
We Got Married- HunU fanfic



" what should we do now?" I said feeling a bit awkward since it's the first time I see Sehun.

"uh...I think we should just follow what the card said and go to your favourite place."Sehun said while looking at the floor and trying to take a peek at me. I am looking at him the whole time so when our eyes meet, we giggle a bit and look somewhere else.

"aish....oh! I know what's my favourite place, so maybe you need to wait me a bit so I can clean up a bit in 5 minutes." I said and take my clothes to the changing room.


Black Room (2)

PD: So did you try to guess what your wifey's favourite place is?

Sehun: Yah, only I can call her that!! (blush) haha...

PD: haha, my apologize, because I always call my wife that...

Sehun: well I did make a wild guess since I am not very close with her yet, but I didn't expect I have guess that right!


MC Room

Misun: oh !!!! Sehun being possessive over her wife on the first day!!!!! That's what I like to see! (grins)

Seulong; what's that with your evil grin? (unbelievably looking at Misun)

Nayoung: that means she can somehow pull some evil plan on HunU couple and make Sehun go crazily jealous or something like that

Jinwoon: omg, I can't wait to see!!! (laughs stupidly and happily)


Sehun's POV

"okay let's go now, shall we?" I lead her to the way out the concert venue and we immediately see a bus with the slogan 'chukkahabnida HunU couple' on it.

" ommo, what is this?!" Jieun exclaims and laughs.

We go on the bus and the driver tells Jieun to tell her where she wants to go, she leans in his ears and tells him like it is a secret.

"hey why did you lean in his ears to tell him?"

"because I want to keep it a secret and maybe you can make a guess where we are going!" she giggles and I take her to a seat to sit down.

"so do you want to make a guess?" she asks.

"umm... I have seen one of your variety shows before and I maybe guess it's the karaoke you always go?"

"well you'll see" she smiles shyly and looks out the window.

"so what do you want me to call you?" I say while put my head on my hand and looks at her from down.

"uh... well what do you want me to call you?" she looks back at me cheesily.

MC Room

Nayoung: ommo (high pitch) they are looking at each other eyes, if I am IU-ssi, I will just faint on the next second...

Jinwoon: what if I look at you like that?

Nayoung: I have always seen your face and I don't think I want to see it more

All: (laugh out loud)



"ummm..... maybe hunnie? or even hubby!" He smiles sweetly while looking at me, I am to embarrassed so I cover my face with my two hands.

"ommo, don't look at me like that" I said shyly and he removes my hand from my face,

"hey, it's nothing to be embarrassed about! I like it when you blush." he says and continues to hold my hand and put it on his lap.

"so, what do you want to call me then?" I ask him and he thinks.

"I think I want to call you...Jieunnie? and wifey?"

"Well as you wish then" I know, I know I am blushing again but I just can't help when he is using his beautiful eyes looking at you.

"so can you practice calling me Hunnie than? I think we can start with Hunnie and Jieunnie" he suggests.

Suddenly, the driver reminds us, "miss, we are here and please check if you have left any belongings behind, I hope you two can have a good time."

"Oh, I think we are here, let's go then" I said and try to avoid calling him Hunnie even I want as it's a bit embarrassing...

"And I want t tell you that you have guess that right!!!" I exclaim and yes we are at the karaoke!

We walk in and I see the manager who has been working here since I first come here.

"annyeong! can we have a karaoke room for us?" I ask.

"ommo, Jieun ah, it's been a long time since you have last visited!" The manager exclaimed, he is in his mid-forties and is a really nice man.

"yeah, I have been real busy these days and on let me introduce, this is Sehun-ssi, my...husband" I said and tried to ide my blush from saying that.

"ommo, Jieun ah, you come visit me this time with a husband, oh my you have really grown up!", he continues, " annyeong Sehun-ssi, I am Mr. Park and I have been watching Jieun grow up, please don't let her cry or else I will be the frst one to come kill you!"

"I understand and I wil protect her from any danger." He assures him with his firm response.

" I see. Jieun, you got a great husband there" he teases me which makes my face red like a tomato.

"ok, you guys can go in now! It's room 121." Today is 1st December, which is the day we meet.... what a coincedence!

We almost approach the room and we are curious why is it so noisy in it? When we open the door and step in, the lights are suddenly on and "surprise!!!!!!" The whole EXO is there waiting for and us with slogans and party stuffs.

Sehun's POV

"ommo, hyung! why are you guys here?" I said surprised.

"we have been waiting for you two since you are on the bus!" Baekhyun exclaims and others clap for us happily.

"ok, let's just sit down and eat, kids" Suho said and claim them down so we get to sit down, of course, I am sitting next to Jieun, and Kai is sitting on her other side, I actually want to seperate them becuase they seem to know each other better then me. I really want to have her for my own but, oh well.

We have a nice chat during the time and they are just taking theiir turns to sing.

"hey IU-sunbaenim, can you sing a song for us and one for Sehun?" D.O. asks, good job.

"of course! And no need the formalties! Just call me IU or Jieun is ok!" She said.

"No, they will call you sister-in-law or IU, Jieun is for me to call." I said while laying my back on the sofa and put a hand surrounding her shoulder.

"oh!!!! our maknae being possessive and cheesy at this point" Kai said. And they are all sending me dirty looks and I just snap them away. At the same time I notice Jieunnie blush again, I just love looking at her blushing.

"what song do you want me to sing?" she looks at me with her slightly red cheeks.

"maybe....loving you, the one you always sing in the shows."

"okay"then she turns to pick and find the song

Lovin you is easy cause your beautiful.
Makin love with you is all i want to do.
Lovin you is more than just a dream come true.
And everything that i do,is out of lovin you

la-la-la-la-la-la-la.And doot-doot.dootin.doot-do.

No one else can make me feel the colors that you bring,
Stay with me while we grow old,
and we will each day in the spring time.

cause lovin you has made my life so beautiful.
And everyday of my life, is filled with lovin you.
Lovin; you i see your soul come shinin' through.
And everytime that we[uuuuhhhhhhh].
i more in love with you.

la-la-la-la-la-la-la.And doot-doot.dootin.doot-do.

No one else can make me feel the colors that you bring,
Stay with me while we grow old,
and we will each day in the spring time.

Cause lovin' you is easy cause your beautiful.
and everyday of my life is filled with loving you.
Lovin you.i see your soul come shinin' through.
And everytime that we[uuuuhhhhhhh].
i more in love with you.

la-la-la-la-la-la-la.And doot-doot.dootin.doot-do.

MC Room

Misun: oh my, that voice is just beautiful as angel

Seulong: yeah she got a really great voice


Sehun's POV

It's really late and after more singings, we leave and PD-nim is here to give us a mission again.

Dear HunU couple,

Did you have fun at IU-ssi's favourite place? Now that it is time we have a surprise for you guys! And it is that you guys are moving in the new house we provided to you guys! Please take the cab in front of you and it will take you to your destination!

Have a good time!

WGM team

"I heard that this time we really get to move in it and live together!" I said as I feel slightly excited.


hey guys! long time no see.

hope you guys liked it:)




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Chapter 7: haha nice story, really like it:D please update more frequently!! thank youuuuu
lOvEtHiSgIrL21 #2
Chapter 7: thanks for the update.. I really love it.. update as you can.. take care as alwys.. ;DD <3<3
lOvEtHiSgIrL21 #3
update as soon as you can.. take care as always.. we love you!!! <3<3<3
Chapter 8: Yeah i think so, can we just life our live today? And did not think or predict about our future, so there's nothing we need to worry about. god have an own way for us anyway~ and it's better i think,

And hope you update soon, already miss HunU~ ^^
Lilyxxi #5
Chapter 6: Yey keep fight for your school day. We'll wait for the next chaps
Chapter 6: Omg! I really really really want this to come to real ≥.≤ i would be the happiest fans ever if it's come to real
iUWinnerikonExo #7
Chapter 6: Ur welcome authornim... keep update ...fighting....^^
ririyin #8
Chapter 6: you are welcome authornim we always in here to support you in every.condition waiting patiently for your update...don't ever give up at this story...take your time,,your school is more important...fighting authornim <3<3
nindyakesuma #9
Chapter 6: Ur welcome authornim :) good luck with your tests and your school, keep study, so that you can get good grades and good university. We'll wait for your upcoming update ^^ Fighting!!!
xiaohope #10
Chapter 4: Please update soon