Chapter 17 Trust

The Time of Our Lives


Gyuri was sitting in her living room looking at the pictures of Nichkhun and Victoria at Bundang Memorial Park and at Lotte World with much contempt. She had ordered the private detective to follow Nichkhun because she knew that he would have to go out on a date with one of his lucky fan and she wanted to know where he would take her. To Gyuri’s surprise she didn’t know at all that the lucky fan would turn out to be Victoria. From the look of things Gyuri knew right away that Nichkhun and Victoria had made up and mended their misunderstandings. She could tell from looking at the pictures because they looked so happy together and that made her mad. She looked at the pictures of Nichkhun hugging Victoria at her parents’ graves. She looked at their smiling faces, pictures of them holding hands and pictures of Nichkhun doing a god awful dance move while Victoria was smiling from ear to ear. She couldn’t take it anymore. She threw those pictures to the ground and thought to herself


“I guess I’ll have to ramp up my game a little bit then”




It had already been two weeks since Victoria took Nichkhun to visit her parents’ graves and their date at Lotte World. For the past two weeks things couldn’t have been happier for both of them. Victoria was happy with the fact that for the past two weeks there was no more “brown envelope” sticking out from her mailbox taunting her. She was happy because whenever he could Nichkhun always stopped by at her house after work no matter how late it was. When he got off work early he would immediately go to see Victoria and spent all his free time with her. If he got off late he would just dropped by just to see her face, to give her a goodnight kiss and left. Or he would drop by, parked his car in front of her house and called her just to say goodnight through her bedroom window. It was good enough for him, just to stand there in front of her house, looking up at her bedroom window was good enough for him.


During one of his late night visits to her house Nichkhun noticed that there was a man lurking behind an alley way opposite from Victoria’s house. Nichkhun noticed him because it was odd that someone would be standing in the shadow lurking at such hour in the night. Nichkhun got out from his car and walked towards the mysterious man just to make sure that he isn’t some kind of serial killer lurking and waiting to find the next prey. While Nichkhun was approaching, the man started fidgeting, turning from left to right as if he was trying to find an escape route. Nichkhun immediately suspected that something was wrong and began walking faster towards the man. When Nichkhun finally walked closed enough within an earshot he said


“Excuse me what are you doing here lurking behind an alley way in the middle of the night?” said Nichkhun with a serious tone of voice


The man dropped his head down as if to hide his face from Nichkhun and said


“No, I’m not lurking or anything I’m…I’m just…I’m lost that’s all” replied the mysterious man stuttering a little bit


Nichkhun didn’t believed a word he said. He looked suspiciously odd with the way he tried to bend his body sideways as if to hide something


“What is it that you’re hiding?...I can see that you’re trying to hide something behind you there” said Nichkhun accusingly and began to approach the man


Out of panic the man immediately pushed Nichkhun when he was closed enough and took off and ran. Nichkhun was taken aback when he was pushed, but he got a hold of his footing and immediately reached out to try to grab the man from running away from him. Nichkhun being an athletic guy with fast reflect caught hold of the man’s jacket and pulled hard causing the man to jerk backward to the weight of Nichkhun’s pulling and exposing a sophisticated looking camera under the man’s jacket. Nichkhun caught sight of the camera that the man tried to hide and immediately made the connection that this was the guy who had been taking pictures of him and Gyuri and sent them to Victoria


“It’s you!!!....You’re the one with all those pictures!!!!” said Nichkhun in shocked


Upon the shock of the realization Nichkhun’s gripped of the man’s jacket became loosen and the man took this opportunity to take off running again.


“!!” cursed Nichkhun and took off after him


Nichkhun began chasing him down the road and since the man was much shorter and chubbier than Nichkhun, he managed to catch him a few seconds later. They scuffled with one another. The man tried to get away from Nichkhun’s gripped and started pushing Nichkhun with all his might. Nichkhun was trying his best to hold the man in place with much difficulty


“Who sent you!!....what do you want from me!!!!” yelled Nichkhun from anger


The man kicked Nichkhun in the leg causing him to wince in pain and loosen the grip of the man’s jacket a little bit and he took this opportunity to push Nichkhun again causing Nichkhun to lose balance and fell backwards. Nichkhun still managed to grabbed hold of the man’s jacket before he fell down, but the man swing his body and his jacket came off of him and took off leaving Nichkhun on the ground holding his jacket in hand


“!!!” yelled Nichkhun slamming the man’s jacket onto the ground in frustration


Nichkhun picked up the jacket again and began to walk back towards Victoria’s house. While walking back he began examining the jacket and found the man’s wallet in the inside pocket. He took out the wallet and opened it and began searching for anything inside. There was no identification card or driver license in the wallet, inside it Nichkhun found a few 10,000 Won banknotes, several receipts and a Paragon Department Store membership card with the name “Lee J.W.” on it


Nichkhun took out the card and examined it and vowed to himself that he would find out everything he could about this Lee J. W. guy

Nichkhun got back to Victoria’s house and once he was safely inside sitting on the sofa he told her about what had just happened. Victoria was shocked to say the least


“Did he say why he did it??....did he tell you who ordered him to do it Khun?” asked Victoria curiously


“No, honey. He managed to get away from me before I could squeeze anything out of him, but I’m sure it’s this guy who’ve been following me around” said Nichkhun frustrated that he let the man got away from him


“Don’t worry honey, I will get to the bottom of this….meanwhile you have to be careful ok?...don’t go out at night….don’t come home late…..if you have to come home late then let me know I’ll come pick you up and drop you off…..or I’ll have Teac or Woo drive you home…..Always tell me where you are and where you’ll be at all times….do not talk to strangers… not accept anything from strangers….do not….” Nichkhun couldn’t finished his sentence when Victoria suddenly jumped up and sat on his laps with her arms around his neck and said


“Yes, daddy….I won’t talk to strangers even if he offers me yummy candies…are you satisfy now??...kekeke” said Victoria in a mocking tone and smile brightly at her over protective boyfriend


“Daddy huh??...Are you calling me daddy because I nagged too much is that it??...Well this daddy can’t help it because he loves his girl very much” said Nichkhun in a husky tone of voice and pulled the collar of Victoria’s shirt brought her closer and kissed her




The next day


Nichkhun had called Teacyeon and asked him and Wooyoung to come and meet him at a nearby café that afternoon telling them that he had something important that he needed to discuss with them. They both agreed to be there because they were both curious about what it was that Nichkhun needed their help with too


While Nichkhun was filming his scene Gyuri’s phone rang, she looked at her phone and immediately recognized who it was. She pressed the button to take the call


“I told you not to call me….this better be something serious” said Gyuri in an irritating voice


“I know you told me not to call, but I have to tell you this….last night he almost caught me in front of her house….he saw me there and we had a little scuffled but I managed to ran away though” said the man in a nervous voice


“You WHAT??...what do you mean he almost caught you??...what exactly happened??” said Gyuri in a serious and angry voice


“He...he saw me lurking and he became suspicious so I tried to run away…..but he caught me...but I didn’t tell him anything….we scuffled a little, but I managed to run away though….so it wasn’t a big deal….I just thought I should tell you that’s all” said the man attempting to down played what happened  


“You stupid man!!....what do you mean you didn’t tell him anything??...he asked you who you are right??” asked Gyuri in an angry tone of voice


“Well….he did, but I didn’t tell him anything though!!...just relax ok?? was dark too, I really don’t think he saw my face….seriously no need to panic, especially in front of him there….I can assure you that nothing is going to come back and bite you in the Miss Gyuri….aishh” said the man a little annoyed while trying to reassure Gyuri that everything was fine and purposely withholding the fact from Gyuri that Nichkhun had his wallet in his possession thinking that Nichkhun wouldn’t be able to trace his identity with just a department store membership card


“Oh you better hope it doesn’t trace back to me….you better pray to God it doesn’t happen….you have no idea what I’m capable off Mr. Lee Joo Won…..You know what??...It’s better than you stay away from both of them….Your service is no longer needed Mr. Lee Joo Won…Come and meet me tomorrow at the usual place and I’ll pay you the rest of the payment” said Gyuri in a threatening tone of voice and hung up


During lunch break of that day Nichkhun went out alone to meet with Teacyeon and Wooyoung at a nearby café just like they had planned. When Nichkhun entered Teacyeon, Wooyoung and Krystal were already there. Nichkhun was a little surprised to see Krystal there too. He knew that Kyrstal was still mad at him about lying to Victoria and seeing her there made him feel a little uncomfortable. Regardless of her presence he went ahead and greeted her just the same


“Hi guys……Hi Krystal…..I didn’t realized that you’d be here too” said Nichkhun and offered her a little smile


“Yes, I’m here too….I hope you don’t mind me tagging along….unless this is some kind of a cover up of some sort” said Krystal sarcastically, taking jabs at Nichkhun


“Of course not Krys….you’re welcome to come….I know you’re still mad at me for lying to Victoria, but please believe me when I say that no one and I mean no one is more mad at me than myself Krys….I know what I did was wrong and I’m sorry and you have every right to be mad at me, but believe me when I say that I love her and only her” said Nichkhun is a serious tone of voice while looking straight into Krystal’s eye to show his sincerity


She was still mad at Nichkhun and when she found out from Teacyeon that Nichkhun had asked to meet him that afternoon she wanted to come and confronted him about what he had done to Victoria. However, looking into his eyes she realized that he was telling the truth. She could feel his sincerity and the guilt in his voice


“Fine….I’ll believe you just this once, but don’t ever do that to her again Khun…I mean it….apology accepted” said Krystal offering him a little smile of her own


“Awww honeyyy~~… finally forgave him” said Teacyeon cooingly while pulling Krystal in for a hug. Krystal just let out a chuckled and smiled at her boyfriend for being so happy that she finally forgave his best friend


“I’m glad she did too Teac” said Nichkhun smiling brightly at them


“So what was it that you wanted to discuss with us Khun??” asked Wooyoung


“Here…This is what I wanted to talk to you guys about” said Nichkhun and proceeded to take out the man’s wallet


“Last night I saw this man lurking in an alley across from Victoria’s house…I thought it was kind of weird so I approached him and he was noticeably nervous seeing me walking towards him….and when I tried to talk to him he just took off and ran, I caught up with him and we scuffled a little bit….I saw that he was hiding a camera under his jacket and knew right away that this was the guy that’s been taking those pictures of me and Gyuri and sent them to Victoria….I managed to take his wallet before he ran away from me….so I want to ask for your help tracking him down for me….I need to find out who’s behind all this” said Nichkhun with a serious expression on his face


“Is there an ID in that wallet?” asked Teacyeon


“No, there’re a few 10,000 Won bills, a few receipts and this” said Nichkhun and took out the membership card and placed it on the table


Krystal’s eyes widen upon seeing the card. She reached out and took it and said


“Are you sure that this is his card Khun??” asked Krystal


“Well I think so….it was in his wallet so it should be his” said Nichkhun a little confused


“Leave it to me then….I’ll find this guy for you” said Krystal smirking a little


“How honey??” asked Teacyeon looking a bit confused at his girlfriend’s remark


“My family owns that department store….if he’s a card carrying member of our store then I’ll find him….I’ll find this Lee J.W. guy for you, but it might take some time though I don’t know how many members we have whose last name is Lee with an initial J.W….it might take some time to filter out and narrow it down….we still don’t know what his initials stand for so the list might be quite long, but I’ll try my best to find him for you….” said Krystal with a determined look on her face


“Wow honey….I love fierce Krystal~~….kekeke” said Teacyeon while looking admirably at his girlfriend


“Thank you Krys…Here you can have his wallet, it might make it easier for you to find him….I’ll need your help Krys” said Nichkhun smiling gratefully at Krystal




When Nichkhun came back to the set later that afternoon he was in a better mood than when he left. Gyuri had noticed it and wanted to ask him where he went and why he was in a good mood, but she didn’t know how to ask him without making it suspicious. She wanted to make sure that Nichkhun didn’t suspect that she was the one behind it all, but she didn’t know how to find out. She couldn’t come right out and asked him because that would be too obvious. She had to hold it in and pretend like everything was fine when in fact her curiosity was killing her. However, as luck would have it Gyuri overheard Nichkhun talking to Victoria on the phone about their plan for tonight


“You want to cook dinner for me tonight??...YES!!! I’d love that honey!!...I missed your home cook meal sooo much” said Nichkhun excitedly


“How about I come over to your house and cook for you?? kekeke…so you won’t have to drive all the way to my house…would you like that?” asked Victoria sounding cheery


“You’ll come over to my house and cook for me?!!...awwww you’re the best honey!!...Yes I would love that….I’ll call you before I got off work and I’ll meet you at my house then!!” said Nichkhun all excited


“Ok…I’ll see you tonight then…bye I love you” said Victoria


“Bye…I love you too” said Nichkhun smiling from ear to ear


After the shooting had finished for the day Nichkhun quickly changed and walked out from his trailer. He was walking towards his car, he took out his phone and was about to call Victoria when he suddenly heard a noise of someone grunting. Nichkhun followed the noise and found Gyuri in a dark alleyway kneeling down on the floor facing the wall with one hand clutching her stomach. Nichkhun slowly approached Gyuri to see what was wrong. He crouched down next to her and asked


“Gyuri…are you ok??....what happened??....are you hurt??” asked Nichkhun in a concerned voice


“I’m…I’m fine….I’m fine Khun….Thank y….Arghhh” said Gyuri trying to tell him that she was fine, but couldn’t finish her sentence before she let out a groan and clutched her stomach even tighter


“What do you mean fine!...You’re not fine Gyuri…Are you in pain?? you need to go to the hospital??” asked Nichkhun concerned


“No, I’ll be fine Khun…Thank you, but you don’t have to worry about me....I’ll be fine” said Gyuri while giving him a weak smile


She was sweating and her face was pale. Nichkhun didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want to leave her alone when she was in pain, but he has a date with Victoria and he was really looking forward to it. He was conflicted, but looking at her pale face he just couldn’t leave her alone when she obviously needed help. He had decided that he would help Gyuri first before he call Victoria and tell her to meet him at his house


“Come on Gyuri…you’re not fine….here let me help you….can you stand??” said Nichkhun while helping Gyuri to get up and slowly leading her towards his car


Nichkhun helped Gyuri get into his car and quickly got into the driver’s seat and quickly drove off


“I’ll take you to the hospital ok??...Just hang in there Gyuri” said Nichkhun


“No, don’t take me to the hospital Khun….you can’t do that… will be in the news if you take me there….I’m fine Khun….really…Just let me off somewhere….I can take the taxi home” said Gyuri panting a little, face wincing in pain


“How can I let you take a taxi home??....Look at you!...You’re not fine Gyuri…Come on you need to see a doctor” said Nichkhun a little frustrated


“No, Khun…don’t take me to the hospital….I can’t bare it if I’m the one causing trouble for you…You know that it will be news if you take me to the hospital and then you’ll have problem with your girlfriend again….I’ll be fine….I just need to lie down Khun” said Gyuri


“Aishhh” said Nichkhun frustrated at the situation


But he knew she was right. He knew that if he took her to the hospital it would be on the internet in 10 minutes and it would be news. He would then have to answer questions about his relationship with Gyuri and that was not what he wanted, but the worst part of it was that if it became news then Victoria would know about it. Since he had already promised her that he would stay away from Gyuri, being seen with her was the last thing he wanted Victoria to see


“Ok…fine…I’ll take you to my house and you can rest there then….since my house is closer than yours…ok?...hang in there Gyuri” said Nichkhun and pressed the gas pedal to accelerate the car


Fifteen minutes later they’ve arrived at Nichkhun’s house. He helped her get out of the car, got into the house and settled down in his bed.


“Rest up ok?...I’ll get you some water…if you need anything just yell ok?? I’ll leave the door open” said Nichkhun and left the room


While he was in the kitchen getting the water for Gyuri his phone rang, it was a call from Victoria. Nichkhun started to panic, he breath in deeply before pressing the answer button


“Hello honey” said Nichkhun trying not to sound nervous


“Hi Khun…are you almost done today??” asked Victoria excitedly


“Yes honey…..I’m almost done” said Nichkhun trying to sound cheerful


“Yay!!...good, I’ve got lots of dishes I want to make for you kekeke I’ll see you soon then~~” said Victoria all happy and excited


“Yes honey….see you soon” said Nichkhun and hung up


Nichkhun was officially in a panic mode now. He didn’t know when Victoria would show up at his house, but he figured that he probably have about an hour before she showed up. The problem was how was he going to get Gyuri out before Victoria came? Unbeknownst to Nichkhun, Gyuri who was lying in bed had heard the whole conversation and realized that Victoria was coming over soon. She suddenly had an idea. She carefully removed one of her dangle earring and strategically placed it under the pillow


“I wonder what you’ll do when you find this Miss Victoria” thought Gyuri with a little smirk on her face


Gyuri placed the earring under the pillow and rough up both sides of the bed a little to make it looked like two people had slept on it, adjusted her hair to cover her ears and got out of bed and walked towards Nichkhun


“Khun…I feel much better now…thank you so much for everything” said Gyuri smiling a weak smile at him


“Could you do me a favor??...Would you mind driving me home??...I feel better but I don’t think I’m well enough to go out and hail a taxi” said Gyuri looking apologetically


“Of course I can…come on let’s go then” said Nichkhun eagerly


Nichkhun was relieved to see that Gyuri had woken up and asking to leave. He couldn’t wait to get her out of his house, so when she asked if he could drive her home he immediately accepted. He thought that if he drove fast enough then he’d get back home before Victoria showed up


They quickly walked out and got into the car and drove off towards Gyuri’s house. On the way to Gyuri’s house she asked Nichkhun to stop at a drugstore


“Khun do you mind if we make a quick stop at the drugstore?...I want to get some medicine” asked Gyuri looking at him with an innocent expression on her face


Nichkhun was reluctant, but he had no choice but to comply with her request. He stopped his car in front of a drugstore. Gyuri quickly got out and told him that she wouldn’t be long. Nichkhun waited agitatedly inside the car. Twenty minutes later Gyuri came back and apologized


“Sorry Khun…the line was so long” said Gyuri apologetically


“It’s ok Gyuri” said Nichkhun frustrated and sped off immediately


“Please don’t come now Vic…please don’t” Nichkhun thought to himself


Meanwhile at Nichkhun’s house


Victoria had arrived at Nichkhun’s house even though she knew he probably wasn’t there yet. She wanted to surprise him with her cooking. She wanted to prepare the meal for him before he got home so that he could eat right away and not have to wait for her to cook him the meal. Victoria pressed the security code to Nichkhun’s front gate and got inside his home. She quickly went into the kitchen and put all the ingredients that she had bought down on the counter top. Victoria took a look around the house and said


“Aigoo…his house is a mess…he ought to clean this place up once in a while…I guess I can come over and do it for him…kekeke” said Victoria aloud to herself feeling happy that she could take care of her boyfriend when he was working this hard


Victoria finished tidying up the living room and proceeded to the bedroom and saw an unmade bed and smile and shook her head


“Kekeke…his bed is even messier” said Victoria with a smile on her face and began to tidy up his bed for him


Victoria picked up one of the pillow and something caught her eyes. It was an earring, a woman’s dangle earring to be exact. Victoria immediately stopped what she was doing. Her mind went numb looking at the earring


“Whose earring was this??”


“Why is there an earring in his bed??”


“Was there a woman in your bed Khun??”


Victoria picked up the pillow and put it up to her nose. There was a sweet perfume scent still on it. A sweet perfume scent that was not Nichkhun’s


“What’s going on Khun??” thought Victoria


Victoria picked up the earring with trembling hands. She looked at it with a heavy heart. She was lost for words. She literary felt like her heart was breaking little by little. Tears started to form in her eyes and slowly trickled down her face. Victoria didn’t even bother to wipe them off, she just continued standing there looking at the earring in her hand and cried


Nichkhun parked his car in front of his house and hurriedly got out of the car and ran as fast as he could towards the door. He opened the door and found Victoria’s shoes placed neatly in front of him


“Aishh…I’m late” Nichkhun thought to himself


He slowly walked into the living room and found Victoria sitting on the sofa with her head hung low


“Hi honey….sorry I’m late….have you been here long??” asked Nichkhun in a cheery tone of voice


Victoria did not reply to his question. She just sat there frozen and continued to stare at the earring on the coffee table


Nichkhun sat down next to Victoria and looked at her and noticed that she was crying


“Why are you crying honey??....What’s wrong??” said Nichkhun alarmed and confused


Victoria reached out and picked up the earring and held it up for Nichkhun to see and said


“I found this in your bed Khun….whose earring was it??” said Victoria in a shaking voice, eyes filled with tears


Nichkhun looked at the earring in shocked. At first he didn’t know what to say to her because he didn’t know whose earring it was either. However, after giving it a little thought he realized that the earring must have been Gyuri’s. He looked at Victoria with an apologetic expression and said


“It must be Gyuri’s honey” said Nichkhun calmly looking straight into her eyes


Victoria immediately stood up. Nichkhun quickly grabbed her hand, but she snapped her hand away from his grip. Nichkhun immediately got up and pulled her in for a hug, but Victoria pushed him off


“Let go of me!!!...don’t you dare touch me!!!” yelled Victoria in anger


“Please honey!...please listen to me first!...she was sick…but I couldn’t take her to the hospital or it’ll be on the internet so I had to bring her here….there was nothing Vic!!...she just needed to lie down that’s all!!” said Nichkhun frustratingly


“Why does it have to be you who took care of her???...Why Khun??...You promised…You said it yourself that you wouldn’t go near her again and now I found this??...In your bed Khun!!!” screamed Victoria and threw the earring at Nichkhun tears streaming down as she said those words


Victoria turned around ready to walk out when Nichkhun quickly grabbed her and turned her around to face him


“I’m telling you the truth Vic!!!...What was I supposed to do???...Ignore her when she was in pain??...Why can’t you trust me Vic??....I told you that there’s nothing between me and her!!!...Why can’t you trust me!!” said Nichkhun frustrated and angry at Victoria for not believing him


“How??...How can I trust you Khun???....You promised that you wouldn’t go near her again, but you broke that promise!!...You know what you should have done??.....You should have told me that she was hurt and she needed help!!!!....I would have been ok with that Khun, but you didn’t!!...instead you brought her here without telling me!!!...and I found her earring in your bed!! how can I trust you Khun???” said Victoria angry, frustrated and hurt


“Do I have to report everything that I do to you???......Is that how our relationship is going to be??.....Do I need to ask you for permission before I am allow to do anything???......Why can’t you just trust me!!......Why can’t you just trust that I love you more than anyone!!!......Why can’t you just trust me that I would never NEVER cheat on you!!!” yelled Nichkhun from frustration and anger because Victoria wouldn’t believe him


“How can I trust you Khun???......Tell me how!!.....You promised to do one thing, but you constantly break that promise!!......And you’re questioning me??.....And you’re asking me why I can’t trust you???.....Because you made it impossible for me to believe you!!!” said Victoria and stormed out of the house


Nichkhun was furious at the whole situation. He was furious at Victoria for not believing in him. He was furious at Gyuri for leaving that earring in his bed. He was furious at himself. He was furious at the whole world. After a few minutes Nichkhun ran after Victoria however, when he ran out Victoria was nowhere to be found. He took off and ran down the street trying to find her, but after 10 minutes of searching she was nowhere to be found. He slumped down on the street and yelled out



PS. I'll be busy during this week and probably next week as well so I'm not sure when I'll have time to update the next chapter. I will try to update as soon as possible ^^

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mickey0817 #1
Chapter 20: it would be good if they can make this into a drama and of course our KHUNTORIA will be the lead stars,good job!
Chapter 20: Aww... This story is killing me with its sweetness.... Such a really nice story!
Great story. Good job :) Hope to read more of Khuntoria's fanfic stories from you soon.
1722803358 #4
Chapter 20: este fantastica supera las espectativas... me encanto kuntoria por siempr....y me entere de que estos dos estan saliendo... aunque no se si es verdad... pero aun asi me alegro por ellos... y que sean felices....
Chapter 20: cute, amazing, and i love this fanfict ><
kimiaishy #6
Chapter 20: it's an amazing story,i love the way you write,,please make another khuntoria's stories and share it with us..God Bless You...
Kpopcornluvr #7
One of my all time fave fanfics...truly! You capture feelings ans scenarios so well! Will u be writing more? I hope so! ^_^
heartkhun26 #8
Chapter 20: I miss my OTP and I re-read your story .. kkk.. please make another Khuntoria's story.. you're so talented.. kkkk
Chapter 20: wow.. so beautiful and good story.. keep it up <3 =D
pabo0624 #10
Chapter 20: Soo good!! No matter how many times I read, I'll still live it! I hope you'll continue with more fanfics! :DD