Chapter 7 November 15th

The Time of Our Lives


After the reconciliation Nichkhun went into the kitchen to tell Luna and Wooyoung that he had already mended things with Victoria and that they could come out whenever they finished making dessert. After a while everyone rejoined Nichkhun and Victoria at the table, Luna and Wooyoung came back smiling while holding the chocolate hazelnut banana pizza in their hands. Krystal and Teacyeon rejoined the group looking a bit flustered. Krystal was noticeably calmer than when she left the table, Teacyeon came back with a mischievous grin on his face. Krystal noticed that Victoria was in a much better mood than when she arrived, she was looking at Nichkhun who was sitting next to her with a loving stare. The way they stare into each other’s eyes was enough for Krystal to let her anger of Nichkhun go for the sake of her friend’s happiness.


By this time all the patrons had already left and they were the only ones there at the restaurant. Luna decided to close up early and let the staffs take the rest of the night off, seeing that all of her friends were there and Victoria and Nichkhun had just mended their misunderstanding she thought it was time to celebrate. Luna turned off the lights in most part of the restaurant except where they were sitting and at the bar. She opened the windows to let in the cool night air and proceeded to opened a few bottles of wine. Everyone was indulging in Luna and Wooyoung’s creation and they all praised both of them for the delicious dessert. To which Luna replied


“Wooyoung helped out a lot so thank you Wooyoung-sshi” Luna said while turned and smile brightly at Wooyoung


Wooyoung became flustered at her smile and immediately blushed and said


“No I didn’t do anything…it was you…it was all you” Wooyoung said shyly


Everyone in the room noticed the two looking shy and flustered and began teasing them about what actually happened in the kitchen


“Omo look at these two…I wondered what happened in there” Teacyeon said with a teasing smile at Wooyoung


“Aissh nothing happened I just helped her cut bananas that’s all” Wooyoung replied a little too hastily to try to cover up his shyness. Luna wasn’t saying anything accept smiling shyly and continued to blush


As the night continued the atmosphere began to get better and better, everyone was smiling, enjoying each other’s company. Then all of a sudden Victoria got another text message on her phone. She pressed open and it was from Changmin


“I’m sorry about today again Victoria-sshi. I was hoping that we could do this again some other time” –Changmin


Victoria wasn’t sure how to response to the text especially after she had just reconciled with Nichkhun. She was looking down at the text message when Nichkhun leaned in and asked her who the text was from. Victoria showed him the text message and he just looked at her with a smile on his face and said


“Go ahead just reply to him, I won’t be obnoxious anymore I promise” Nichkhun said looking innocently


Victoria thought for a while and looked at Nichkhun in the eyes to try to gauge his emotion. When she didn’t detect any sarcasm in his voice or facial expression she decided to text Changmin back


“I am sorry about what happened today too Changmin-sshi and yes maybe we could do this again”- Victoria


Before she hit the send button she looked at Nichkhun again to make sure that he was really ok with it, he looked at her with a tender smile on his face and that gave her comfort to press the send button.


Beep Beep another in coming message


“I’m glad to hear that Victoria-sshi. I’m very happy in fact. I hope we can meet up soon. Goodnight Victoria-sshi and sweet dream”-Changmin


Victoria didn’t reply to his message because she didn’t really want to think about it at the moment. All she wanted to do right now was enjoy the night with her friends and most importantly with Nichkhun. They all had a great time. Luna the music of Supreme Team “I Only Want You” to which Wooyoung couldn’t help but danced to, everyone especially Luna was in awe of his smooth and awesome dancing skill. Wines were flowing, music was playing and suddenly everyone burst out laughing at Teacyeon who attempted to dance alongside Wooyoung, but couldn’t match his steps to the simple beat of the music. Regardless of his inability to dance, Teacyeon suddenly pulled Krystal up to join him. Krystal was reluctant at first, but eventually gave in and started dancing alongside Teacyeon with a big grin on her face. It was almost 3 in the morning when they finally called it a night. Nichkhun was going to drive Victoria home, Teacyeon insisted that he drive Krystal home seeing that she had a little too much to drink, Wooyoung opted to wait for Luna to locked up the restaurant and walked her to her car.


Victoria was quite tipsy. She was never really good at drinking alcohol beverages, but she was really happy tonight that she let herself loose for once. On the way to her house Nichkhun suggested that they put the top down to see the night sky, Victoria thought it was a great idea. Nichkhun pulled the button and the soft top of his Audi A5 Cabriolet retracted letting in the night wind and revealing the night sky. Nichkhun slowed down the speed to let Victoria breath in the night air, she immediately felt better. The wind was blowing in, her hair was flowing. Nichkhun the radio and suddenly the music of Adele “To Make You Feel My Love” came on.


When the rain
Is blowing in your face
And the whole world
Is on your case
I could offer you
A warm embrace
To make you feel my love

When the evening shadows
And the stars appear
And there is no - one there
To dry your tears
I could hold you
For a million years
To make you feel my love

I know you
Haven't made
Your mind up yet
But I would never
Do you wrong
I've known it
From the moment
That we met
No doubt in my mind
Where you belong

I'd go hungry
I'd go black and blue
I'd go crawling
Down the avenue
No, there's nothing
That I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love

The storms are raging
On the rolling sea
And on the highway of regret
Though winds of change
Are blowing wild and free
You ain't seen nothing
Like me yet

I could make you happy
Make your dreams come true
Nothing that I wouldn't do
Go to the ends
Of the Earth for you
To make you feel my love, To make you feel my love

Cr: Lyrics from: ]


Victoria closed her eyes and leaned her head back to take in the wind and the music and suddenly she felt Nichkhun’s hand slowly weaved itself into hers until their fingers interlocked and you couldn’t tell whose fingers were whose anymore.


At Nichkhun’s house after dropping Victoria off at home


It was 4 o’clock in the morning and Nichkhun still couldn’t sleep. He was sitting on the sofa looking out onto the night lights of the city. Nichkhun was sure of how he feels about Victoria now after today’s incident. He knew that he has fallen for her. He didn’t anticipate it, nor was he expected any of this to happen, but the heart wants what it wants. There was no use denying it anymore. He’s in love. He had admitted it to himself, but the tough part to admit was “is he ready for this?” He didn’t know if he is…especially after what happened to him 2 years ago, Nov 15th to be exact…the day that “she” told him that she was leaving him. He told himself that he would guard his heart like Fort Knox guarded its gold from that day on, but now unknowingly he had given his heart to the woman whose hand he just hold a little while ago. He was afraid, he’s still afraid of getting hurt again. He knows himself, there’s only one way for him to love and that is to love with his whole heart and because that is the only way he knows how to love when it hurt, it hurt so bad.


Flashback November 15th 2 years ago


It was a Wednesday just like any other Wednesdays. He was going to meet up with her for dinner just like they always do. He would picked her up at her office after work and they would get something delicious for dinner before they went back home. They met up with Wooyoung and Teacyeon at a VIP room of a fancy restaurant. Things were going fine, they all had a good time. He didn’t suspect at all that this was going to be the last time of them together. After dinner he dropped her off at her house, she said that she had some documents that she needed to go through, but she would call after she finished her work. He didn’t think much of it since she was always a workaholic. He went back home and waited for her to call. When she finally did he could sense that something was wrong in her voice.


“Hi Khun”


“Hi honey. Did you finish your work?” he asked sounded concern that she was working too hard


“I did…………..Khun we need to talk” after a long pause she finally said it


“Huh? Talk about what honey?” He asked sounded a little nervous about what she would say


“I’m sorry Khun…………….I’m really sorry” she said sounded sad and unsure


“Sorry? Sorry about what honey? What’s wrong? Are you ok?” Nichkhun asked concerned and worried


“I’m sorry Khun………….but I can’t do this anymore………….I can’t be with you anymore” she sounded like someone who was about to cry


His heart stopped beating the moment he heard those words. His ears turned deaf, his whole body turned icy cold like someone had just all the blood out of his body. He couldn’t believe what he just heard. The images of today’s dinner were still fresh in his mind. “She was fine, she was happy just now” he thought


“Are you breaking up with me? Honey please tell me you’re not breaking up with me….please tell me you’re not leaving me…….why? What did I do?.........Don’t you love me anymore??” Nichkhun said pleading with her to reconsider, his voice was shaking, his body was shaking.


“I’m sorry Khun…..I really am…….but I just…….don’t love you anymore” she said with a shaking voice, she sounded like someone who was in pain


He was completely numbed, every part of his body was numbed. He thought the ground shook, but he wasn’t sure


“Why honey? What did I do? Please tell me I’ll change…..I’ll do anything….what do you want me to do? Just tell me….please don’t do this…..please…..why don’t you love me anymore?” he said tears running down his face


“I’m sorry Khun…..I never wanted to hurt you……I’m really sorry, but I think this is the best way for the both of us….. I know you love me very much and you’re a great guy, that’s why I have to do this…’s not fair for you…’s not fair for you to be with someone who doesn’t love you anymore” she said


Nichkhun couldn’t uttered a response, he couldn’t even form a complete and coherent sentence to respond to her words. He just sat there and cried. After a long paused she finally said


“Goodbye Khun” and then she hung up


That was it. That was the end of their 3 year relationship. It was sudden, it was out of the blue and it was over. He was sitting on his sofa facing the window looking out into the glistening lights of the city of Seoul in the distant, he didn’t shout, he didn’t throw things at the wall, he didn’t grab a bottle of whiskey at the bar and chuck it down in one go, he just sat there feeling his world had crumbled and shattered right in front of him.


Nichkhun couldn’t remember much what happened in the next couple of weeks. He couldn’t even remember how long it had been before he told Teacyeon and Wooyoung what happened. When Teacyeon and Wooyoung heard what happened they all rushed to his home to see him. Upon seeing the state that Nichkhun was in they both decided to move their stuffs into his home so that they could take care of him. For the next 4 months Nichkhun barely speak to anyone. It was scary to Teacyeon and Wooyoung to see their best friend in that state.


She was everything to him, she was the first woman he ever truly loved. She was his world, she was his universe. Nichkhun was sure that death itself would be easier and more pleasant than what he was feeling. He actually prayed that he didn’t have to wake up anymore, he prayed that tomorrow would never come because he didn’t want to wake up to the life without her in it.


It took him 8 months before he could finally begin to think about moving on. He began gathering the pieces of his heart, or what was left of it and began putting it back together, piece by piece. Hoping that there was still enough left for him to begin his life again.


End of flashback


Adele “To Make You Feel My Love”

Supreme Team “I Only Want You”

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mickey0817 #1
Chapter 20: it would be good if they can make this into a drama and of course our KHUNTORIA will be the lead stars,good job!
Chapter 20: Aww... This story is killing me with its sweetness.... Such a really nice story!
Great story. Good job :) Hope to read more of Khuntoria's fanfic stories from you soon.
1722803358 #4
Chapter 20: este fantastica supera las espectativas... me encanto kuntoria por siempr....y me entere de que estos dos estan saliendo... aunque no se si es verdad... pero aun asi me alegro por ellos... y que sean felices....
Chapter 20: cute, amazing, and i love this fanfict ><
kimiaishy #6
Chapter 20: it's an amazing story,i love the way you write,,please make another khuntoria's stories and share it with us..God Bless You...
Kpopcornluvr #7
One of my all time fave fanfics...truly! You capture feelings ans scenarios so well! Will u be writing more? I hope so! ^_^
heartkhun26 #8
Chapter 20: I miss my OTP and I re-read your story .. kkk.. please make another Khuntoria's story.. you're so talented.. kkkk
Chapter 20: wow.. so beautiful and good story.. keep it up <3 =D
pabo0624 #10
Chapter 20: Soo good!! No matter how many times I read, I'll still live it! I hope you'll continue with more fanfics! :DD