Green Monster

The Rogue's Dark Secret
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The look on Jaesun’s face was filled with shock as Yoon passed him in her uniform. He had been sprawled on the sofa, switching the channels boredly. He immediately sat up when she entered the lounge room, prepared for school. “What are you doing?” He enquired, slipping from the couch.

“I’m going to school.” She answered, opening and shutting some cupboards.

“But why? I thought you couldn’t.” He watched her lithe form pace around the kitchen.

“I can now.” Yoon peered over her shoulder. “Are you coming with?”

Jaesun hesitated, and then frowned. “Why are you going?” He observed how she resumed searching the cupboards, until she drew out a pack of chips and crackers. She dumped them into her bag, and raided the fridge. She pulled out two cans of Fanta, and zipped up her bag. When her gaze met with his, she just shrugged. “Is that a yes or no?” Jaesun rolled his eyes. He peeled himself from his comfortable position on the sofa and headed to his room. Yoon smirked when she heard his door slam, then his cupboards rattling open.

It took approximately 23 minutes and 5 seconds for him to be ready.

When they entered the main building of the Academy, Jaesun had to leave early to class to deliver a late assignment. Yoon made a beeline to her locker, and twirled in her combination. It clicked open, and she replaced her books in her messenger bag. She wasn’t sure what to expect with Kai, now that he knew who she really was. Her fingers reached up and touched the mask covering the lower half of her face.

It was a stark reminder that not a single soul in the Academy aside from Jaesun knew who she really was. If any word was out about her true identity, she couldn’t imagine the chaos that would follow.

Kai wasn’t supposed to know, but in the end, he did. Fates had an irritating way of interfering with lives.

However, there were rumours students seeing a white wolf on the day the coyotes attacked the Academy. Most students disregarded the hushed whispers, but a few knew that the rumours weren’t false. She castigated herself for being careless once again with her identity. It seemed as if the harder she tried to keep her identity locked away, the more the secret was being slowly pulled out from its box.

She gulped as her fingers paused against the cotton of her mask. If Kai spoke anything about her existence to her relatives, she would have to leave and wipe all traces that she had been in the Academy. The thought sickened her. How could she leave again knowing that she had to leave Kai behind? It was tortuous enough that her family were traitors. Plus, she had to also worry that Kris may take an opportunity to confess to her parents.

Once combat class came about, Yoon donned herself into her dark sweatpants, and a simple shirt that reached her elbows. She finished knotting her laces, just as Kai approached. Her breath hitched as his familiar scent nose. He was swathed in black breeches which disappeared into hard, combat boots. He wore a thin singlet that did a great job at accentuating each indent of his delineated torso. Hell, his toned arms looked delicious.

Yoon flushed when her thoughts turned dark. She diverted her gaze to avoid her conscious conjuring any more dirty thoughts of Kai, especially since he was her teacher.

“Good Afternoon class. Today, gather around so you’ll hear my instructions.” He gestured. The females in the class giggled, and immediately launched themselves in his space. Yoon reluctantly moved closer, but stayed near her fellow Rogues.

Although he couldn’t scent her, he spotted her near the Rogues staring not at him, but her shoes. His jaw ticked. He suppressed the green monster within him. He couldn’t get jealous of a pair of shoes, but still, he wanted her eyes on him and only him. Clearing his throat, he continued his teaching, “Place yourselves in the assigned groups and start aiming at the targets set to your left.”

A row of large targets aligned the field on the left, but they were a fair dista

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joohyun007 #1
Thanks for the update. I will wait for it :)
LOVE the poster!
Itz_Me017 #3
Chapter 35: Thank you for updating! Please update soon again. This was intense.
Chapter 35: Thank you for the updatesssss... this is like my belated birthday presentsss
waarry #5
Chapter 35: fck what happened
Seenaa #6
Chapter 35: Holy did the castle really gone??? I really really need to know what's luhan's real problem
Seenaa #7
Chapter 34: Omgggg im super shocked when i see the notification on the story update. Thanks authornim on the updateee !!!!!!