The Nightmare

Young and Fabulous: Navigating the path to adulthood

Hello ArmyStar and Eunseoh here with another chapter. This chapter is kind of sad but is needed in this story. Enjoy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I sat in the back of the car fighting with Sanghyuk over who got the DVD player and which movie we were going to watch. The sound of rain on the roof of the car was a loud and constant drumming in the background. It was late and Mamma sat in the passenger seat trying not to fall asleep while Pappa was concentrating on driving. Our voices slowly grew louder and louder as both of us refused to give in to the other. Finally fed up with our yelling, Pappa turned around and started to tell us off. Suddenly out of no where, with no warning something hit us from the front right-hand side. The rest of the scene played out in slow motion. The DVD player was ripped out of Sanghyuk’s and my hands, it flew forward and lodged in the windscreen. The various DVD cases flying around in the air. Sanghyuk, mamma and I were thrown forward, our cried of pain lost in the intense noises of metal scraping and colliding with more metal, glass shattering and the screeching of tyres on the road. Our seatbelts jerked us to a stop and the car smacked into something else, violently stopping. I had the wind knocked out of my lungs and I could already feel the bruises that would form on my chest and hips as something strained and snapped under the shoulder strap of my seat belt. Groggily I looked over at Sanghyuk and I could see his expression of pain, the tears already starting to run from his wide eyes. I looked at pappa but he looked wrong, his body was twisted the wrong way. There was blood dripping from his head which looked like it was halfway out of the windscreen. His face was turned towards me and though it was mangled and I could clearly see the fear in his features. Mamma was sitting in front of me so I couldn’t see her but I could hear her screaming and Sanghyuk’s crying. The rain was still drumming heavily on the roof of the car and the silence was heavy, mamma was still screaming and Hyukkie was still crying but there was silence, my father made no sound. I was silent as the paramedics came to treat our injuries. Sanghyuk had a broken arm and a dislocated shoulder. He was crying a lot. Mamma had whiplash and a few deep gashes to her upper body. She couldn’t stop wailing. I had fractured ribs, a broken collar bone and arm and a concussion. No sound escaped my tightly clenched lips. The last thing I remember of that day is looking at my father’s head, shoved through the windscreen and his blood mixing with the rain on the glass.


I was finally pulled out of the nightmare by Hyuk shaking me and calling “Noona” repeatedly. The number of times I have seen that traumatic experience in my dreams is countless and I know that it will never end unless the memory of that day is erased from my brain by something like amnesia. However, simply getting amnesia doesn’t guarantee anything, worst case scenario I could get amnesia and forget the good things, like my pappa’s smiling face, Hyuk’s happy giggles and mamma’s warm hugs, and only remember the bad things. No. I didn’t want to forget. I just didn’t want it to hurt as much. I didn’t want to wake up in the night crying with Sanghyuk desperately clinging to me looking terrified.


I looked at my sister. Her pale skin, the dark rings under her wide eyes, the way her hands shook slightly as the wiped the tears from her face and I felt nothing but love and admiration for her. My sister was an amazing person. She was strange and weird and wonderful. She was one of the, probably THE bravest person I had ever known. Despite the horrible terrors she had faced she still got up every morning and put a smile on her face, she managed to make people laugh and she tried to be happy every day.


As a child she had been bullied, she had her own world and she saw things differently to the way most people saw them. She would sit and let the bullies have their way with her, she never batted an eye at them but that changed when I came to school. The bullies decided that they were going to pick on me to teach her a lesson. She was so furious that they bullies ended up going to the ER. Needless to say they never touched me again. They were slightly more wary of her after that too and some nasty rumors were spread around. She just got on with her days and eventually the rumors died down. Until Middle school. There they sprang up again in full force because she was sent to an all-girls middle school. The girls would do horrible things to her like pour milk on her and fill her bag and locker with gross things like mud and garbage. One time they even took her shoes and threw them in the bin. She never retaliated and only got on with what she was doing. The bullying got worse and worse until the accident. We didn’t go to school for a month and at the end of that time we buried our father. A week in to that month some of the girls from her school decided that they were going to find out what she was doing so they went to our house where they were greeted by our mother. They pretended to be her friends from school and asked why she hadn’t been at school. My mother let them inside and told them the whole story, she even invited them to the funeral. The girls decided to go, thinking that they could get some dirt on their victim to use at school. What they didn’t expect was that the girl they had been bullying would do what she did. Unbeknownst to the people at our school, our car had been hit by a drink driver who was speeding and lost control of his car. The man had been caught and arrested and sent to prison. Eunseo had gone to visit the man by herself and invited him to the funeral, not out of spite but out of kindness. She told him that she knew he was hurting, she told him that she knew he felt guilty so she offered him the chance to get his own closure. He accepted, touched by the thoughts of the 14 year old girl. At the funeral Eunseo had spoken about our father, she had spoken about the good times we had had with him, about the love, the fun and the joy, then she drifted to how he had been taken away. She looked the man dead in the eyes as she spoke about what it was like having him ripped away from her right in front of her eyes. Then she forgave him. She announced it in front of all of our friends and family. She invited him up and she hugged him then she gave him the chance to speak. Everyone was shocked at the maturity and thoughtfulness of the 14 year old girl. The girls who had come to spite her had filmed the whole thing thinking that they would get something to use against her and instead it lead to the whole school changing their thoughts about her. After the funeral she was no longer bullied, people were nice to her or at least left her alone. That’s when she turned into the demon nag monster that I know today. Though honestly I’m glad she did. I don’t think we would have been able to function without her constant nagging. Mother wouldn’t have gone shopping, I wouldn’t have gone to school, we would have wallowed in our own self-pity for the rest of our lives. But she didn’t let that happen and as turned into my mother and father as well as my sister. As we got older she gravitated towards the social outcasts and gave them a family. Over time our little family has grown to what it is today and it is mostly because of my sister. Well in my opinion. Hongbin hyung and Yebin had quite a bit to do with it too - they kept her sane while she was trying to come to terms with everything that had happened and they brought new people into our family. My sister is my hero but don’t tell her I said that.


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