
Down Dog Is Hell

Luhan sighed as he surveyed the room.  As usual, it was full of girls.  He really should have been used to it by now.  If he wanted to teach a fitness class full of guys he should have gone into kickboxing with Tao, not opted for training as a Yoga instructor.

Then again, as far as Luhan was concerned, yoga was something anybody could benefit from.  It was just hard to make the guys bench pressing 200 in the weight room see it that way. 

Still, he had hoped that maybe, by some miracle, there’d be a random guy brave enough to attend his class once he started teaching, and there had been a few, here or there, but still not enough that Luhan needed more than his own two hands to count them all.

On the other hand, female attendance at his classes was always high after rumors began to spread about the ‘hot’ yoga instructor who could apparently make your day better just by breathing.  Yeah, Luhan had rolled his eyes at that one, but still, it wasn’t so bad to have a legion of admirers.  It at least gave him guaranteed job security, something that was hard to come by given the current state of the economy.

Still, it’d be nice if just one of his legion of fans was somebody he’d actually like to date.  None of the girls in his class struck his fancy.  Why would they?  He’d been gay for as long as he could remember, and if there really was that miraculous one in a million girl he would find attractive, she was not among the students of his yoga classes.

Luhan shook the thoughts away as he waved to an entering Victoria.  It wasn’t as if he wanted to date one of his students anyways, male or female.  He didn’t need to copy Kai and Lay’s examples.

“How are you?”  Victoria asked with a smile as she approached to set up her mat in the front of the room.

“Great, you?”  Luhan asked with a smile.  Vic was easy.  They had gone to high school together, and she liked using his yoga classes to unwind from dance.  She had even tried to convince Lay and Kai to come along, but they had declined, and Luhan had just shook his head and let them.  They were busy enough with their own instructional dance classes that it wasn't like they had a lot of free time anyways.

“Good.  I have a question though.”  She said as she smoothed the edges of her mat.

“What?”  Luhan asked, looking down at her.

“Did you invite somebody to class today or something?”

“What are you talking about?” Luhan asked confused.

Vic shrugged as she moved to sit on her mat.  “There was this guy standing outside the door looking confused.  I thought maybe you invited him.”

“A guy?”  Luhan asked, still befuddled.

Vic nodded.  “Yeah.  I take it you didn’t invite him then.”

“No… did it look like he wanted to come in?”

Another shrug.  “I couldn’t tell.  Like I said, he just looked rather confused and uncomfortable.”

“Is he still there?’

“I don’t know. Look out the glass.  You should be able to see if he's there better than me.”

Luhan ignored Vic’s tone as he did just that, looking across the room to see who was in the hallway outside the large glass panels of the wall.

It took mere moments for his eyes to settle upon the person he was seeking.  Indeed, just outside the doors in the hallway was a guy who looked stuck somewhere between confused and uncomfortable.  Without a thought, Luhan began to move across the room to get to the door.  It wasn’t the first time a guy had shown up and gotten cold feet right at the door, and the unfortunate reality was that they usually either left before he could catch them, or, despite his cajoling, they still decided not to come in, but who knew, maybe this time he’d get lucky.

As he approached, Luhan also took mental note of the guy’s features.  He was on the shorter side, with spiky, dark hair, slight, but definitely fit, and the soccer shorts and t-shirt he wore made the playing of that sport the likely culprit.  It was just as Luhan had processed this that he finally reached the door, and that the guy on the other side realized he was being watched and turned to move away.

“Wait!” Luhan called out after him.

The guy froze mid turn and Luhan stepped outside the classroom, letting the door fall closed behind him.  “Are you here for the yoga class at five?”  Luhan asked with a smile.

The guy studied Luhan for a second before turning back the rest of the way with an awkward laugh.  “I was.”

“Then why didn’t you come in?”  Luhan asked confused.

“It’s not a women's only class?”  The guy asked back, equally confused.

“Do I look like a girl to you?”  Luhan asked with a laugh.

The guy laughed back.  “No, but you’re clearly the instructor.  There are only girls in there, and I figured that maybe I misread the schedule.  There are women’s only fitness classes on there, even if the instructor is a guy.”

Luhan nodded.  There were a few of those classes, but his class most definitely did not fall into that category.  “It’s not only for girls.  There just aren’t a lot of guys interested in yoga at five in the afternoon.  You’re welcome to come in, if you’d like.”

Luhan waited after the words passed his lips, watching as the guy weighed his options before he took a step towards the door, and Luhan’s mind gave a silent cheer.  “I guess I have no choice now that I made you come out here to get me.”

Luhan laughed as he pulled the door to the room back open.  “You could leave.  You wouldn’t be the first.”

The guy shrugged.  “Yeah, but I actually want to be here, so what’d be the point in that?”

“Have you tried yoga before?”  Luhan asked as they both made their way back up to the front of the room.

The guy shook his head even as he snapped out a mat he had been carrying under his arm.  “I have no clue what I am going to be doing.  Don’t break me, okay?”

Luhan laughed.  “I promise you’ll be fine.”

“You have no idea how un-flexible I am.”

Luhan laughed again.  “Flexibility has nothing to do with it.  Just do what you can do.” 

The guy nodded with a smile.  “That’s the plan.”

Luhan smiled back before redirecting his focus to the rest of the class.  He couldn’t afford to continue to be distracted by the cute new guy he had just dragged into the room.  He had a class of students to teach, and if the way they were all starting to get a little fidgety and glance up at the clock was any indication, it was time to begin.

“It’s good to see you all this evening for class.  There’s nothing better than having a chance to unwind at the end of a busy week right?”  The chorus of nods and groans made Luhan smile.  It was always the same.  By Friday, every student in his class was looking for an hour to escape, and he could provide that.  He was glad he could.

“If you’re new, welcome, just try to follow along.  Don’t worry, I’ll be walking around to help with poses at times, and if you need anything modified, just ask, especially if you have any injuries.  Also, if any pose doesn’t feel comfortable to you, feel free to drop out and take a break.  There is no need to do better than the one next to you.  Just enjoy yourselves and relax alright?”

Some nods and smiles greeted his words, and Luhan smiled back.  “Good, let’s begin.  Now, move to the top of your mat and ground through the soles of your feet…”

Luhan’s mind began to run on autopilot as he started to instruct the class on the finer points of becoming aware of breathing in and out, lengthening the pace of their exhales and taking in more as they focused on filling the full expanse of their lungs.

To say his mind was on autopilot didn’t mean Luhan wasn’t still there mentally.  It was more that because he had done this for so long, he could instruct without having to really think too much about it.  He could simply start to go through the flows with ease, and so he did, directing everyone to start with a swan dive to the floor into a forward fold before placing their hands on the floor and stepping back into plank, slowly lowering their bodies to the floor, and then popping up into the most basic of yoga poses, downward facing dog. 

It was, oddly enough, not the most comfortable of poses, despite how often it came up. 

When Luhan had first started practicing yoga, he hadn’t really like it very much himself honestly.  It challenged several different muscle groups at the same time, especially the upper body, and moreover, was very easy to mess up, and if you did that, it was also rather painful, which was why, as the students continued to hold the pose, Luhan pulled out of it to check over their forms.  The last thing he wanted was anyone putting unnecessary strain on their wrists as they attempted to straighten their arms and legs.

His eyes immediately fell onto the new guy in the front, and noting his rather unhappy expression, Luhan held back a smile as he moved towards him. 

“Bend your legs a little and pull more of your weight out of your hands.”  He offered as he leaned down to guide the guy’s hips a little higher as he bent at the knees, taking more pressure off of his wrists, and watching as a look of relief crossed over the guy’s features as his calves stretched and his arms found some relief. 


The guy offered a nod.  “Yeah.”

Luhan moved on, helping another girl he had noticed farther back in the room, before instructing them into the next series of movements for the class. 

The process repeated several more times over the course of the hour.  Luhan would introduce a pose, the guy in the front would look at him like he was crazy before slowly following after him, and Luhan would occasionally move over towards him to help him get into a better position. 

He tried to not go over to him too much honestly.  It was something he had learned early on.  Bother a new student too much and they may never come back because they were too embarrassed about how bad they were.  Still, he didn’t want the guy to actually break anything and not come back because of that either.

Thankfully, despite his comments at the beginning, the guy actually wasn’t all that bad.  He perhaps used too much strength to muscle threw certain poses, but he was able to do most of them without a problem.  It was impressive, and Luhan liked to think that if he kept coming, then Luhan would be able to make him even stronger, and really, that was all he thought about for most of the class. 

He was working.  He didn’t allow his mind to wander to thoughts he didn’t need to have.  That is until they reached the end of the class and Luhan instructed everyone to just lay back on their mats and relax for the last few minutes of class as they cleared their minds and allowed everything to just fall away.

Luhan’s preferred pose when he did this was reclined butterfly, a move that required a person to first bend their legs at the knees before letting their knees fall wide, pressing the bottoms of their feet together as they laid back on the floor.  The move allowed for a great deal of tension in the lower back to be released, and was extremely comfortable. It was also, Luhan realized belatedly as he watched the guy in the front of the room carry it out, a rather compromising move if your mind was slowly starting to transition out of yoga instructor mode and back into the mode where you thought the guy laying on the floor was really cute, especially after the way he had tried so hard for the last hour. 

Luhan pointedly redirected his eyes away from the way the guys legs were now spread to reveal the fine muscle tone on his inner thighs because the last thing he needed to let his mind do now was start thinking about how nice it might be to see those thighs in other circumstances.

Luhan even shook his head in an attempt to further dispel the unnecessary thoughts.  They were definitely not something he needed to think about.  Especially when he still didn’t even know the guy on the floor’s name yet.  

It wasn’t long after that thought that Luhan glanced to the clock as it struck six, and he carefully led the room through the final bow from seated positions around the room.  The guy even did the bow as well, although he did look rather confused by the whole thing.

After that was done, the room quickly devolved into little bits of chatter as all the different groups of friends began to discuss weekend plans, homework issues, and test concerns, but Luhan wasn’t really listening to any of that, and he wasn’t looking to see if Vic was going to ask him to join her for dinner like usual either.

Nope, instead he had eyes for his one new male student who was carefully rolling up his mat on the floor.

“What’d you think?” He asked as he approached.

The guy glanced up, seemingly surprised.  “Oh, it was… different.”

“Good different?” Luhan asked, nervous.

The guy laughed as he stood up from the floor after securing the roll of his mat.  “I’ll be back, if that’s what you’re asking.”

Luhan laughed.  “Sort of.  It gets kind of lonely in here.”

The guy let out another laugh as he turned to survey the other departing students.  “All these girls not enough for you?  I’m pretty sure some guys would kill for your job.”

Luhan gave a shrug as he knelt down to lift his own mat up from the floor.  “Not really interested.”


Luhan shook his head as he let out a laugh.

“That’s weird,” the guy said as he quickly scanned Luhan up and down.

“Why?” Luhan asked, confused.

The guy gave a shrug.  “You clearly could have anyone you wanted if you tried.”

Luhan laughed again.  “If only.”

“You’ve actually been rejected?”  The incredulity in his tone made Luhan laugh even more.

“Tell you what, go with me to dinner and I’ll tell you about it.”

The guy laughed.  “You really want me to come back don’t you?”

“I’m hoping to spark a movement.”

“What, get one guy in the class and others will follow?” 

“Something like that.”

“Do you actually think it will work?”

Luhan shrugged.  “Who knows?  You’ll join me anyways right?”

The guy laughed again.  “Sure, why not?  I’m Minseok.”


Minseok smiled back.  “Nice to meet you.  Now, where are we headed for dinner?”

“Dining hall?”

“Sounds good to me.”

Once they reached the hall, finding a table was a bit of an ordeal, but they finally tracked one down towards the back.  As they finally sat across from each other with their trays of food in hand, Luhan realized that they would need to find another topic of conversation, but before he could, Minseok was asking a question from his spot across the table.

 “So, you really haven’t picked up a girl from your yoga class?”

Luhan laughed from across the table, deciding that if he was going to try to develop this relationship he might as well make things a little clearer.  It was better to ditch someone who wouldn’t be fine with it early anyways, and if Minseok was gay, he'd probably find out a lot faster if he said he was first. 

“Like I said, I’m not interested.  Although some girls have offered to try to convert me, if you catch my drift.”

Minseok’s eyes widened slightly.  “Oh, yeah, that’d make sense.”

Luhan speared a vegetable on his tray before responding.  “I’m surprised you didn’t just assume that really.  Most do you know, with me being a yoga instructor and all.”

Minseok shrugged.  “An entire professional football team practices yoga because their coach wants them too.  I’m pretty sure that doesn’t make them all gay.”

Luhan laughed, remembering the news coverage when that story had broken.  He had kind of hoped that it might inspire someone to show up to his class.  “Is that why you came then?  Because an entire pro football team took yoga up?”

Minseok laughed.  “Not exactly.  It did help convince me that my doctor wasn’t crazy though.”


Minseok nodded as he took another bite of food.  “Yeah, he was the one who said I should start to try to prevent some of my injuries, from soccer.”  He clarified as he pointed to his shirt.

Luhan nodded in understanding.  “I got beat up a lot when I played in high school.”

“You played?”

Luhan nodded.  “Yup, but my ankles kind of decided I should quit by the end of it.”

Minseok nodded in understanding.  “I had a couple of friends with that problem.  Thankfully mine have held up pretty well, but all the soccer has made me “physically imbalanced”, hence the yoga.”  Minseok raised his fingers to quote the words and Luhan smiled at the annoyance in his tone.

“I take it the doctor told you that?”

Minseok nodded. “Right after I strained a thigh muscle.  It didn’t really make me like him very much, but well, as you can see, he got me to come around eventually.”

Luhan nodded.  “I hope it wasn’t a bad thing?”

Minseok laughed. “It was okay.  Different, but okay.  I don’t think I’m very good at it though.  You had to help me a lot.”

Luhan shook his head.  “You did fine.  I always pay extra attention to new students, and trust me, you did a lot better than most.”

“Really?”  Minseok asked with a snort.

Luhan nodded.  “Really. You put a little too much… effort in, but it was fine.”

“Effort?”  Minseok asked, confused.

Luhan shrugged.  “You muscle through some moves and tend to push yourself to last longer than those around you.”

“So you’re saying I’m too competitive.”

“Basically.  Yoga is about you and your body, not what the person next to you is doing.”

“I play soccer though.  All I do is look at how others are doing.  Not to mention I’m competitive by nature.  I hate to lose.”

Luhan laughed.  “Well, if you keep coming perhaps we can change your mentality.”

“Perhaps.”  Minseok agreed.

The conversation drifted after that to various topics.  Minseok was a management major, a far cry from Luhan’s major in sports science, so it wasn’t hard to find things to talk about and explain. 

In fact, by the time they were putting away their trays on the line that would carry them back to the kitchen to be washed, a person would have probably thought they’d known each other for years, rather than for a grand total of maybe two hours, and Luhan was satisfied with that, really. 

It hadn’t escaped his notice that Minseok hadn’t said “what” he was during their conversation.  The implication of that, as far as Luhan was concerned, was that Minseok wasn’t interested, and that was fine.  Luhan had straight friends.  Minseok would be another one.  A very good one he thought as he waved goodbye to Minseok who was heading to his dorm room building that was caddy-corner to Luhan’s own.


Despite the fact that they had hit it off pretty well over dinner, Luhan really hadn’t expected to see Minseok again until the following Friday, so you can imagine his surprise when he strolled into the work out studio at 10 till five the next Monday to see Minseok already seated on his mat at the front of the room.

He smiled when he saw Luhan appear in the glass along the wall and waved at the reflection.  Luhan waved back, confused, and when that confusion gave way to feelings that were a little too happy for his liking as Minseok smiled into the mirror, Luhan focused on keeping that previous emotion the dominant one on his face.

Minseok laughed a little bit when Luhan finally got around to where he could set up his mat in the front.

“Surprised to see me?”  He asked, clearly amused by Luhan’s still confused expression.

“A little bit,” Luhan answered honestly.  “Shouldn’t you have practice or something?”

Minseok shook his head.  “Practice is on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and games are on Saturdays in the spring.”

“Oh,” Luhan responded, not really trusting himself to offer more than that until his brain could stop thinking that Minseok’s laugh sounded nice. 

Minseok was straight.  Minseok wasn’t interested.  Neither was Luhan.  (Yeah right.)

Luhan’s tepid response caused Minseok’s own grin to falter slightly.  “Um, I could always leave, if you prefer.”

Luhan was suddenly shaking his head back and forth rapidly.  “Oh, no that’s not… you’re fine.  I’m glad you’re here.”

“Really?”  Minseok asked.

“Really.” Luhan confirmed with another nod.

Minseok smiled in response.  “Good, because I like you and your class the best, and I don’t feel like going back to the other one.”

“You’ve been to others?”  Luhan asked, choosing to ignore the part of his mind that was still hung up on the first half of Minseok’s sentence.

Minseok gave a nod.  “Yeah, some chick’s named Ruth.  She waxed a little too poetic for me, ya know?”

Luhan gave a nod.  Ruth was definitely a Yoga instructor who had a tendency to get a little, elaborate, in her explanations about getting in touch with one’s inner self and so forth.  “Yeah, I know.  I’ll try to avoid doing the same.”

Minseok laughed back.  “Good because like I said, I’d rather not have to find another yoga instructor to like.”

Luhan smiled and gave a nod of understanding before allowing himself to be dragged off to be introduced to a new student in the class.  As he went, Luhan had one thought, he was really going to need to get Minseok to start using words other than like.


It was not long after he was finished being introduced to the new girl in the room that Luhan found himself again taking up his position at the top of his mat to start leading the class through their initial breathing exercises, and of course, once they had become aware, the first flow began again, ending in down dog, as usual.

As usual, Luhan was quick to get up and begin to access people’s forms around the room.  Despite himself, his eyes were immediately drawn to Minseok, who, he was quick to note, seemed to be doing a better job than before.  His knees were already slightly bent, and his arms were forming a much better line with his wrists. 

The sight brought a small smile to his lips.  Clearly, Minseok had been paying attention before, and then, right as he had that thought, Minseok glanced up from the pose, catching Luhan’s eyes. 

He tilted his head slightly, clearly asking if he was doing it right.  Luhan gave a barely perceptible nod before quickly looking away and moving to help the new girl, fighting back a slight blush in his cheeks as he reminded himself that Minseok was a friend that he most definitely was not interested in.

The rest of the class progressed in much the same fashion.  Luhan would look up to check poses and his eyes would stray to Minseok.  Usually, he’d realize it quickly and manage to keep his gaze moving across the room, but every so often, he’d forget that he wasn’t supposed to be watching Minseok and thinking about how cute he looked and he’d just stare. 

Those times, of course, Minseok always seemed to notice, but he blessedly also seemed to be misinterpreting them as every time he met Luhan’s gaze, his head would simply tilt in the same question as before, and every time Luhan would nod quickly before looking away, internally berating himself for being stupid enough to be caught again.

Clearly, he needed more time to get his brain to comprehend that Minseok was not available.  Unfortunately though, more time was the one thing that Minseok seemed unwilling to provide as he happily asked Luhan to join him for dinner after class again.

Luhan, of course, said yes despite himself, which is how he and Minseok yet again found themselves surveying a crowded dining hall with trays of food grasped in their hands. 

“I don’t see anything, do you?” Minseok asked as he went up on his toes to try and gain a better view of the tables farther back in the hall.

Luhan was about to offer up his voice in agreement when his eyes fell upon two familiar figures.  He quickly changed the words about to tumble forth from his mouth.  “Actually, I do.  Follow me.”

Luhan was quick to lift his tray up higher and begin to weave his way through tightly packed chairs and tables, making his way towards the two he had just barely made out from his position across the room. 

By the time he reached the table, Lay and Suho had seen them coming and had moved their bags off of the two other chairs at the rectangular table for four.  They had been sitting next to each other on one side, so that meant that Minseok and Luhan fell into the chairs across from them as Luhan said, “I hope you don’t mind if we join you.”

“Of course not,” Suho responded instantly.  “It’s always nuts in here at this time of day.”

“Yeah, feel free to sit.  We owe you for last week anyways.”  Lay said.

Suho blushed lightly at his words, and Minseok, instantly confused opened his mouth to ask, “What happened last week?”

“You don’t want to know.”  Luhan responded quickly, and really, he didn’t, because who wanted to learn that Luhan had rather stupidly not knocked before opening the door to Lay’s room last Friday night?  Sure, they had blessedly still been asleep, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out what he had just walked into.

“Yeah,” Lay agreed with a laugh.  “I’m Lay by the way.  I don’t think we’ve met before.”

“Oh yeah,” Luhan said with a laugh, “Guys this is Minseok.  Minseok, this is my roommate Lay and his boyfriend Suho.”

Minseok nodded with a smile.  “Nice to meet you.”

“You too,” Suho said with a smile, but Lay did not echo his response.  Rather, he took to examining Minseok’s features very carefully for a couple of seconds before turning to Luhan and asking, “How long?”

“How long what?”  Luhan asked confused.

“How long have you two been together?”

Luhan nearly choked on the piece of food in his mouth, leading to a coughing fit that saw Minseok opening his mouth to answer with a laugh as he patted on Luhan’s back.  “We’re just friends.  Or is it too early for that?  We did only meet last Friday.”  The last bit was directed at Luhan, who was quickly taking down some water to help aid in the recovery from his coughing spell.

He was quick to nod as he pulled the glass away from his lips.  “Friends is good.”

“Good,” Minseok said with a smile before turning back to Suho and Lay who now had more questions.

“Wait, does that mean you met at his class?”  Suho asked.

Minseok nodded.  “Yeah, my doctor said I should take up yoga.”

“And you listened?” Lay asked.

Minseok shrugged.  “I didn’t have much choice.  It was that or he threatened to not sign my medical waiver.”

“I thought you said it was pro-football teams.”  Luhan said with a laugh. 

“That too, but the waiver really was the final nail in the coffin so to speak.”

“I can imagine.”  Luhan said with a laugh.

“Yup,” Minseok said with a laugh.  “More importantly, since we’ve now revealed the extent of our relationship, I think it’s only fair you do the same so, how long have you been together?”

That question was one that Lay was all too willing to answer, and as he did so, Luhan focused in on watching Minseok, who was hanging on Lay’s every word as if it was the most exciting story he’d ever heard.  It wasn’t healthy, Luhan knew, but he couldn’t help himself.


By the time dinner was over, Minseok was somehow invited to their Super Bowl party on Sunday, and Luhan was beginning to wonder how he was supposed to remember that Minseok was a friend and a student if he just kept showing up everywhere.   Moreover, he really wanted to give the genius who had not only invited him, but also caused near disaster over dinner, a piece of his mind.

“I can’t believe you asked that.”  Luhan complained as he and Lay entered their shared dorm room.  

“What?”  Lay asked, confused as he prepared himself a glass of water from the sink.  The dorms they lived in were apartment style.  No stove, because apparently they might burn down the building if they had one, but a functioning sink and full size refrigerator were provided, which was nice.

“If we’re a couple.”  Luhan clarified, “He’s straight for crying out loud.  Are you trying to scare away the only male student I’ve ever had?”

Lay turned to look at him with a confused expression in place.  “Are you sure he’s straight?”

“Of course I’m sure,” Luhan responded instantly, ignoring Lay’s confusion as he walked over to the couch to flip on the television.

“How?”  Lay asked, following after him and stealing the remote.

Luhan decided to ignore the theft and respond, “Well, when I told him I was gay, he didn’t say he was too, which basically leaves one alternative.”

“Two alternatives.”  Lay corrected automatically as he continued to click through channels.

“If he was bi I’d assume he’d mention that too, and he didn’t, so he’s not.  End of story.  And give me that.”  Luhan snatched back the remote and flipped to an international friendly match.  It would probably do him some good to watch soccer right now, he figured.  That is unless he started thinking about who he knew that still played soccer and then…

Lay shook his head at Luhan’s reasoning.  “I don’t think so.”

“And why, pray tell, is that?”  Luhan asked, tuning to face Lay.

Lay gave a shrug.  “Because of earlier.  Wouldn’t the easiest way to deny being together be to say he is straight?  Why didn’t he say that?”

Luhan considered that briefly before offering a tiny nod.  Lay had a point.  Not as big as to warrant the fireworks a small portion of Luhan’s brain had started to shoot off, but a point.  “That is weird.” 

“Exactly.”  Lay responded satisfied.  “And besides, I’m pretty sure even a straight guy could fall for you Lu.  Objectively speaking, you are pretty hot.”

Luhan laughed, despite himself as he began thoroughly dousing those annoying fireworks with water.  “Watch it now.  You have a boyfriend.”

“I meant it in the most platonic of ways.” Lay offered with a smile.

Luhan just shook his head.  “Yeah, whatever.  Even if he isn’t straight, it doesn’t matter considering he clearly must not be interested if he hasn’t told me yet.”  (And with that, the last little mental firework was extinguished.)

“We’ll see.”  Lay said in a singsong voice.

Luhan just shook his head as Lay got up from the couch and headed down the short hallway to his room.

“Yeah, I guess we will.”


If Luhan had, had his way, the next time he would have seen Minseok would have been Friday.  That would have given him plenty of time to make sure all the fireworks in his mind were thoroughly and irreparably extinguished, but unfortunately for him, that was not to be.  Instead, Minseok showed up to his class on Wednesday at five, smile in place, and Luhan smiled back, ignoring the way it made his heart skip a little beat. 

They ate together again after that class, and by the end of that dinner, Minseok had Luhan’s number and Luhan had his.  Luhan told himself he wouldn’t use it for anything.  Then Minseok texted him later that evening and, well, it wasn’t like Luhan could just ignore him, especially when Minseok was trying to convince him that Ronaldo was better than Messi.  That was something Luhan could debate until midnight.  They went past that.

The next time they saw each other was Friday, and Minseok was quick to reassert his claim. 

Luhan just shook his head with a laugh and made sure to put extra down dogs into the yoga flows for the day.  Minseok had mentioned it was his least favorite move on Wednesday, and Luhan figured the only way he could properly punish Minseok for his blasphemy was to make him do as many as possible within an hour. (Without killing all the other girls in the class, of course.)

His new love for the move did not go unnoticed either.  In fact Luhan was pretty sure the glares being directed at him by the end of the class qualified as death glares, but he couldn’t help but find them amusing.  An annoyed Minseok was a cute Minseok, which was something else Luhan figured he should never admit aloud.

“Were you trying to kill us?” Minseok complained as they walked out of the studio together to go to dinner.  It was an unspoken rule by now that they would eat together. Luhan wasn’t sure how it was possible for that to have happened in a single week but it had.  He didn’t mind, even if it flew in the face of his previous don’t be around Minseok a lot plan.

Luhan shrugged in response.  “It’s not like the rest of the class was complaining.”

“Only because they couldn’t believe their cute little yoga instructor had turned into a demon from hell.”

Luhan laughed at that one while reminding himself that it was his other students, and not Minseok, that found him cute.  “Surely down dog isn’t that bad.”

Minseok stretched one of his arms across his chest as he responded.  “Down dog is straight from hell and you know it.”

Luhan couldn’t help but laugh again at how indignant he sounded. “Perhaps but it does strengthen a lot of your muscle groups at the same time as well.”

“Are you seriously going to try to convince me that the last hour was to improve my muscular endurance?”

“Would you buy it?” Luhan asked with a smirk.

“Hell no.”

“Good, cause it’d be a lie.”  After Luhan admitted that one, he made sure to run forward out of the building.

However, Minseok was not far behind, and when he finally caught up and grabbed Luhan from behind, demanding an apology for the torture he had endured before he would let go, Luhan may have intentionally dragged him forward a few inches just so that he could hear Minseok laugh right beside his ear and feel him squeeze his torso even tighter before offering up the appropriate words of contrition.


Sorry nothings really happened yet, these guys are just taking their time lol

Thanks for reading and feel free to comment if you have time <3

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Chapter 11: GOSH I LOVE THIS FANFIC SO MUCH 😭😭😭💞💞💞💞💞
Chapter 8: This chapter makes me feel lots of feelings and I can't put my finger on which one is what but... they're all pretty intense. I think I'm getting emotional, ouch
Chapter 6: this chapter is all gay panic gay panic gay panic gay panic
Chapter 5: Lay's shipping is >>>>>>>
Chapter 3: I'll tell you that, Luhan's suffering is so fun 😈
(I mean, I'd be dying if a Minseok was whispering below my ear or telling me to hug with tightly, too)
Chapter 2: Lay was so indignant, I'm—

It's very clever the way you created this context to develop their friendship. It felt very natural the way Luhan gave in impusively and found himself in this predictment; and his and Minseok's interactions are sooo cute 🤧💞
Chapter 1: Every now and then I come back to this fic (even though my AF account is pretty much abandoned nowadays), and it fails to make me smile and happy. This fic is so cute, so well written, so important to me... I can't explain it, I just— Just thank you, ok, OP? Thanks a lot for writing and posting this. This is one of my favourite fanfics of all time, and surely my favourite LuMin one 💞
iridescxnce #8
Chapter 12: I loved your other fics and this wasn't an exception!! Thank you for this story <3
Chapter 13: I really, really enjoyed this!!♥♥♥
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story!♡♡♡
Chapter 12: First of all, I'm so mad that it's been almost two years since this has been finished and I'm just now finding it. I've been xiuhan trash since forever and I feel like it's a crime I haven't read this until now. Second of all, this was so good I read it all in one sitting and my only regret is that I've finished it and it's over (I do got my eyes on that sequel though, v excited for it.) Thirdly, I love the fact that VIXX is in this. And lastly, this was so good that I'm actually going to re-verify my email like this site has been asking me to do for like, a year, just so I can upvote this. Seriously. It was so good thank you for writing it. ; ;