi Soo. 

"How is Mi Soo?" Sunggyu asked in concern. Myungsoo just nodded at him, but his heart was overflowing with emotion. He was touched that s had come to visit even though they must have been exhuasted after their schedule. "Thanks for coming guys." He said quietly. They patted him on the back as Sunggyu pulled him into a hug. Although Sunggyu picked on Myungsoo (and everyone else) a lot, ultimately he still cared a lot for s. "Stay strong, Myungsoo ah, you have to stay strong for Mi Soo!" Sungjong advised him earnestly. Dongwoo gave him a cup of coffee that they had bought to give him energy. Sungyeol didn't say anything but hugged him tightly from the back. He whispered in Myungsoo's ear, "Do you want me to stay with you tonight? I already asked the manager hyungs, they said it was fine." Myungsoo's originally lifeless face cracked into a small smile. "Really? But I don't want you to die of exhuastion, didn't you film your drama today?" Sungyeol smiled playfully. "I drank a lot of coffee today, I won't be exhuasted so easily." Myungsoo nodded gratefully at him, and when the other members left shortly for their dorm, Sungyeol sat down with Myungsoo in the hospital corridor. 

"How are you?" Sungyeol asked directly. Myungsoo looked down into his coffee. "Do you want to hear the truth?" Sungyeol nodded seriously. "To be honest...I don't know...I am still unable to understand the fact that Mi Soo is dying...even though she's been suffering like that for 7 years, but the reality just hit me hard today, when I saw her breathing so painfully, being unable to talk or hurts me so much to see her like that, I really wish that the person suffering was me and not her. In that aspect, I really want her to be relieved of her pain, but I also don't want to lose her." Sungyeol wrapped his arms around Myungsoo's shoulders. "I know that nothing I say now will make a difference in Mi Soo's condition, and I believe that when it's her time to go, she will go, but I just hope that for now you won't give up hope, both on Mi Soo and yourself. You never know, a miracle may happen! With so many people loving her and caring for her, she won't go so easily. Let's continue to hope alright?" Myungsoo nodded and they went back into the hospital room. 

Once they stepped in however, Myungsoo noticed that something was wrong. Mi Soo's heart rate was dropping drastically and her breathing was once again becoming very labored. She started to moan softly and Myungsoo grabbed her hand in alarm. "Mi Soo ah! Mi Soo ah! What is wrong with you?" Sungyeol on the other hand, remained level headed and pressed the emergency button for the doctor. 

Myungsoo and Sungyeol waited anxiously in the corridor as Myungsoo's mother came hurrying towards them. "Myungsoo ah what happened??" Mrs Kim cried out, pale-faced. Sungyeol explained the situation to Mrs Kim as Myungsoo continued to sit in shock. The doctor came out a few seconds later and grimly told them to prepare for the worst. "If Mi Soo doesn't wake up within the hour...she is brain dead. I'm sorry...." He left them hurriedly, unwilling to witness their grief. Mrs Kim started crying into her handkerchief and Sungyeol started to comfort her while Myungsoo walked blankly into the hospital room. There were no tears in his face as he remembered all the things that the people around him had been saying to him. "Stay strong" "A miracle may happen" "Let's continue to hope" He knelt at Mi Soo's bedside and held her hand tightly. "Please wake up, Mi Soo ah, you only have this hour to wake up..." 

The hour seemed to pass by in a split second, and without knowing it, 59 minutes had already passed. Mrs Kim seemed to have given up hope as she weeped into Mi Soo's cold, still hands but Myungsoo still looked intently at his sister, believing in her. Sungyeol stared out the window into the night sky, wishing with all his heart that a miracle would happen. At the sound of a sudden cry, he turned around. "Mi Soo is awake!"

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soojungie94 #1
Chapter 20: OMG this is the best myungstal story I read so far!!!!!!!!!!!!
krystalshipper #2
Thank you for writing this amazing story :D
esther512 #3
I wish Soojung and Myungsoo can really date each other*sigh* Good job author-nim:)
ByunEvelyn95 #4
Chapter 20: OMG this is the greatest MyungStal fanfic I've ever read!!! It caused so much emotion for me, i ship them a lot! :"D Thanks for making this perfect story!! Pls keep going and make another perfect Myungstal fanfic. Much love! <3 <3 <3
chaeminjuliette #5
Chapter 20: aww its finished!
thank you authornim for writing such a good fanfic. ^^
im a shipper of Myungstal! hihi
Chapter 20: A happy myungstal indeed.. d=(´▽`)=b
Zartree #7
Chapter 20: Aww such a cute ending
Chapter 20: Hehe thanks for sweet and happy ending authornim...finally myungstal reunite again :D
I'll waiting ur next story, it's still krystal with myungsoo or other idol couple??
Chenda #9
Chapter 20: A very happy ending indeed...
KhunKrystal #10
Chapter 20: Happy ending finally!!! I really like this story. I love how you try to make up the storyline based on the reality. Krystal and Myungsoo were so loveable here, and they ended up together. Aweeeee :) Thanks for writing this story. My Myungstal feels <3333