Chapter 08

Sehunnie is a little brat

Kai smiled in satisfication. Then he straighten his body and stared at Sehun's friends. Kai smiled at all of them and say " So, I guess you guys could hang out without Sehun right ? Maybe other time you guys could take Sehun too, but not now. Actually if you guys kindly told me that you guys will take My Sehunnie out, surely I'll borrowed him. But because no one of you thought like that, I'm sorry if I make you guys dissapointed. " Whitout waiting for Sehun's friends answear, Kai dragged Sehun into his luxurious car and shoved Sehun in roughly. Sehun whimpered because when Kai shoved him roughly, he accidentally bend his wrist. Then Kai entered his car and started to drive they both to go to their home.

" Yah! Are you crazy ?! Who do you think you are to controled my life ?! It's up to me if I want to go with my friends or not! And what's with 'surely, I'll borrowed him ?' Do you think I'm an item that you could borrowed to others ?! Seriously you are a mad Old Man. Oh, . I'm married to a mad Old Man. How could God be this cruel to me. Oh Sehun, the most beautiful creature in this world must spent his entire life with The ing Mad Old Man called Kim ing Kai. My life is always miserable. " Sehun said and ending his dramatic speech with a dramatic sigh. Kai rised his eyebrow while eyeing Sehun. Sehun staring at him back with his innocent face. Kai sighed and shook his head. Then he smiled a little at Sehun dramatic behaviour and focusing on the roads. Sehun blinked his eyes when he caught Kai smiling a little at him. Then he just shrugged and turned his gaze to the window.

Actually if Kai could honest, he think Sehun is cute when he didn't on his brat mode. Kai always caught Sehun when he was not on his brat mode and he thought that Sehun is really cute. Kai always fascinating over Sehun face when he was on his cute mode like, when Sehun pouted his lips, when he curious over something new, when he showed his innocent face, when he smiling so bright over his family or friends, and his aegyo face when he want something.  Just the thought of Sehun cute face could bring his smile on Kai face. But, Kai really confused because why when Sehun with him, Sehun will always being a brat at him. Sehun will always trying anything just to make Kai feel irritated. And even though their married was 1 week ago, Kai never heard Sehun smiling at him sincerly or called Kai's name correctly. Sehun will always smiling at him when there are Sehun's family or Kai's family because he don't want their family to know their relationship. And of course Sehun will showed a forced smile to Kai.

Remembering that brought a deep sigh on Kai. Kai was looking forward their wedding. He was so happy when his father told him that he will married to Sehun. Too happy because he will married and will meet Sehun again, Kai willing to back to Korea from London. He really miss his Sehunnie. His little Sehunnie. But looks like his Sehunnie was not looking forward to their wedding.

1 month ago. London. 9.30 a.m

There is a young man, 22 years old at the beginning of the year that bussy typing on his laptop. He looks really serious with what he is doing, that showed by his frowning face indicate he's thinking. After bussy typing on his laptop for 20 minutes, suddenly he is intrupted by his phone ringtones 'Crazy in Love by Beyonce'. Kai- the young man that was bussy typing from 7 a.m. groaning because Who the hell that dare to interupted his precious time in the moring !? Then he reached his his phone that located at the top of coffee table. When he read the ID name that calling him, he quickly slide the answer button on his phone.

" Hello, Dad. Why you so suddenly calling me ? " Asked Kai politely at his father. Mr.Kim or Kai's father answered him with sarcastic. " Why ? Is there something wrong with a father calling his son ? I'm sure there is nothing wrong to asked about my son well being. " Kai smiled at his father answer. " Oh, come on, Dad. You know that I was jocking right ? Don't be too serious Dad. Relax. " Say Kai to his father. His father just sighed at Kai. " Well, is there something you want to say to me ? Because if you calling me, then there is something. " Kai asked his father curiously. Kai waited patiently his father answer but then he find nothing but just silent. " Dad ? Are you still there ? " " Ah, sorry Kai. I just thought about something. And yeah there is something I want to tell you. I hope you won't angry with me. " Said Kai's father slowly. " Okay, I promised I won't. But it depend with what you will say. " Kai say with a grin. His father took a deep breath. " Okay, first do you still remembered about Sehun ? "

" Sehun ? Who is Sehun , Dad ? " Asked Kai to his father. He is so confused because he didn't remember anyone with Sehun name. " You didn't remember him ? Oh Sehun. Mr.Oh son. " said Kai father. " Mr.Oh son ? Do you mean your bestfriend from collage ?" " Yeah. When you was 10 years old, you always playing with his son. Sehun. I still remember you always called him 'My little Sehunie' " Said Kai father with a smile. Kai trying to remember this Sehun that his father told. After thinking about 10 minutes, he suddenly remember with a certain pale-milky white skin boy with honey haired and thin pink cherry lips and lisp every time he said something.

" Sehunnie ? My little Sehunnie that have a pale-white skin and honey haired ? Is him that you mean , Dad ? " Say Kai. " Yeah, yeah. That Sehun. Now you remember right ? " " Of course, Dad. How could I forget about him ? He literally was the person that always filled my thought. " Kai said while he started to walking towards a table that full with photo frames. He stopped at one certain photo that showed him with Sehun smiling widely and Kai's hand wrap around Sehun waist. That photo was taken when Kai was 9 years old and, when he take Sehun to their special place.

Of course. How could I forget you Sehunnie. I miss you. Really miss you My little Sehunnie.

[A/N] I update again guys... ^^. I fill my promise to frequently update right ? XD. Sorry if this . And there is so many grammartical errors. I hope you guys wouldn't mind that. >.<. And I want to tell you guys that there is plot twist. What do you think with this chap ? And was Jongin really know Sehun when they was still young ? Please comments what you guys think with this plot twist. And don't forget to always subscribes, upvotes, and comments. See you guys on next chap. Bye ~ ^.^

P.S Yesterday, EXO finally released their MV~ OMG! Call me baby MV is so really amazing right ? When I watched their MV I can't keep my mouth shut. So I was screaming loudly that my family thought there is fire~ LMAO XD. And I still can't get enough with their MV. Especially with Kai. He was driving a sport car in the MV~ He is so ing gorgeous when he was driving a car~ >.<. Anyway what's your fav song in EXODUS ? My fav are Call me baby, Exodus, Playboy, Lady Luck, and Beautiful ~ Those songs is really great! I even played all the songs when I wrote this chap ~ What's your guys fav song ? :)

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I'm back guys... >.< Sorry if the update is not good enought. I'll try my best in the next chap ^^


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Sapphire_Archer #1
Update soon, author! This is so interesting!
teufelchen_netty #2
Chapter 15: Please update soon : )
Want more sweetness
teufelchen_netty #3
Chapter 5: The advise was g, but hun not ready. Poor boy. Kai must be afraid when sehun screams no
teufelchen_netty #4
Chapter 3: The ending xdddd
Sehun is so dumbing sweet
Chapter 15: kai should just him while hes sleeping. theyre married after all xD
Chapter 15: Lol !! Sehunnie ur the OLD MAN not jongin ..
How can u forget ur jong jong hyung
Chapter 15: cuttttiiiiieeeessssss
barawa #8
Chapter 15: Poor kai..whysehun became a brat like that...cant wait for sehun to clingywith kai...I miss this story..
Chapter 12: Sehun sehun sehun why did u alwys be so brat when u with kai. Aishhh. Btw i love CMB,playboy and my answer xD
Chapter 12: omg i love this plot twist . please sehun stop being a brat or i'll shove kai's in your ing mouth. btw i love el dorado and call me baby xD