Chapter 7

No More Perfume on You

(L.joe's POV)

The next day, I woke up from a deep sleep. I took a glance at Chunji's bed but it is not yet occupied since last night. I sighed. I knew the whole truth but I chose to just keep it to myself. "Hyung! Hyung!' Ricky runs panickly to my room. My thoughts were cutted off by him. "What do you want this early?" I said tiredly and pissed rubbing my eyes. "L.joe hyung, Chunji hyung is not yet home?". "Isn't it obvious?" I covered myself with a blanket. "Hyung!" Ricky pulled the blanket away. "What?" I yelled as I ruffled my hair because I'm so irritated of him. "Hyung! Let's find him! What if something happened to him?" I paused for a while. What if he thought of killing himself? "No way!" I murmured. I run to the bathroom to wear some proper clothes. Satisfied a little, I run outside without a care about the other members. I tried to find him in every place he maybe but he is nowhere to be found until my feet brought me to you's house.

When I realize that I'm now in front of her house, I hesitated to press the doorbell but minutes later, someone opens the door. "Oppa?"



Sorry for the short chapter~~

YES!! i already got my 2012 season greetings of teen top~~

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Chapter 6: omg
i was reading the previous chapter and i saw damaged lady thinking it wuold suit the girls situation and gosh..
Tomboy84 #2
I like your story so far! Update soon :)
Jumeljoo #4
Write more!!! T_T This chapter won't keep me occupied! D:
Ah i really like this story and it make me pretending that it was me in the story :) update soon
I really like the story.. :)<br />
Keep it up :)<br />
-Seshai (shai209)
jheenim_ah #7
<3 it!! c:<br />
OHMY!!! :O I like this >:)<br />
hehehehehehe update soon plzz <33
asdf-honeybunny #9
:O i love where this story is going ;D<br />
update soon~
thank u:)