
Walpurgis Night: Taking Back the Land of Fee *apply closed*
Walpurgis Night


  • Updated the information page with the princes and the weapons!
  • Characters officially picked! Thank you to all who submitted a profile. Don't be disheartened if you didn't get pick, since your character might actually make a debut in the story as a cameo. :D I had a hard time picking between them so thank you again so much! I'll be continuing the story in a little bit with some new introductions and get this story on a roll! <3
  • Due date announced: Dec 12th.  Added a new character to the profile section! Congratulations Hiikyoung! Have added your princess to the official character roster!  Updated the information page, and added more applications that have been recieved. If you do not have your character listed, it's because you did not follow what I had to say in the profile, or for some odd reason I cannot get access to your character anymore.
  • 10/11/2014 Made some changes to the profile's weapon section.  People seem to be getting confused about the weapon's section so I made some stronger clarifications.  Also added an applications received section to this page!
  • 10/09/2014  Added a new teaser! Well, it's less of a teaser and more of an intro in how she's going to find everyone else. 
  • 10/08/2014 Hey there, DorkusMaximus here.  There's been a slight change in the weapon area of the the profiles.  Please make sure to get the updates of it when doing your application.  Also the date of submission may change so please keep your eyes out for it.  I'll also be using this page for updated information.  :D
Applications Received:

I will be listing applications I've received under here.  This does not mean that I have accepted these characters, these are just the ones that have applied.  This also doesn't mean you can't apply for these same roles.  Please be courteous and respectful though.

stanleyunique - Thumbelina

-simplicity- - Ella Enchanted

addictedtoyourlove - The Little Mermaid
- Accepted

hiikyoung - Gerda - Accepted

15annabella - Kaguya Hime

JJLooeen - Tinkerbell

Isakatsura - Belle

shadowkitsune13 - Belle - Accepted

matokibu - Wendy
- Accepted

ChunsaAngel21 - Snow White


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Chapter 3: Congrats to the chosen girls
Chapter 3: CONGRATS TO THE CHOSEN ONE- guess my character didn't make it but that's okay ^^ Thank you!
Chapter 3: Congrats to everyone who got chosen! ^^
Chapter 3: I was wondering why I didn't see my character on the character list. Did I do something wrong?
Chapter 2: Can I use fighting gloves as a weapon? Do the different weapon traits have side effects?
Chapter 8: WOOT! EOMMA'S CHARACTER! The siblings are great. I love how she's known as Nara-brat. XD I also love how despite the fact that they blame Nara for making their life hell, they're still doing it despite everything.


MyungOkie...pretty sure approaching a girl like that is NOT the right way to get her to join you. Good thing it's Nara who is not quite all there...>>
Chapter 8: To be fair, there really isn't a good way to start that conversation. XD "Quick! Get into my magic cape and we'll go on a magical journey!!" Probably wouldn't do it either. Lol.

Their names for each other are adorable. So cuuuuute. And hilarious. XDD. But their relationships are awesome. The nicknames don't even phase each other.

I just thought of something. If its easier you can just type "Nara" sans the - if its easier. I know it bugged me typing her profile. >_>.

QUESTION!! Is the story going to take place in this world and in Fee? Like they'll go back and forth?

YAY MY CHAR!!!! /does the dance/
Chapter 8: NARA IS SUCH A FUN CHARACTER o u o I like her family background and the bakery shop okay- that's so goood
Anyways, CONGRATS! Can't wait for you to reveal the others ^^