Traverser of Worlds

Walpurgis Night: Taking Back the Land of Fee *apply closed*
Walpurgis Night
Traverser of Worlds

     A figure in a long red cloak looked up at the giant metallic door before her, scowling in dissaproval from what you could see from the hood.  
    "Damnit..." Myung-Ok said placing her gloved hand on the door before reeling it back after a shock was sent through it.  Not even her cloak would get her through this magical barrier.  "Leave it to a witch to create an obvious barrier, but make it ridiculous to pass through."
    "Difficult yes...?" a voice hissed in her ear as she felt long clawed fingers gently course up her arms. Myung-Ok froze in place.  How had she not heard anything creep up on her? She quickly berrated herself before she turned her head slowly to see herself face to face with a pair of golden eyes.
    She didn't even wait to register what the creature was before quickly reaching from her side and pulling out her dagger swinging it at the figure before it jumped away.  Myung quickly swished her cape brushing it out of the way in a readying fighting stance.
    "Poor excuse for an imitation wolf!" she screamed at the creature before launching herself at it.
    The creature was a poor imitation. It was too ragged, to thin, overly grotesque... some witch probably created it to make it look more intimidating.  It just made it more laughable in Myung's eyes.  If she hadn't remembered bits and pieces of the original Big Bad Wolf, she may have been scared... but this... this was nothing in comparison.
    It howled at her insult, snarling at her immediately afterwards and launching itself after her in turn.  Dagger met claw over and over again as the 'imitation' wolf continued to come at her with all it's might.
    "Imitation?! I AM NO IMITATION GIRL! I AM AN ORIGINAL!" he yelled swinging another claw at her. "Your death would have been painless! Now I'll make it miserable!"
    "Tell that to your master!" she screamed back at him blocking a claw and dodging the second which caught and scraped the end of her cloak.  This only served to make the wolf-like creature angrier.  It howled in rage as it launched at her one more time in faster flurries.  Myung was impressed, the creature wasn't just all talk.
    "I'LL DEFILE AND KILL YOU! AND AFTERWARDS I'LL FEAST ON YOUR BONES!" It was getting faster and faster... this was not at all going the way Myung though it would.  She didn't even have time to access the use of her cloak until she heard a sickening, 'thunk'.
    An arrow was now sticking out of the creatures shoulder causing it to cry out in pain and roll around the floor writhing in agony.  Another arrow resounding sinking into the back of the creatures leg.  It screamed again, now whimpering in pain.
    Despite what this creature had said to her, Myung couldn't stand the noise anymore.  She hated prolonged suffering, and in a swift movement stabbed the creature in the heart.  The moment she did this the creature exploded into a flurry of ash whisking the hood off her cloak and sending her hair flying around her face in a dramatic send-off of the creature.
    A slow clap resounded afterwards, and a young man walked out of the shadows smiling at her.
    "Wow wow wow... very impressive.  Of course it would have been more impressive if you actually used your power."
    Myung stopped and glared at him for a moment before answering.
    "I would have... if I had time to."
    "You had time, you just didn't do it."
    "What do you want me to say? I panicked okay?! Just because I have some memories doesn't mean I was once the same Red Riding Hood I once was.  This is all... still... new... and..." she felt her face heating up from anger and embarrassment.
    "Whoa whoa! It's okay! I didn't mean to get you all riled up.  This is why I'm here though.  To help you."
    "Zico. I... know you're trying to help me.  But picking on me like this doesn't help."
    "Yah? Well, get used to it. How else are you gonna learn? If I tell you how to do everything without you figuring it out it doesn't mean it's gonna stick."
    Myung remained silent at this.  He made a valid point.  She didn't like it... but it was valid.
    "Anyway..." she looked up at the door. "Do you think this is the first barrier to a weapon?"
    "You would know better than I would princess."
    "I don't think I can open this one on my own... not like the first one."
    "Then you know what you have to do."
    "I have to find the others." As soon as she said this she looked at Zico who nodded at her before taking his leave.  
    Light flared up around her, the dark red cloak now taking on a fiery color.  She quickly unbuckled it throwing it into the air, the area vibrating around it rippling like water.  The inner part of the cloak looked as if it was drowned in a never ending blackness.  Myung-ok took a deep breath before stepping through, making sure to grab the corner of it taking the cloak in with her and visibly dissapearing.
    Opening her eyes she was back in her room at her family home dressed in the days clothes she had left in versus the armor she wore in the other world..  A wave of nausea traveled through her body and she felt herself toppling over.
    Traveling between worlds was never an easy process.

author's note

I thought I'd start out with something a little more exciting as a teaser. And give a little insight.


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Chapter 3: Congrats to the chosen girls
Chapter 3: CONGRATS TO THE CHOSEN ONE- guess my character didn't make it but that's okay ^^ Thank you!
Chapter 3: Congrats to everyone who got chosen! ^^
Chapter 3: I was wondering why I didn't see my character on the character list. Did I do something wrong?
Chapter 2: Can I use fighting gloves as a weapon? Do the different weapon traits have side effects?
Chapter 8: WOOT! EOMMA'S CHARACTER! The siblings are great. I love how she's known as Nara-brat. XD I also love how despite the fact that they blame Nara for making their life hell, they're still doing it despite everything.


MyungOkie...pretty sure approaching a girl like that is NOT the right way to get her to join you. Good thing it's Nara who is not quite all there...>>
Chapter 8: To be fair, there really isn't a good way to start that conversation. XD "Quick! Get into my magic cape and we'll go on a magical journey!!" Probably wouldn't do it either. Lol.

Their names for each other are adorable. So cuuuuute. And hilarious. XDD. But their relationships are awesome. The nicknames don't even phase each other.

I just thought of something. If its easier you can just type "Nara" sans the - if its easier. I know it bugged me typing her profile. >_>.

QUESTION!! Is the story going to take place in this world and in Fee? Like they'll go back and forth?

YAY MY CHAR!!!! /does the dance/
Chapter 8: NARA IS SUCH A FUN CHARACTER o u o I like her family background and the bakery shop okay- that's so goood
Anyways, CONGRATS! Can't wait for you to reveal the others ^^