
What If
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What happen to my mother? Where is she? How’s Kai doing? Is that my father under the truck?

I was left without answers.

Am’ I dead?  I asked myself over and over as if there will be an answer. Maybe I ‘am, maybe this is how it feels like when you’re already dead and god give you a chance to say goodbye to yourself before a shining light calling from heaven before bringing me to where  a soul should go. Or maybe I’m not going to heaven since I’ve been selfish (that’s what I’ve thought of myself). But I don’t want to go to hell. Now my tears turn into fear.

I was afraid and stay closed next to my body. The paramedics then came to me. Someone hold my wrist, “She’s alive but unconscious” he had answer my question.

I was so happy knowing that I ‘am not dead yet but it doesn’t last longer since the thought of my family’s life haunted me.

“We need to bring her ASAP” he barked orders.

I followed my body that was brought inside the ambulance. “Hold on, you’re going to be alright” he said as if he knew I was here with my body.

It took short minutes for my ambulance to reach the nearest hospital that weren’t familiar to me. The medic rushed me inside and he yelled “I’ve think we got a brain damage here” to the nurses.

They rushed me to the elevator and I have to catch up with my heavy jacket, right before the door closed. 

A group of nurses and doctor bring me to the dark room and there were only one light that was flashed to my unconscious-self laying on the uncomfor

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ironkacang_man #1
Chapter 8: Please update!!! I've waiting for years(not really)
I just wanna know what happen next...i'm not forcing u to update but please do if u can
TheMaleficent #2
Chapter 8: @hannnibie sadly, yes.
hannnibie #3
Chapter 8: did her parents die??
TheMaleficent #4
@mineeesoya Thank You. I will