Monster in the Closet

HimUp Family Drabbles

"Daddy! Daddy!" Youngjae cried as he ran up to his father.

Jongup looked up from the BOOKarrow-10x10.png he was trying to read for the 5th time that week, but had no luck to even finish one page with Youngjae around.

"What’s wrong Youngjae?" Jongup set the book down and lifted the panicked boy onto his lap. 

"Daddy there is a monster in my room!" Youngjae hugged his father tightly.

"A monster?" Jongup was confused.

Youngjae nodded furiously, “It wants to eat me Daddy! I’m scared!”

"Where exactly is that monster Youngjae?" Jongup ask as he got up lifting his son with him.

"In the closet….wait Daddy don’t go!" Youngjae hugged his father tighter, frightened.

Jongup walked in the his son’s colorful and messy room with Pokemon toys scattered all around the red carpet.

Jongup shifted his son to this left arm and walked towards the CLOSET DOORSarrow-10x10.png covered in stickers and crayon doodled artwork.

"DADDY IT IS GOING TO KILL US! DON’T OPEN IT!" Youngjae panicked as he hid his face in his daddy’s broad chest.

Jongup chuckled as he opened the CLOSET DOORarrow-10x10.png, “Youngjae nobody is going to kill us…seriously were do you get all these weird ideas—”

Soon both child and parent were engulf in the waterfall of toys that hit them repeatedly.

"AHHH ITS THE MONSTER!" the frightened child screamed.

"Youngjae—Youngjae when was the last time you cleaned your closet?" Jongup kicked some of the toys scattered on the floor, "The noise you heard was probably the toys falling…"

Jongup tsked as he looked at the floor then at his child who was looking at his toys in awe as if he if he finally remembered where all his missing toys were. 

Youngjae looked up at his father and blinked innocently.

"I can’t clean, I am barely four!" Youngjae stuck out four chubby digits to his father.

"Yes, you can. Look Youngjae we put container in here so you can put your toys away…you can’t just stick them in here like that…" Jongup sighed.

"The monster did it!" the chubby boy looked at the mess on the floor, trying to find an excuse.

Jongup shock his head, “We are cleaning this Daddy Chan will get mad if he sees this mess.”

Youngjae groaned, “But Daddy can we clean it later…we still need to find the monster!”

"Youngjae there are no monsters…." Jongup placed his son on the toy filled floor, "I’ll look in the closet to make sure okay? You start cleaning."

Yougnjae pouted, “I don’t wanna….”

Jongup looked in the small closet quickly and turned to his son, “There are no monsters…”

"You don’t know that, the monster only comes out in the dark!" Youngjae stomped his small chubby foot making his point.

"Daddy~" a cute sleepy voice called from the bedroom door.

Jongup looked back and saw his youngest son Junhong peeking in the bedroom holding onto a small blue blanket.

"Junnie, did you wake up already?" Jongup asked his baby son.

Junhong was suppose to be taking his noon nap in the living room were Jongup was keeping an eye on him before Youngjae had rushed in talking nonsense about a monster that didn’t exist.

"Duh daddy!" Youngjae shook his head at his father’s silly question, "Jello is obviously not sleeping…."

Jongup shook his head, “You hang out to much with you Daddy Chan…”

Younjgae blinked and started to walk towards his bed, “HEY! Come back here Jae we need to clean.”

"I don’t wanna!" Youngjae jumped on his bed and wrapped himself with his pokemon blankets.

Junhong smiled and ran towards his older brother, “Me too….” the little baby giggled as he saw his brother turn into a cocoon with the blankets.

Jongup sighed and looked at the mess and back at his children playing. Jongup shrugged and quickly kicked everything into the closet and join the kids in their play.

Jongup had lost track of time, he bet it has been hours, the bed turned into a fort, Jongup had become an evil dragon. Youngjae and Junhong had become the knights of the fort.

"ATTACK! DIE EVIL DRAGON!" Youngjae shouted and jumped onto his father’s back.

"ATTACK! ATTACK!" Junhong giggled.

Jongup slumped to the floor, “Wahh….you killed me….ohhh…no…why how was I defeated?”

Youngjae ruthlessly keep “stabbing” his father with his foam sword, “IT’S STILL BREATHING! DIEEEEEE!” 

"OW! YOUGNJAE!" Jongup laughed, "That hurts!"

"It’s suppose to hurt daddy you’re dying!" his son kept stabbing the sword.

"Moon Youngjae don’t be mean to you father!" Himchan walked in the messy room.

"DADDY!" Youngjae shouted in joy seeing his father.

Youngjae sprinted to his father and jumped up to hug his lanky legs, “I misssseedd you~”

"Daddy, Daddy!" Junhong outstretched his arms wanting to hug his father.

"Younjgae I can’t walk…" Himchan chuckled and picked up his son, "Jonguppie how were the kids?"

Jongup sat up smiling at his partner, “Good, Youngjae thought that there was a monster in the closet but I got that fixed.”

"What about dinner?" Himchan rose his brow at Jongup as Youngjae pulled on his blue tie.

Jongup chuckled nervously and went to take Junhong in his arms, “I forgot?”

"Jongup! Again?" Himchan sighed.

"We can have pizza!" Youngjae suggested.

"PIZZAAA!" Junhong  smothered his face into his father’s shoulder and yawned loudly.

Himchan shook his head, “No, pizza isn’t good for you Youngjae…”

"But..I want pizza!" Youngjae pouted cutely, puckering his cute little lips knowing how to get his parents to do thing for him.

Himchan sighed, “Fine…”

Jongup up to this date was in awe of Youngjae’s sneaky ways, Jongup has tried the same move on Himchan but it had failed horribly.

After pizza and showering the kids. Jongup and Himchan tucked the kids in their bed’s. Though Youngjae complained about how early he had to sleep Junhong was fast asleep in his crib next to Youngjae’s bed.

Finally in their pj’s, Himchan and Jongup finally snuggled deep in their bed. 

"I’m so TIREDarrow-10x10.png…" Himchan sighed.

"How was your day?" Jongup ask, finally realizing they hadn’t been able to talk the whole day. They barely had time for themselves, everything was now about their children and any type of break they had was used for sleep.

" It was okay, my students  handed in their research papers…" Himchan yawned and snuggled closer to Jongup, "How was your day?"

"Lonely without you," Jongup smiled.

"Oh shut up!" Himchan slapped Jongup bicep, "at least you are with the kids…"

Jongup wrapped his arms around his husband’s waist and pulled him closer, “It’s not the same without you.”

Himchan pecked his husband’s lips, “I know….sorry I have to work so much.”

 Jongup shook his head, he understood.  One of them had to work while the other took care the children.

The younger male smiled, his husband was beautiful. He thought Himchan looked just as beautiful as the first day he met him, he couldn’t believe how lucky he was to be with him.

"I love you." Jongup whispered huskily as he crept closer kissing his partner along  his jawline slowly reaching his soft plump lips.

Himchan harsly bit onto Jongup’s bottom lip.

Jongup slid his callously rough hands under Himchan’s silky shirt, slowly sliding his rough hands upward, massaging the soft smooth  pale skin.

Soon the shirt was discarded and after a fierce battle of tongues he  found himself being straddled by his husband. Himchan didn’t take his time and quickly bend down capturing his lips hungrily. 

"DADDY!" the door was slammed opened revealing a tousled hair Yougnjae hugging his half-asleep brother, surprisingly able to manage to carry the baby.

"YOUNGJAE WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Himchan jumped off his husband and threw the covers over himself.

"THE MONSTER IS BACK!" Youngjae ran towards his parent’s bed and with Junhong in his arms he quickly climbed on.

Himchan glared at his husband who just laid on the bed with a hazy look on his face.

"Jongup…I thought you fixed it!" Himchan growled.

Jongup  slowly brought his right hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose, “There’s no monster in your room Youngjae—-” Jongup sighed and sat up noticing his son was in between him and Himchan.

Youngjae looked up at his father, “I heard it! I DID! IT SAID IT WANTED TO EAT ME! DADDY I AM TOO CUTE TO BE EATEN!!”

Himchan took the half asleep Junhong in his hands and started to craddle the youngest back to sleep, “Jongup go to Youngjae’s room and prove to him that there are no monsters. NOW!” Himchan said through his gritted teeth.

Youngjae looked at his other daddy, “Daddy, why are you ?”

"I AM NOT !" Himchan blushed, finally remembering he was shirtless at the moment, "JONGUP, GO!"

Jongup groaned and quickly rolled off the bed, “Come on Jae…”

"You can go I can stay here…" Youngjae looked around his fathers’ fluffy bed excited.

"Nuh ah! You are coming with me!" Jongup picked up his son, "I told you already there are no monsters in your closet!"

Jongup quickly walked in his children’s room, and Yougnjae grew quite and hugged his father tightly.

“Daddy….I’m scared” Youngjae whispered.

The room was slightly dark, the only source of like was a bunny night light that flashed a light yellow color on the far corner of the room. Jongup sighed not bothering to turn on the light, making his way to the closet.

"Youngjae don’t—-" a crackling noise behind the closet door made them both squeak in fear.

"Let’s go back!" Yougnjae clung, onto his father his eyes were wide in fear.

Jongup took a deep breath trying to calm down, “It was probably your toys falling again...” Jongup tried to reassure his child. He placed Youngjae on the floor. “Youngjae there is nothing to worry about…”

Jongup opened the closet door, there was pure darkness and shadows of  toys only could be seen.


"THERE!" Youngjae screeched panicking as he pointed at the corner, "IT’S GOING TO EAT US!"

Jongup wanted to scream but he was in utter shock when he saw six murky blood  triangular shaped eyes  glaring at him, “HOLY ING HELL!” Jongup shouted finally finding his voice. He slammed the closet door, grabbed his son and sprinted out of the evil room.

Himchan hummed softly as he  cradled Junhong in his arms, smiling, seeing that his son was finally asleep. Himchan heard some noises but shurgged it of thinking that Jongup was probably talking to Younjgae.


The bedroom door was slammed closed making Junhong  wake up and start to cry. 

"No! No…baby don’t cry…shhh!" Himchan hugged his child and glared at Jongup and Youngjae who were shaking and breathing heavily.

"Jongup….I thought I told you to fix it, what…are you two doing?" Himchan glared his husband, it was hard for him not to scream at Jongup.

Jongup rushed to the bed and buried himself and Youngjae deep in the blankets ignoring Himchan. 

Himchan raise a brow seeing his husband and child hugging each other and looking quite terrified.

"Jongup?" Himchan called out.

"SHHH IT WILL HEARS US!" Yougnaje hugged his father and the older male nodded agreeing with his son.

"We..we can all sleep here tonight!" Jongup laughed nervously.

"You can’t be serious. Youngjae and Junhong need to sleep in their beds. There are no monsters… "  Himchan shook his head.

"THERE IS! WE SAW IT HAD LIKE A MILLION EYES!" Youngjae voice was muffled since the child had his face plastered onto his father’s chest.

"It’s true!" Jongup nodded, "We need to move out of this house as soon as possible! LIKE TOMORROW…honestly I wouldn’t mind leaving now."

Himchan busted up laughing still cradling Junhong to sleep, “Oh god…I can’t wait to tell Yongguk.”

"Himchan I am serious!" Jongup whispered.

Suddenly they all heard stomping and scratching noises on the ceiling.

"It…found us…." Youngjae cringed in fear, hugging his father tightly nearly suffocating him.

Himchan blinked looking at the ceiling, “I think it’s headed towards the kitchen….we should go check it out.”

Jongup shook his head still frightened.

After some coaxing Himchan managed to get Jongup to walk with him to the kitchen, it was eerily quiet. Jongup had a broom in his hands but he envied Himchan who had bat. They had left Younjgae and Junhong in their room, leaving Youngjae another bat. Youngjae was quite pleased with the bat and saluted his parents as they walked out the room.

"I don’t hear anything…." Jongup whispered.

"Shh…." Himchan walked towards a counter, "I think I heard something."

Jongup looked around, the room was dark and the only light was the moonlight that shone through the windows, ‘Why didn’t we turn on the lights…’

Himchan opened a random drawer and screeched when he saw two red eyes glaring. He swung his bat at the evil thing smashing it.

Soon the whole kitchen was engulfed with screeching and scattering movement. Jongup and Himchan smashed anything that moved, breaking chairs, plates, crushing plants and eventually breaking the sink faucet making water squirt out.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY?!" Himchan yelped a he felt something run between his feet and smashed his bat on the floor.

"i don’t know! I DON’T KNOW!" Jongup shouted panicked smashing everything, literally everything.

They heard more screeching and footing above their heads and soon the a small part of ceiling came crashing down. Jongup and Himchan screeched and jumped to each other. Desperately grasping each other thinking it was their doom.

After a few seconds the dust settle and the noises were gone. Himchan ran to the light switch and the KITCHEN LIGHTarrow-10x10.png, “Why didn’t we do this since the beginning?” Himcahn shouted angrily.

They both walked towards the DINNING TABLEarrow-10x10.png where the crumbles of the ceiling landed.

"What is that…" Jongup pointed to a black fury thing.

"GAHHH! IT’S A RAT!" Himchan clasped his hand over his mouth  not waiting to vomit from the sight of the dead smelly rat. 

"Oh…..that makes sense…" Jongup chuckled as he scratched the  back of his neck.

"Daddy did you kill it——wooow what happened?" Youngjae walked in with his brother Junhong who was still half asleep.

Himchan and Jongup looked at each other then turned to face the rest of the kitchen. It looked like a war zone and there was a lot of collateral damage.

Himchan wanted to cry at the sight of his beloved kitchen. Jongup just looked around dumbfounded.

“We did all of that?” Jongup asked in awe.

"So….Denny’s tomorrow?" Youngjae asked blinking at his shocked and devastated parents.

~The next day they certainly went to Denny’s for breakfast but only after they called THE PEST CONTROLarrow-10x10.png and a plumber…. 

Thank you for reading again! And for the comments!

Edit: Also if anyone doesn’t know what Denny’s is, it is a restaurant

that serves breakfast foods and some burgers all day long. (typical american food)

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Chapter 8: This is so cute omg dae fainting aw haha
faakeid #2
Chapter 6: And this fic makes me wondering... Were you guys that wrote one Himup/Daejae fic where Youngjae is a teenager and loves Daehyun, but he brings a girl home and he is Yongguk's and Jieun's son like in this fic... Something like that. Sorry if I'm just speaking nonsense.
faakeid #3
KeyboardHero #4
Chapter 6: Soooooooo cute *faint* the last part and 'Jello' got me TT^TT so cute /(\\∇\\)/
Chapter 6: Ack the daejae so cute and baby jello~
Chapter 5: Noooo lil jae better be okay ;A;
Chapter 4: Nooo mini-youngjae, you idiot! /facepalms
Chapter 3: Hahaha jaejae ruining himup happy time lol