A Baker's Trio + one

Walpurgis Night: Taking Back the Land of Fee *apply closed*
Walpurgis night
A baker's trio + one

    "Na-ra brat! Where are you?! The new pies are ready! Get them out while I'm decorating this cake!" Woo-su shouted at her while deftly making beautiful flowers with icing and gently placing them on top of said cake.        
    "Yah! Oppa pinhead!" Na-ra yelled back, " I would if you didn't already have me wrapping this dough!" She quickly tore off another chunk, and rolled it into a ball, before wrapping it gently but swiftly in plastic wrap. "Where's idiot number two at!?"
    "Idiot number two is pulling bread out at the moment dummy number three!"  Tae-su screamed at them while very carefully removing the flavored bread from the large convection oven.
    It was a very hectic morning for the trio of siblings, who while on any other day would look like normal bakers, were now looking like ghosts since they were covered head to toe in flour. This was a day they were dreading, a day when Na-ra decided it was okay for her and her brothers to take on three elaborate wedding cakes while simultaneously getting the general baked goods done. Woo-su regretted leaving her to tend the shop while he took the deliveries for once. It really was all his fault.
    Na-ra had needed to stay behind at the shop the day the order was made, because she had to study for her midterms. Being the good older brother that he was, he shouldered her normal routine while he left her to take orders and ONLY orders.  Tae-su would have caught onto what was happening had he not been soley busy making the baked goods, when his brother wasn't there,  also knowing about his sisters midterms.
    Normally, Woo-su wouldn't have minded doing three cakes, however, the way they were timed was what made it concerning.  She had them spread out in a manner of an hour each on the SAME EXACT DAY.  This occurence wouldn't have normally happened, even with Nara manning the front, except the person that had come in was working for a catering company and desperately pleaded with her to get these done. The baker they normally used was sick, or some sob story she couldn't remember, and had to take a temporary leave.  Feeling sorry for the man, and having her lapse in judgement slightly subjugated from the immense amount of studying(as well as being confident in her, and her brothers abilities), she took on the task.
    Woo-su knew his sister would dive head first into her exams, with enough vigor to stop a rampaging hoard of elephants, while also helping maintain the shop that she wouldn't have gotten as much rest as she would have liked or needed.
    "Na-ra brat! Stop doing the dough and get the pies, the dough won't rest that fast, so you have time to pull out the pies and go back to what you're doi..." the door rang with the sound of someone entering.
    Tae-su quickly put down the bread, "Na-ra! Go answer the counter, I'll take care of the pies! When you get back start piping into the breads and I'll take care of the rest of the dough!"
    "Got it!" she shouted back releived to be taking a small break from the overwhelming chaos.  Na-ra began proceeding forward toward the counter, wiping her hands off as best as she could on her apron(which didn't help much) before a strange wash of... nostalgia? rushed over her as she looked at the person who was standing at the door.
    A girl had entered, she seemed pretty, but was someone Na-ra definitely had no inclination of.  Was she an actress? Or a pop-star? There were so many these days she couldn't keep track of them, and it wasn't uncommon for one or two to be running around Seoul.
    "Can I help you?" Na-ra finally asked, watching the girl look around the shop before turning to her and lifting her hand in the air towards Nara.
    The girl raised her a finger, and for a split second she though she could see a red string stretching out towards her from it.  She blinked her eyes and the red string was gone.  Was she hallucinating?
    "I... um..." the girl began, "My name is Kim Myung-Ok... and I need your help."
    "Ok, and what do you need help with necessarily?" Na-ra asked, a suspicion lurking in her eyes.
    ", how do I say this without sounding like a whack job?" Myung-Ok muttered to herself, "You see you're..."
    Myung was immediately cut off when Tae-su walked over to them.
    "I'm sorry maam, we are very busy today, I'm not trying to be rude, so please forgive us but if you need to make an order, please make it or leave."
    Myung sighed and quickly ordered a small amount of croissants, paying for them and hesitantly walking out of the store.
    "What a weirdo..." her brother said turning away from the counter and walking towards his station.
    It was odd, but something. Something enough that it made her compelled to listen to what this girl had to say.  She quickly brushed it from her mind though as her eldest brother made another scream of "Na-ra brat!" causing her to go back and help him.
    Later that night three tired siblings were closing up the shop, after an initial game of kai bai bo(rock paper scissors), Na-ra ended up getting the losing slot, and was the one to take out the trash.  As she made her way out to the dumpster she instantly caught sight of the same girl that had entered the shop that day.  Again, she felt that strange feeling of nostalgia as the girl approached her. Why wasn't she freaked out? Some strange girl was waiting around the shop all day for her? Or maybe one of her brothers?
    Na-ra quickly brushed aside her feelings, and let her mind take over the situation.
    "Okay,  I get that my brothers are good-looking and all, but are you a stalker of them or something?"
    The girl stopped in her tracks, and a puzzled look crossed her features.

   "Your brothers...? Oh god no no no no no you got it all wrong..."she proceeded forward at a quick pace and reached for Na-ra's wrist.  Na-ra jerked away.
    "I'm flattered and all lady, but I don't swing that way!"
    Myung sighed annoyed.
    "Listen, I know this is weird okay?! But... I don't know how to explain so just come with me!"
    "And why the hell would I do that?!" Na-ra exclaimed back at her.
    The girl sighed again for the thousandth time, and Na-ra watched as she pulled out a needle and pricked her finger.  After the initial welling of blood, it seemed to dissapear. In it's place was a long red glowing string that seemed to connect all the way to Na-ra's own wrist.
    "What the...?!" Nara shook her head a couple of times, but this time the string didn't dissapear. "What kind of magic trick are you pulling here?!"
    "It's magic, but it's not a trick.  This is REAL magic.  Like I said, I can't explain to well without sounding like some lunatic. Though I'm sure this isn't making my case any better.  The best way for me to explain is for you to come with me. I promise you I am not trying to harm you."
    Na-ra watched as the girl fished in her pocket pulling out a wallet and pulling out her I.D card from the sleeve.
    "My name is Kim Myung-Ok as I've said before, if you want to hold onto my I.D as proof, or as evidence in case you want to report me to the police you can have this." A feeble attempt to reach out and gain her trust, but an attempt nonetheless.
    Na-ra shook her head at this and indicated for her to put it away.
    "As weird as this sounds, I'll follow you.  I can't explain why, and this is really really REALLY freaking me out, and maybe I haven't gotten enough sleep, but for some strange reason I believe you. I'll follow you, but I'm going to keep a safe distance between us."
    Na-ra was a strong girl, she had strong hands from baking and cooking, and a well toned body from biking around the city and making deliveries.  Plus she had two older brothers, she had to be tough to compete with them.  The girl in front of her looked like she could be taken down if Na-ra needed to do it.
    "Alright." Myung quickly said nodding to her.  This was definitely better than nothing.  
    After a brief walk, Myung led the other girl into an alleyway, but before Na-ra could balk, before her was a floating cape, and instead of fabric in it, it looked like an endless blackness.
    "Let's go." Myung grabbed Na-ra's wrist before she could complain and dragged her into the cloak.

author's note
Introducing Shin Na-ra! :D


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Chapter 3: Congrats to the chosen girls
Chapter 3: CONGRATS TO THE CHOSEN ONE- guess my character didn't make it but that's okay ^^ Thank you!
Chapter 3: Congrats to everyone who got chosen! ^^
Chapter 3: I was wondering why I didn't see my character on the character list. Did I do something wrong?
Chapter 2: Can I use fighting gloves as a weapon? Do the different weapon traits have side effects?
Chapter 8: WOOT! EOMMA'S CHARACTER! The siblings are great. I love how she's known as Nara-brat. XD I also love how despite the fact that they blame Nara for making their life hell, they're still doing it despite everything.


MyungOkie...pretty sure approaching a girl like that is NOT the right way to get her to join you. Good thing it's Nara who is not quite all there...>>
Chapter 8: To be fair, there really isn't a good way to start that conversation. XD "Quick! Get into my magic cape and we'll go on a magical journey!!" Probably wouldn't do it either. Lol.

Their names for each other are adorable. So cuuuuute. And hilarious. XDD. But their relationships are awesome. The nicknames don't even phase each other.

I just thought of something. If its easier you can just type "Nara" sans the - if its easier. I know it bugged me typing her profile. >_>.

QUESTION!! Is the story going to take place in this world and in Fee? Like they'll go back and forth?

YAY MY CHAR!!!! /does the dance/
Chapter 8: NARA IS SUCH A FUN CHARACTER o u o I like her family background and the bakery shop okay- that's so goood
Anyways, CONGRATS! Can't wait for you to reveal the others ^^