Black Feathers

Walpurgis Night: Taking Back the Land of Fee *apply closed*
Walpurgis Night
Black Feathers

    A jolt.
    A jolt woke her up.
   Wide eyes opened revealing deep black pools that took in her surroundings.  The sound of tinkling resounded as a figure gently pulled herself from a jeweled wall, looking as if she had once been a part of it like a beautiful statue come to life.
    She was clad in a long gown made of feathers and gems, the black sapphires glinting in the light and reflecting everywhere with the occasional diamond placed here and there.  Her hair was down, though partially done up with an elaborate jeweled headpiece and even more jewels dispersed throughout.
    "Whose woken me up so early?" she said gently to herself as she continued forward and yawned into her hand. A small smile curled onto her lips before she traipesed lightly to what looked like a glass coffin. She sat on the edge of it looking in and gently ran her hand across the top carressing it lovingly.
    Inside the coffin was the body of a young man, dressed in garbs as elaborate and fine as her own.
    She hadn't realized what had happened and stopped for a moment staring into nothing, briefly deep in thought at the realization. The first seal had been breached and woke her up from her long slumber.                

"You know... I never thought that anyone could make it to the first seal.  How frightening." She tucked her hair behind her ear and laid on top of the coffin now, resting her face where it would be parallel to his.  "They must be very powerful." Her eyes narrowed in this thought. "What could be powerful enough to reach it my darling?" she said sitting up and looking down into his face once more.
    "The princesses are dead, their weapons sealed away... I don't think it could be them... could it?"
    Another jolt gently made it's way through her body. Her eyes widened.
    "Something killed one of my illusions?  Darling, I think someone wants you very badly." She laid back down once more, though now on her back staring at the ceiling and then to her hand admiring the jewels that laced around her fingers.
    "Strong though... but not strong enough to even attempt to break the seal. How laughable...pathetic really." She giggled to herself.  "But I'm awake now.  I'll look into the matter soon enough." she pouted turning back over again and laying her head down once more on the smooth surface.
    "My magic rivals my fathers... no... it's stronger than my father's now.  And now that the land is covered in darkness, my powers will only get stronger.  I'm not called The Black Swan for nothing." she smiled to herself and finally stood up looking at the coffin over her shoulder.
    "I remember when I first saw you.  You were so handsome, so beautiful... so..."
    Before she could finish her words the doors to her chamber slammed open, several crow like men running in shimmering between reality and shadows before stopping and bowing before her.  Her features narrowed at the sudden intrusion.
    "We are sorry for the intrusion Lady Odi... Lady Hyuna.  We know not to bother you in your reverie, but we sensed a presence at the first seal."
    Hyuna walked over to the creature, a sly smile crossing her features.  She placed her hand on the creatures head it softly.
    "I understand.  I felt it too." she said soothingly continuing to pet the strange creature, "I thought about punishing you, you know."
    The creature tensed under her touch.
    "You're lucky I'm in a good mood right now." she said trailing a finger down it's face before lightly bopping it on the beak with the tip of her finger.
    The creature winced a little, and though it relaxed somewhat, it's tension was still apparent.
    "You know what to do.  Search the land.  Gather information. Do your job.  If they haven't gotten past the first seal yet, I highly doubt they'd barely be able to even bother me right now.  Fleas.  But fleas that need to be exterminated nonetheless." The smile faded from her lips as she walked back over to the coffin.
    "Yes my lady." The creature responded as she quickly shoed them away with one hand.
    The creatures quickly filed out in succession, one by one.  She watched from her window as they took flight into the darkened sky and afterwards proceeded to lay on the coffin once more sighing a little.

    "Noone will take you from me... my prince charming."

author's note
Another teaser for you guys :D
I thought I'd put up a bit more intrigue for youse guys!
Please keep submitting your profiles.  Because I'm in such a writer's groove at the moment, I may pick one or two profiles that I fancy so I can keep the momentum of the story up.  So expect an introduction to one, or possibly two characters soon.  That doesn't mean I'll be filling all the spaces though.  So please, again! Keep them coming :D


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Chapter 3: Congrats to the chosen girls
Chapter 3: CONGRATS TO THE CHOSEN ONE- guess my character didn't make it but that's okay ^^ Thank you!
Chapter 3: Congrats to everyone who got chosen! ^^
Chapter 3: I was wondering why I didn't see my character on the character list. Did I do something wrong?
Chapter 2: Can I use fighting gloves as a weapon? Do the different weapon traits have side effects?
Chapter 8: WOOT! EOMMA'S CHARACTER! The siblings are great. I love how she's known as Nara-brat. XD I also love how despite the fact that they blame Nara for making their life hell, they're still doing it despite everything.


MyungOkie...pretty sure approaching a girl like that is NOT the right way to get her to join you. Good thing it's Nara who is not quite all there...>>
Chapter 8: To be fair, there really isn't a good way to start that conversation. XD "Quick! Get into my magic cape and we'll go on a magical journey!!" Probably wouldn't do it either. Lol.

Their names for each other are adorable. So cuuuuute. And hilarious. XDD. But their relationships are awesome. The nicknames don't even phase each other.

I just thought of something. If its easier you can just type "Nara" sans the - if its easier. I know it bugged me typing her profile. >_>.

QUESTION!! Is the story going to take place in this world and in Fee? Like they'll go back and forth?

YAY MY CHAR!!!! /does the dance/
Chapter 8: NARA IS SUCH A FUN CHARACTER o u o I like her family background and the bakery shop okay- that's so goood
Anyways, CONGRATS! Can't wait for you to reveal the others ^^