
Walpurgis Night: Taking Back the Land of Fee *apply closed*
Walpurgis Night



  In the world of Walpurgis Night, you are 5 girls who are from the earthly realm that had been rebom from past lives as 'princesses' guardians of the land of Fee.
While the land of Fee has now been turned into the land of Walpurgis, it is your duty to go back to that world, find the magical relics and restore the balance to the land that it once was.




When the Heroine came to the land of Fee, she created 5 distinct weapons based on the stories of the people she encountered.

The Red Rose:  A whip that communes with nature. Has the ability to summon and communicate with animals and some plants. Imbued with the love between the princess and the essence of beast it was originally the rose from the garden in the enchanted castle and changed into a capable weapon.

Knife of the Sea Witch: A knife with strong healing capabilities, aned strong versus the undead. Originally made by the witch of the sea and given to the mermaids to return their sister. It was discarded and the hero took the blade and made it into a holy relic.

The Mirror's Shard:  A spear that can manipulate weather temporarily.  Taken from the eye of the princess' loved one it was extended into a sharp blade and made into a fierce weapon by the hero, further made stronger by the spell of love when the curse was broken.

Pan's Dagger: A dagger who gives the user enhanced capabilities. Pan was originally relunctant to give the dagger to the hero until the evil started to seep into his own lands. The hero took the cues from the young lad and imbued it with the abilities making the user stronger, faster, able to jump higher, etc.

Cloak of Teleportation weilded by Red Riding Hood : This weapon yields the wielder the ability to teleport via long distances or short ones. Woven with the love of family to protect the user, the hero decided to imbue this final weapon with it's ability to find the remaining princess to save the land of Fee.








Along with weaponry, the princesses also had guardians that would protect them acting as their immediate bodyguards.  Rather than die when the darkness came, the princesses sealed each of them away to protect them from the oncoming evil.
After the princesses died, the seals on them were immediately released.  Now they fight as mercenaries and the like trying to protect what citizens they can from the denizens of darkness.


Prince Charming: Kim Hansol, Once loved by the people and desired as a marriage prospect by practically every female in the kingdom, noone knows what happened to him.  After the darkness and the death of his princess he seems to have dissapeared.


King of Thieves: Yoo Youngjae, Stole from the rich and gave to the poor. Known also as the self proclaimed, 'King of Thieves' and has never been caught in his attempts... so he boasts.  Regardless of his thievery people seemed to love him.  Rumor is that after his princess' death his thieving became more rampant... though it was less from the people and more from his enemies.


The White Knight: Kim Himchan, Paragon of all that is good and right, at least at the time.  Was a strict holder of the laws until the darkness came to Fee.  The death of his princess has made him question his morality and he has become more of a dark knight in lieu to his old shining persona.  He still fights for what's right, and still tries to protect the citizens, but his methods have become more unorthadox.

The Mystic: Nam Woohyun, While skilled in the ability to wield magic, the mystic acted as more of a voice of reason or a guide.  Generally loved by the people for being kind, a capable teacher, a voice of reason, and an alchemist to heal their ailments.  While he could be equally destructive he chose to use his magic for good.  After the death of his princess however, he has been known to be more reclusive and trying to find a way to battle the strong magic of Walpurgis.

The Huntsman: Woo Jiho(Zico) Generally a stoic loner his virtues have been known to flip-flop, though in the end his nature/concience has been known to look towards good virtues.  He's an every man, but a strong and capable person.  After the princesses died, he took it upon himself to become more of a loner rather than work for individuals like in the past.  Some whisper that he's a vigilante, and occasionally he's been known to help reinforce walls and help rebuild villages.  His nature is mysterious though and noone quite knows what to think of him.




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Chapter 3: Congrats to the chosen girls
Chapter 3: CONGRATS TO THE CHOSEN ONE- guess my character didn't make it but that's okay ^^ Thank you!
Chapter 3: Congrats to everyone who got chosen! ^^
Chapter 3: I was wondering why I didn't see my character on the character list. Did I do something wrong?
Chapter 2: Can I use fighting gloves as a weapon? Do the different weapon traits have side effects?
Chapter 8: WOOT! EOMMA'S CHARACTER! The siblings are great. I love how she's known as Nara-brat. XD I also love how despite the fact that they blame Nara for making their life hell, they're still doing it despite everything.


MyungOkie...pretty sure approaching a girl like that is NOT the right way to get her to join you. Good thing it's Nara who is not quite all there...>>
Chapter 8: To be fair, there really isn't a good way to start that conversation. XD "Quick! Get into my magic cape and we'll go on a magical journey!!" Probably wouldn't do it either. Lol.

Their names for each other are adorable. So cuuuuute. And hilarious. XDD. But their relationships are awesome. The nicknames don't even phase each other.

I just thought of something. If its easier you can just type "Nara" sans the - if its easier. I know it bugged me typing her profile. >_>.

QUESTION!! Is the story going to take place in this world and in Fee? Like they'll go back and forth?

YAY MY CHAR!!!! /does the dance/
Chapter 8: NARA IS SUCH A FUN CHARACTER o u o I like her family background and the bakery shop okay- that's so goood
Anyways, CONGRATS! Can't wait for you to reveal the others ^^