Chapter 9 Hello Vacation

The Time of Our Lives


After the incident with Taehyung earlier in the week it became apparent to Victoria of her own feelings. She knew that she had fallen in love with Nichkhun. She thought of him the first thing she woke up. He was the last thing on her mind before she went to bed. Her eyes automatically looked out for him whenever he was near. She knew she was in trouble; after all he was one of the most famous actors in the country, but she couldn’t help it. She couldn’t’ stop her heart from falling in love with him. She knew she didn’t fell in love with him because he was a famous actor or because he was handsome; she had fallen in love with this kind, dorky, overly jealous guy. She had fallen in love with a perfectly imperfect man.


What she didn’t know was whether he felt the same way about her. Even if his actions might indicate that he was also interested in her, but she didn’t dare allow herself to even entertain the idea that in some way he felt the same way about her too.


On Wednesday night the gang had gotten together for dinner at La Caffe when Krystal suggested that they all go on a vacation at Jeju Island during the upcoming Liberation day long weekend celebration.


“Guys I was thinking, how about we all go to Jeju Island this long weekend for some fun in the sun? You guys are welcome to stay at my house. We could take the yacht out and do some snorkeling, sun bathing, eat delicious seafood” said Krystal with dreamy eyes


“Oh that sounds great Krys! We haven’t had a vacation in a long time. Yeah let’s all go together guys!” said Luna clapping excitedly with a big grin on her face to which Wooyoung had to laugh at her innocent enthusiasm


Everyone was excited at the thought of the trip together. They all started planning on activities that they could do, food that they would eat, places to go visit. Then all of a sudden the girls started talking about the most important thing for the trip………clothes and accessories.

“Oh I’m so excited! Wait how many swimsuits should I bring? Is 2 enough? What do you think? said Krystal then turned to ask Luna and Victoria


“You should bring at least 3 swimsuits Krys. It’s better to bring more and that way you can mix and match with other accessories!” said Victoria all excited and giddy


“Good idea Vic!....Talk about accessories, oh I think I need to buy some new hats and sunglasses!” said Luna trying to think of things that she would need for the trip


“Oh and don’t forget we need new beach towels and cute sandals!! Those are a must!” said Victoria to Luna to remind her of things that she forgot


“And I need a cute beach tote bag!! And sunblock! We need good sunblock lotions girls” said Krystal looking serious as if it was a matter of life and death


“Yeah I hear you Krys, yes good sunblock is an absolute must! And oh we need to get those sunblock shampoo and conditioner too otherwise our hair will turn crisps in the heat of the sun” said Luna while grabbing a strand of her hair and examine it


“Oh we seriously need to do some shopping girls….let’s go tomorrow afternoon shall we?” Victoria said smiling from ear to ear at her friends who all nodded their heads vigorously


The three guys were just sitting there listening to the girls talked about what they needed to bring in a complete awe. They all turned and looked at each other in complete amazement of how can a 3 day trip tuned into a 6 month long vacation with all the things they said they needed to bring


“Mmmm you guys really need to bring all that?” asked Teacyeon looking quite confused


“Of course we do!! These are important things!” snapped Krystal


“Yes, these are important stuffs Teac. Aissh don’t you know anything?” said Wooyoung shaking his head pretending to be disappointed at his friends


“Yeah right. As if you’ve heard of sunblock shampoo and conditioner before” scoffed Teacyeon at his friend


“Well, I do now” said Wooyoung sticking out his tongue at his friend


Nichkhun just watched all the exchange with a big smile on his face. He was just so happy at the thought of spending 3 days 2 nights with Victoria that he couldn’t care less if she brought her whole house with her for the trip. He was staring at her face all smiling and giggling at the thought of spending a vacation with Victoria and unknowingly his smile just grew bigger and bigger……until


“Hey what’s up with this clown right here? Staring at Victoria and smiling like a fool….hahaha” said Teacyeon and started to laugh at his best friend being completely captivated by Victoria’s beauty


Then everyone started laughing and teased Nichkhun who turned completely red especially his ears. Victoria was completely embarrassed at what happened and suddenly covered her face with her own hair.


The trip was finally planned, everyone would meet at Incheon Airport at 9:30 am on Friday and they will board Krystal’s private jet and would head out to Jeju Island for 3 days and 2 nights of some fun.


Later that night on the way home Victoria couldn’t hide her happiness about the impending trip, she kept talking about the food she wanted to eat, about how nice the weather would be, what she was going to wear. Nichkhun mostly listened to her excitement; he couldn’t hide his own happiness either.


“Teacyeon was right I’m smiling like a fool now” thought Nichkhun


When they reached Victoria’s house and before Victoria got out of the car Nichkhun turned to face her and said


“I can’t wait to see you in a tiny tiny bikini” said Nichkhun with a teasing smile and a scrunch up face to emphasize how tiny those bikinis should be


Victoria let out a laugh, leaned her face closer to his, tilted her head to the side and then said


“So you don’t mind other guys see me in a tiny tiny bikini then?” asked Victoria with a mischievous smile on her face


“As if!...You can only wear them for me ok? You understand?” said Nichkhun in a protective and jealous voice


“As if!....ert” said Victoria with a smile and a tongue sticking out at Nichkhun before she let herself out of the car and into her home


Friday morning 9:30 am


Victoria was so excited about the trip that she woke up even before her scheduled alarm. She was walking around her house humming to the tune of the music playing on the radio while gathering Erummie’s things before she took her dog to Taehyung’s house. Taehyung’s mother had agreed to look after Erummie while Victoria went on vacation to show her gratitude for everything Victoria had done for her. After dropping Erummie off at Taehyung’s house Victoria proceeded to the Airport to meet up with her friends.


The gang had arrived at Incheon Airport all ready and eager to leave. Victoria was wearing a cut out blue jeans shorts revealing her beautiful long legs, a plain black tank top with a plain white shirt on top and a pair of stylish sunglasses, a beige fedora and a multi-color stripes tote bag to complete the outfit.


Even in a simple casual wear she still looked divine Nichkhun thought. Nichkhun on the other hand was wearing a wife-beater with a blue shirt on top, beige cropped carrot pants, flattop sunglasses and a gray beanie hat and carrying a gray backpack on his back.


The rest of the gang also decked out in casual wear, Teacyeon wore a white t-shirt with black graffiti print on it and a pair of fitted blue jeans, Wooyoung wore a fitted red V-neck t-shirt, a cropped gray pants, a pair of sunglasses and a brown newsboy cap. Luna opted for a red and white floral print sleeveless summer dress, a pair of sunglasses and a white floppy hat to shield the effect of the sun. Krystal on the other hand was wearing a jeans shorts, a black and red checkered shirt and a red baseball cap to top it all off.


They all boarded the plane and 45 minutes later they landed at Jeju International Airport. Upon emerging from the aircraft there were two cars parked right in front of them. A silver BMW convertible and a black MINI Cooper convertible. Krystal arranged to have Nichkhun and Victoria take the black MINI while the rest of them would ride together in the silver BMW. They all got into the car and quickly drove off from the airport. Krystal was sitting in the passenger seat with Teacyeon as the driver while Luna and Wooyoung sat leisurely at the back. 25 minutes later they all had arrived at the Jung estate.


The Jung estate was a white enormous modern two stories house with a big balcony all the way across the 2nd floor. The first floor of the house was an open space that divided into a dining area complete with a state of the art open kitchen and a white modern dining table next to it, a sitting area that had a high ceiling, a glass to ceiling windows, state of the art audio system, white plush sofa facing the lawn and looking out at the ocean. On the other side of the wall was decorated with a mural of a beautiful sunset. The house was sitting atop a hill overlooking the vast ocean. From the sitting area you could look out on to a huge lawn with a giant oak tree to provide shades from the afternoon sun. Under the oak tree there was a long wooden coffee table and lots of colorful cushions, pillows and huge beanbags spread out on the grass. There were several sizes of glass lanterns hanging down from the oak tree at different lengths. Not far from the seating area on the left there was a wooden stairway that goes down to the Jung’s own private beach and a beautiful white yacht floating not far away in the ocean.


It was heaven on earth.


Upon entering the house the maids were standing at the front gate to greet their master and her guests.


“Welcome back Miss Jung” they all said and bowed deeply


“Take the luggage and put them in the separate rooms. I will be staying in my room while the girls will be staying in the guest rooms on the right wing with me and the guys will stay at the guest rooms on the left wing. And after you’re done then begin preparing lunch for me and my friends” Krystal ordered


“Right away Miss” the maids bowed and quickly left to attend to their duties


“I love it when you’re bossy” Teacyeon who was standing next to Krystal suddenly whispered into her ears with a teasing tone of voice. Krystal just smiled and let out a chuckled


After everyone had settled in and freshen themselves up, they all gathered again at the kitchen to find the maid had already prepared a feast for them. They all enjoy the meal enormously. After the meal they all decided to stay in since the sun is still too strong so they decided to play a game of Charades. They all divided into 3 pairs, Nichkhun and Victoria, Wooyoung and Luna, Teacyeon and Krystal. Each team wrote down 3 words and they took turn acting out word of other team to their team member. Krystal and Teacyeon were the first team to play, Teacyeon pick out a piece of paper from Wooyoung’s team which read “Milkshake” and immediately smile and began acting out the word.


Teacyeon began by grabbing his own s then started shaking his body to Krystal.


“Heart! it’s a heart right…cold you’re cold too….cold hearted!!! Right cold hearted!!!” Krysltal started yelling out answers enthusiastically while Teacyeon kept shaking his head and grabbed his own s and shook his body


“Pounding chest??? No! Gorilla!!! Hungry gorilla!! Shaking gorilla!!! Angry gorilla!!! Dancing gorilla!!!” Krystal yelled out anything she could think of couple with the word gorilla at Teacyeon


“Time’s up!” yelled out Wooyoung. Everyone was on the floor laughing so hard, tears streaming down their faces after watching Teacyeon.


“What was the word?” asked Krystal “It’s Milkshake” answered Teacyeon a little out of breaths


“Milkshake??? How was that a milkshake????” asked Krystal


“What do you mean how? I was showing you milk like this (grabbed his own s) you know milk coming from s?? and I shook my body! So together Milkshake!” Teacyeon explained proudly of his ability and creativity to act out the word milkshake


“Oh…My…God” said Krystal while shaking her head in disbelief


Next was Wooyoung and Luna’s turn. Wooyoung took out a piece of paper from Nichkhun’s team which read “Kung Fu” Wooyoung immediately spread out his legs wide and do a high kick in the air, jumping around with his face all twisted like in the old kung fu movie


“Fighting!! Kicking!! Oh I know I know! Bruce Lee!!!! No?? Jackie Chan???” Luna yelled out answers after answers


“Jet Li!!!  No???  Martial Arts!! Judo!! Taekwondo!! Karate!! Kick boxing!!! Oh my god what is it?????” said Luna while throwing her hands in the air


“Time’s up!” said Nichkhun


“It’s Kung Fu” said Wooyoung panting


“Oh I was so close!” said Luna smiling a big smile and clapping her hands together even though she didn’t win


Next it was Nichkhun and Victoria’s turn. Nichkhun grabbed a piece of paper from Teacyeon’s team which read “Hello Kitty”


Nichkhun began by cups his hands next to his head to indicate a pointy ears then he tied a bow on his left pointy ear then he laid his index, middle and ring fingers of both hands on his cheeks to indicate 3 whiskers. He then began to hop around in circle trying to act cute while looking at Victoria with puppy eyes


“A crazy man!!!!.....A crazy man doing ageyo!!!....A crazy man singing and jumping up and down!!!”…..I know I know!!! A crazy man singing and jumping up and down with a braided hair!!! Yelled Victoria


Nichkhun was on the floor laughing so hard he couldn’t continue acting out the word.


“Time’s up!” yelled out Teacyeon while wiping his own tears


“It’s Hello Kitty! How did you come up with a crazy man with a braided hair??  hahaha” said Nichkhun and continued to laugh


“Well that’s what it looked like to me!” said Victoria smiling and laughing at her own imagination


It was almost 3 in the afternoon when they finished the game of Charades. They all decided to head down to the beach to go swimming in the sea. They all left and headed to their respective room to change. The guys were the ones that finished first, they were all waiting for the girls downstairs. Teacyeon was wearing a knee length aqua blue swim trunks, Wooyoung a knee length black and white checkered swim trunks, while Nichkhun was wearing a red swim trunks with a white stripes on the side. They guys’ tone, muscular body and well-defined six packs were clearly visible.


When the girls finally came down Luna was wearing a white tunic that goes down to above the knee, Krystal was wearing a white tank top and a floral print beach shorts and Victoria was wearing a white tank top with a piece of colorful sarong covering her hips.


They all went down to the beach to go swimming. Upon arriving at the beach the girls began to take off their outer wear revealing their swimsuits inside. Luna was wearing a green and white stripes halter bikini, Krystal was wearing a black one piece halter V-neck back plunge swimsuit, while Victoria was wearing a black one piece one shoulder back plunge swimsuit that extenuated her shoulder line beautifully. All the guys’ jaws dropped to the floor immediately upon seeing the girls’ swimwear.


“Oh…my…god. She’s so cute!” Thought Wooyoung


“Oh…my…god. She’s so y!” Thought Teacyeon


“Oh…my…god. She’s a Greek goddess! Good thing it’s a private beach otherwise I’ll go crazy trying to cover her up!” Thought Nichkhun


The girls noticed the sudden change of expressions on their faces and began giggling to themselves. After the girls finished putting sunblock lotion on each other, Nichkhun immediately hid his own sunblock lotion away and walked over to Victoria and asked that she helped put on sunblock lotion for him too. Upon hearing Nichkhun’s request to Victoria the other two guys immediately ran to their respective partner requesting the same thing.


“Oh can you help put on the lotion for me too? I totally forgot to bring one…. And I mean I can’t quite reached my back too….and the sun is really strong now…you wouldn’t want me to get sunburn would you?? It would be so painful if I have sunburn on my back right??” asked Nichkhun while giving her a puppy eyes


“Yeah me too! I forgot to bring mine too. Can you help me Luna??” asked Wooyoung looking nervous


“Yep, forgot it too…never thought of bringing a sunblock to the beach before…totally forgot… ahem…can you help me too Krystal? asked Teacyeon trying his best not to look desperate


Victoria had to giggled at Nichkhun’s not-so-subtle way of trying to get her to put the lotion on for him


“All right…all right I’ll help you. Turn around then” said Victoria


Nichkhun burst out in a wide smile and immediately turned around and sat down in front of Victoria so that she could administer the lotion on his back. Nichkhun could feel her soft hands gently rubbed the lotion on his skin from one shoulder to the other and began to trail down towards his lower back. Nichkhun couldn’t understand how can a simple touch of putting on a lotion could give him this much pleasure and this much happiness


“Ok done!” said Victoria


Nichkhun immediately turned to face her and said


“Can you help put the lotion on in the front too? Pleaseeee” said Nichkhun with a slightly pouty lips and dooly eyes at her


“No, you have to put it on yourself” said Victoria with her head tilting and tongue sticking out at him


After they’ve finish applying the sunblock they all went into the sea and began playing and enjoy each other’s company. It was a little after 5 pm when they decided to call it a day and head back to the house. They all went to shower and clean themselves up and came back for dinner. Dinner was served at the wooden table under the oak tree, the lights on the lanterns were and gave an atmospheric feel to the scene. They all gathered at the table while dinner was being served. Krystal opened a few bottles of wines and told the maids that they were not needed anymore for the night and that they could retreat to their living quarter.


Conversations were flowing and so was the wines, laughter could be heard continuously. They told each other jokes, made fun of one another, told embarrassing stories of the other and sometime they just lay down looking up at the stars and listening to the sound of the waves hitting the shore. It was a magical night; they all had a great time.


It was almost midnight when they all decided to call it a night, they all bade each other goodnight and retreated to their respective rooms. Victoria took a shower again and got in bed ready to go to sleep, however after an hour of rolling around in bed she still couldn’t fall asleep. She decided to walk out onto the balcony to get some fresh air. When she stepped out onto the balcony she noticed a silhouette of a man standing looking up at the stars, it was Nichkhun.


Nichkhun noticed Victoria immediately when she stepped out of her room. They looked at each other from across the balcony when Nichkhun started making his way towards her. He was standing in front of her smiling and looking into her eyes when he suddenly pointed up to the sky and said


“It’s beautiful isn’t it? You could never see this many stars in a city like Seoul” said Nichkhun in a calm and tender voice


“Yes it’s really beautiful Khun” said Victoria looking up at the bright stars above


Nichkhun stepped behind Victoria and put his hands on the railing entrapping her in his arms. He watched as Victoria looked up to admire the night sky with a warm and peaceful smile on her face. His heart skipped a beat, he was mesmerized. She looked so beautiful he thought. While looking up the sky suddenly Victoria felt Nichkhun’s hands slowly slide in from behind, pulled her in and he suddenly embraced her in a back hug. Victoria was nervous, she didn’t anticipate this but she couldn’t deny that she wanted this too. She wanted to be in his arms, to rest her head against his chest, to feel the warmth of his skin against hers.


For a minute they just stood there embracing each other. Nichkhun held on tight to Victoria’s body, embracing her in his arms, took in the sweet scent of her freshly washed hair and then he whispered in her ear


“I’m so happy Victoria….you’ve made me so happy….being with you…being near you” said Nichkhun in a loving tone of voice


Then Nichkhun slowly turned Victoria around to face him. He leaned his forehead against hers with his eyes closed. He slowly opened his eyes and looked deep into her eyes


“I am in love with you Victoria Song……You light up my heart…..I love you My Seon-Saeng-Nimmm” said Nichkhun in a soft and trembling voice


Nichkhun was visibly nervous. Victoria could tell that he was nervous which made it even more endearing to her. She realized that standing in front of her was not the famous actor, but just a man, a nervous man who had just confessed his love to a woman


Victoria paused for a minute then broke out into a wide smile, she tip toed up and swung her arms around his neck and whispered back in his ear

“I am in love with you too babo Nichkhun” said Victoria and then she cupped his face to bring it closer to hers and she finally kissed him

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mickey0817 #1
Chapter 20: it would be good if they can make this into a drama and of course our KHUNTORIA will be the lead stars,good job!
Chapter 20: Aww... This story is killing me with its sweetness.... Such a really nice story!
Great story. Good job :) Hope to read more of Khuntoria's fanfic stories from you soon.
1722803358 #4
Chapter 20: este fantastica supera las espectativas... me encanto kuntoria por siempr....y me entere de que estos dos estan saliendo... aunque no se si es verdad... pero aun asi me alegro por ellos... y que sean felices....
Chapter 20: cute, amazing, and i love this fanfict ><
kimiaishy #6
Chapter 20: it's an amazing story,i love the way you write,,please make another khuntoria's stories and share it with us..God Bless You...
Kpopcornluvr #7
One of my all time fave fanfics...truly! You capture feelings ans scenarios so well! Will u be writing more? I hope so! ^_^
heartkhun26 #8
Chapter 20: I miss my OTP and I re-read your story .. kkk.. please make another Khuntoria's story.. you're so talented.. kkkk
Chapter 20: wow.. so beautiful and good story.. keep it up <3 =D
pabo0624 #10
Chapter 20: Soo good!! No matter how many times I read, I'll still live it! I hope you'll continue with more fanfics! :DD