Chapter 13 Perfect Shots

The Time of Our Lives



Gyuri was sitting in her living room thinking about what had happened on the clothes fitting day. She already knew about the clothes fitting and the fact that her company is sponsoring his outfits for the drama, she was the one who made sure it happened. She had just came back to Seoul after being promoted and spending almost 2 years in New York. Living in New York had taught her a lot of things, but the most important lesson she learned was life doesn’t always turn out the way we planned….she was living in a great city like New York, her career was taking off, but she was alone and at her weakest moment in life she realized something. She realized that there was more to life than having a great career, she realized that it meant nothing if she didn’t have anyone to share it with….and the one person whom she wanted to share her life with the most was Nichkhun.


She might be the one who ended their relationship, but he was never out of her mind or her heart. She thought that she could and would forget him, after all that’s what people say “time heals all wounds”, but it didn’t to her. She thought of him constantly, he was always on her mind, he occupied her thoughts, he was always in her heart before and after they broke up. She didn’t think she would have the chance to see him again since they lived on a different continent, but the fact that she was transferred back to Seoul gave her hope. She couldn’t help but think that it might be their faith, their destiny to be together again. When she got back and heard about the drama project, she immediately jumped at the chance to make sure that she could get close to him again. This was her only chance and she was going to seize it no matter what. Meeting him that day made her aware of how much she wanted him back. She felt that there were still some feelings left in him just from his reactions to her words and her touch. It gave her hope that maybe, just maybe he would find it in his heart to forgive her and they could start all over again.


She looked over to the coffee table in front of her, there was a brown envelope sitting on top of it. She reached over, grabbed the envelope and took out the content inside it. Inside it contained pictures of Nichkhun and Victoria at the school yard watching the kids played, pictures of Nichkhun and Victoria arrived at the hospital to visit Taehyung, pictures of Nichkhun and Victoria along with their friends at La Caffe, pictures of Nichkhun dropping Victoria off at her home, pictures of them at Incheon and Jeju International airport and lastly pictures of Nichkhun entering Victoria’s house the day of the clothes fitting session.


Ever since she got back to Seoul Gyuri had hired a private detective to follow Nichkhun around because she wanted to find out about him before she re-introduce herself back into his life. It was initially just to give herself a little heads up about how he is, what he’s been doing that sort of thing. It was never about finding out if he was seeing someone because in part secretly she didn’t think that he would have already moved on from her. However, when Gyuri found out that Nichkhun was already seeing Victoria she was hurt. She was hurt and angry at herself. She was the one who ended their relationship and thus allow Victoria to enter his life. If she hadn’t broke things off with him he’d still be hers. She felt she had to do something to get him back, after all she really had nothing left to lose. She grabbed her phone and quickly dialed a number






The next few days of quality time flew by like a blink of an eye, Nichkhun and Victoria enjoyed their time together immensely. They never leave each other sides during the 3 days that they spent together. Spending time with Victoria made Nichkhun realized that the woman he loved was Victoria and not Gyuri. Whatever feelings he had when he met her at the clothes fitting session wasn’t love. He was shocked to see her again after all this time. He admitted that he still wavered at her presence and her touch, after all there were still many unanswered questions, unfinished business between them, but it wasn’t love. It was anxiety, it was his curiosity, It was his need for a closure, it was his chance to resolve the left over feelings he had.


To him Gyuri was like an old pair of shoes that you never wear anymore, but could never mustered the heart to throw it away either. Seeing her again after what happened to him and after all this time clearly affected him emotionally. He couldn’t pretend that she was a complete stranger to him….that would be a lie. She used to be a part of him, a part of his life and he could never deny that she was his everything. However, she’s not his future. Nichkhun took comfort in realizing what Gyuri meant to him, she will always be a part of him, a part of his past and there would always be a place for her in his heart because anything less would be an insult to the three years that they spent together, but that’s all she could ever be


It was now time for the drama to start shooting. Nichkhun showed up on set as expected of him and began to say hello and greetings to his fellow cast members and production crews. He walked into his trailer to begin preparing for the scenes today when he found Gyuri sitting there. If he had learned anything about their last meeting at the clothes fitting session it was the fact that he needed to be strong when she was around and that was what he was determined to be


“What are you doing here Gyuri?” asked Nichkhun trying to sound like her presence didn’t affect him


“I’m here to work Khun….here this is for you” said Gyuri and gently handed him Mocha Frappuchino


“You still remember” said Nichkhun looking at the drink


“Of course I do Khun…I will always remember your favorite coffee” said Gyuri


“Why are you doing this Gyuri? You are Senior Brand Manager now…you don’t need to be doing this yourself” asked Nichkhun


“I know I don’t have to do it myself, but I want to…’s a chance for me to see how you are Khun……we haven’t seen each other in a long time” said Gyuri in a soft and gentle voice while looking into his eyes


“I didn’t think you care to know how I was” scoffed Nichkhun


“Of course I do Khun……it’s probably hard for you to believe, but I still think of you” said Gyuri looking apologetic


Nichkhun didn’t know how to respond to her words. He didn’t know if she was being honest or not, but looking at her face he felt that she was and it lessened his anger at her a little bit


“You look great by the way…you looked more mature than before” said Gyuri with a little smile on her face


“After the pain that you put me through, I had no choice but to grow up didn’t I? So I guess I have you to thank for then” said Nichkhun sarcastically


“I’m sorry for what happened Khun” said Gyuri sighing a big sigh and looking a little desperate


After a long paused Nichkhun finally mustered the courage to ask her the questions that had always been on his mind


“What really happened Gyuri?? Why did you leave me? Why did you break up with me? What did I do?” asked Nichkhun exasperatedly, she could still hear the hurt in his voice


“I’m so sorry Khun….I really am….back then you were still young…you were too young mentally…I did love you Khun, but you weren’t mature enough back then. You never thought about our future. You never mentioned once what were your plans for us. We were together for three years Khun and I wasn’t getting any younger. I didn’t want a marriage right away, but I wanted to know that you’ve actually thought about it….but you didn’t. You were just content at living just for today, but it wasn’t enough for me…so when I got an offer to work at our New York branch I thought that I would have to choose between my love for you and my career….I had to make a choice….so I did want I thought was the best thing for me and for the both of us…I had to lie to you that I don’t love you anymore and I had to choose what was best for me…I’m really sorry I hurt you Khun….I hope that you’ll find it in your heart to forgive me” said Gyuri with a sadden voice and trying hard to hold her tears from falling


Nichkhun was shocked at what he just heard. All this time he had thought that Gyuri left him for someone else. He didn’t know her real reason at all since they never met again after that phone call. It was somewhat comforting for him to know that she didn’t cheat on him like he thought she did and he could actually understand her line of reasoning for choosing to do what she did. He hated what happened, but he could understand her for wanting more than he could have given at that time. Seeing her cried and listening to her reason did soften him up. He knew that she wasn’t entirely wrong about her assessment of him back then. He was young and she was right he didn’t think about their future at all back then. He was happy being with her, loving her and he thought that it was enough.


“Why didn’t you tell me about how you felt? I didn’t know at all that you were worried and concerned about our future….you should have talked to me Gyuri” said Nichkhun in a soft and calm voice


“What was I supposed to say Khun?? I want to eventually get married so you better start thinking about it now?? Is that what I should say to you?? How can I say that to you Khun?? If you haven’t even thought about any of it” said Gyuri in a frustrating voice and wiping away tears that started to fall


Nichkhun heart dropped at the sight of her crying. He could never stand to see a woman cry. He reached out for a piece of tissue and handed it to her and said


“Please don’t cry…..You know I don’t like to see you cry….please stop crying” said Nichkhun in a tender voice and handed her the tissue. She reached out and took the tissue from him and their hands touched, but Nichkhun didn’t react the way he did before when she was rolling up the sleeves for him. He didn’t jerk his hand away from her, she noticed the change in his demeanor and lingered her hand there for just a tiny bit longer than necessary. Nichkhun being a kind and gentle man that he was didn’t suspect anything


“Thank you very much Khun….I hope you can forgive me Khun….and I know this might be too much to ask, but I’d really love it if we can be friends….or if that is too much to ask, at least we could be hospitable around each other for the sake of this drama” said Gyuri in an apologetic tone while looking down at her own hands


Nichkhun couldn’t bear it anymore. He knew she had caused him so much pain and suffering, but it was all in the past. He didn’t want to be the kind of man who hold grudges or the kind of man who can’t forgive. He had decided to let by gone be by gone


“Stop crying Gyuri…….I suppose it would be better if we can work together amicably since we have to see each other here anyway and I don’t want to hold any grudges anymore. It was already in the past…let’s just do our best to work together” said Nichkhun smiling a little smile at her


“Thank you very much Khun” said Gyuri smiling brightly at Nichkhun


She had already expected this. She knew Nichkhun well enough to know what to do to get what she wanted from him. She knew that he could never stand to see her cry. It was one of his weaknesses and she was going to use any means necessary to get his attention


It had been almost two weeks since the shooting had begun. The shooting schedule was pretty brutal. It was common for Nichkhun to continue filming until the early morning hours and had to resort to taking naps during the break on set rather than going back to his own house. He had been extremely busy with shooting the drama that he had no time at all to meet with Victoria and since Victoria could not come to visit him at the set their only means of communication was through phone calls or text messages. Nichkhun texted Victoria constantly telling her how much he missed seeing her face, her smile, her home cook meal and how much he wanted to hold her in his arms. Victoria texted him just as much as well because she missed him dearly.


Nichkhun and Gyuri were friendly towards each other on set just like they agreed they would be. Nichkhun had to admit that he was getting used to having her around. They worked together seamlessly. She would show up on set with his favorite coffee and attentively in overseeing things to make sure that Nichkhun looked the best for his role. She knew when he was tired. She knew when he was hungry and she would get him something good to eat. She checked to see if he’d gotten enough sleep, if he was feeling too tired, if he needed rest or if he was wearing enough clothes to keep him warm when they were filming at night. He was grateful to her to be honest. It was good to see a familiar face around who genuinely care about him when he was working so hard. She seemed to genuinely care about his well-being and that made him felt more at ease towards her. She took great care of him and it felt good for him to have her there.


During one day of shooting Nichkhun wasn’t feeling so well. He had been filming for long hours consecutively for days that his body began to show sign of fatigue. He started coughing and his face was reddish too. Gyuri noticed it and immediately went to him


“Are you feeling all right Khun? You don’t look so good” asked Gyuri looking all worried


“I’m ok…thanks for your concern, but I’ll be fine” said Nichkhun trying his best to sound ok


“But you don’t look fine Khun….oh no! You’re burning up” said Gyuri while placing her hand on his forehead and cheek to check his body temperature


“Let me get you some medicine Khun…you stay right here ok…I’ll be back in just a second” said Gyuri while his cheek and then left


A little while later Gyuri came back with some medicine and some oranges and an extra blanket in her hands.


“Here you go Khun take the medicine” said Gyuri in a concerned voice while handed him the medicine to help reduce his fever and a glass of water


Nichkhun took the medicine and popped them into his mouth and wash them down with the water that she handed him


“Thanks Gyuri” said Nichkhun smiling a little smile to show his appreciation for her kindness which made Gyuri’s heart flustered


Gyuri then wrapped the extra blanket on him to keep him warm and began peeling the orange


“Here have some oranges…the vitamin C would help fight the flu” said Gyuri while feeding him pieces of orange into his mouth which he took it willingly


“You need to take good care of your health Khun…with long hours of filming, it’s easy to get sick…don’t worry I’ll take care of you” said Gyuri smiling brightly at him


Nichkhun didn’t say anything to her about her taking care of him statement. He didn’t want to outright rejected her and in turns being rude for her kindness towards him so he just stayed quiet and accepted the pieces of orange that she continued to feed him without saying anything. Unbeknown to Nichkhun, a man sitting on a woonden bench not far from where his trailer parked was busy capturing all of his interactions with Gyuri on camera…….click….click


The next day after Nichkhun had finished shooting the production crews decided to go out to dinner together and asked Nichkhun to come along. Thinking that it would be impolite to decline their offer Nichkhun decided to join them for dinner. They all went to eat at a samgyupsal restaurant not far from the shooting location. It was a small restaurant with only a few tables inside and because there were so many of them the entire crews took up almost all of the seats at the restaurant and since they’re practically the only patrons there the crews went all out. They ordered lots and lots of dishes as well as numerous orders of Soju and beer. They feasted on grill pork belly and chucked it down with shots of Soju or a glass of beer. After they were done with eating they proceeded on with drinking the night away. They poured each other drinks and encouraged one another to drink more and when they couldn’t drink any more they ordered more Soju just to cure their drunkenness.


Nichkhun was cautions not to drink too much since he needed to drive himself back home. He only had a glass of beer the entire night. Gyuri however, was having a great time drinking with her colleagues. She had been drinking multiple shots of Soju as well as few glasses of beer and whatever concoction people handed to her. Nichkhun was beginning to worry that she might be too drunk and tried to warn her


“You had a lot to drink already Gyuri…be careful not to overdo it ok?” said Nichkhun a little concerned


“Don’t worry Khun. I know what I’m doing. Besides I haven’t had this much fun in a really long time….it feels good to be hanging out with you again” said Gyuri and smiling brightly at him and down another shot of Soju in the process


“I need to use the restroom…I’ll be right back” said Gyuri and got up a little unsteadily and when she can finally composed herself she walked towards the restroom with Nichkhun’s eyes right behind her


When she reached the ladies’ room and out of Nichkhun’s and everyone else’s sight she quickly took out her phone and dialed a number. A few second later and man picked up the phone and Gyuri quickly instructed him


“It’s going according to plan…He won’t let me drive tonight so he’ll be taking me home….make sure you get the shots just like we planned it” said Gyuri all sober and not an ounce of drunkenness in her voice


“Don’t worry….I’ll get the shots” said the man on the other end of the phone and hung up


Gyuri stumbled back to the table and grabbed another shot of Soju and chuck it down smiling brightly at everyone. By the time they had finished their little get together Gyuri was hardly able to walk straight. They all walked out of the restaurant bidding each other goodbye when Nichkhun grabbed Gyuri’s arm and said


“You’re drunk Gyuri….are you sure you’ll be able to drive?” asked Nichkhun concerned in his voice


“Yeahh I’m sure Khunn…just get me back to my car…I’ll be fineee” said Gyuri slurring her words a little bit


Nichkhun helped Gyuri into his car and told everyone not to worry and that he would drop Gyuri off at her car. Nichkhun got into his car and looked over at Gyuri who was sitting next to him on the passenger seat. Gyuri leaned her head back and closed her eyes breathing heavily. Seeing the stage that she was in Nichkhun decided that it was impossible and dangerous for her to drive home


“Gyuri…I don’t think you should be driving in this state…how about if I drive you home instead and you can come get your car tomorrow?” asked Nichkhun in a calm and concerned voice


“Noo, I’ll be fine Khun…I can drive…I don’t want to bother you” said Gyuri with a half opened eyes


“How can you drive when you can’t even sit up straight?? Come on I’ll drive you home and that’s the end of it” said Nichkhun and started the car. A little smirk crept up at the corner of Gyuri’s mouth without Nichkhun ever realizing it


When Nichkhun finally reached Gyuri’ house he parked his car in front of it. Nichkhun got out of the car and walk over to the passenger side and opened the door. Click…click


“We’re here…Gyuri…hey wake up” said Nichkhun trying to wake her up.


“Oh thank you Khun” said Gyuri and got out of the car but lost her footing and was about to fall, but Nichkhun was quick enough to grabbed her and let her steady herself. Click…click….click


“Be careful!! Gyuri…are you sure you can walk?” asked Nichkhun. Click…click


“Yeahh I’m fine Khun…thanks” said Gyuri and tried to walk but lost her footing again. Nichkhun quickly caught her and said


“You can’t even stand straight Gyuri….come on I’ll take you inside” said Nichkhun and wrapped his arm around Gyuri’s shoulder and pulled her close to help her walked while using the other hand to open the door to her house. Gyuri took this chance to snuggle up closer to him and smiled an evil smile that her plan was working flawlessly. Click…click…click…click


Nichkhun took Gyuri inside the house, the lights still holding her in his arm. Nichkhun led Gyuri toward her bed and helped her to lay down on it. Gyuri’s bed was placed a few feet away from the windows where the curtains were drawn opened. Gyuri laid down in bed with Nichkhun sitting next to her trying to make sure that she would be all right. Click…


“Hey Gyuri are you going to be ok?” asked Nichkhun


Gyuri mumbled something inaudible and Nichkhun had to lean his head down towards her face to listen closely at what she was saying. Click…click…click


“I’ll be fine Khun…thank you so much” said Gyuri


“Ok I’ll be going then….make sure you drink lots of water too ok” said Nichkhun and got up and left


Unbeknown to Nichkhun, on the rooftop of the opposite building there was a man holding a sophisticated looking camera with a long zoom lens capturing all the pictures of Nichkhun holding Gyuri in his arm leading her to bed, laying her down and leaning in as if he was about to give her a kiss

“Perfect shots” said the man with the camera smirking while checking the pictures that he had just taken 

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mickey0817 #1
Chapter 20: it would be good if they can make this into a drama and of course our KHUNTORIA will be the lead stars,good job!
Chapter 20: Aww... This story is killing me with its sweetness.... Such a really nice story!
Great story. Good job :) Hope to read more of Khuntoria's fanfic stories from you soon.
1722803358 #4
Chapter 20: este fantastica supera las espectativas... me encanto kuntoria por siempr....y me entere de que estos dos estan saliendo... aunque no se si es verdad... pero aun asi me alegro por ellos... y que sean felices....
Chapter 20: cute, amazing, and i love this fanfict ><
kimiaishy #6
Chapter 20: it's an amazing story,i love the way you write,,please make another khuntoria's stories and share it with us..God Bless You...
Kpopcornluvr #7
One of my all time fave fanfics...truly! You capture feelings ans scenarios so well! Will u be writing more? I hope so! ^_^
heartkhun26 #8
Chapter 20: I miss my OTP and I re-read your story .. kkk.. please make another Khuntoria's story.. you're so talented.. kkkk
Chapter 20: wow.. so beautiful and good story.. keep it up <3 =D
pabo0624 #10
Chapter 20: Soo good!! No matter how many times I read, I'll still live it! I hope you'll continue with more fanfics! :DD