Chapter 1

Be My Type?

Chanyeol’s case of vomiting had begun three days ago.  At first, he believed that it was just a common flu and thought nothing of it.  But, when he was leaning over the toilet, puking anything he took in, Chanyeol realized it might have been something more.

After his epiphany, Chanyeol had his roommate drive him to the emergency room.  His roommate, who also doubled as his best friend, stayed with Chanyeol, helping the elder to fill out his form.  After Chanyeol was let in, hooked up to and IV and examined, a doctor finally told him what was wrong.

“We need to remove your appendix before it bursts,” His doctor began before continuing to explain what was wrong.

Apparently, Chanyeol had appendicitis.  Except, they boy was hooked up to so much pain medication that he could hardly follow along with a simple conversation.

Instead, Kyungsoo, his best friend, had to deal with everything.  When Chanyeol would get his appendix removed, how long he’d stay in the hospital, and all that mumbo jumbo that Kyungsoo really didn’t care about.  Chanyeol should be the one who had to all this.

“You owe me big time, ‘Yeol,” Kyungsoo groaned once the doctor had left.

Chanyeol smiled, it was somehow bigger and goofier than his normal smile and Kyungsoo wanted to slap it away.  “You,” Chanyeol attempted to point at his friend, “Are a jelly bean and a school girl.”

Kyungsoo sighed, “Its gentleman and a scholar.”  The younger’s palm found his way to his forehead after hearing the utter nonsense coming from his drugged friend’s mouth.


“Oh my god!  Chanyeol, are you okay?”

“He’s fine, Jongin.”

“B-but, he’s dying.”

“What?  No?  He has appendicitis.”

The taller boy pouted, “That’s not what he texted me.”

Kyungsoo sighed.  “Yeah, but he’s knocked up on pain medication that makes him loopy.  Just a second ago, he explained to me why corn is a popular crop in Mexico.  Then, he said that they call corn ‘maze’ and proceeded to ask me if Hispanics call a corn maze a ‘maze maze.’”


“Yes, and now he wants corn.  He doesn’t even like corn.”

“Oh . . .”



After a long night filled with Chanyeol mumbling, a successful surgery, and Jongin trying to calm Kyungsoo down so he wouldn’t set the whole building on fire, Chanyeol could finally think again.

“’Yeol, Jongin and I are going to leave.  We need to sleep, eat, and shower.  We’ll be back in a couple hours,” Kyungsoo slowly explained as if Chanyeol was a child.

“I’m a functioning human now, .  You can leave,” Chanyeol retorted.

Jongin snorted at the comment and the look on Kyungsoo’s face before pulling on his boyfriend’s sleeve, “Come on, Kyungie, I’m hungry!”

The elder’s persona immediately changed at the sound of his pet name.  It was his weakness.  “O-okay.”

The couple left, but before they were out of ear-shot, Chanyeol mumbled a, “Whipped.”


Chanyeol was currently humming a mindless tune when Baekhyun came in.

“Good morning, Mr. Park, I’ll be your nurse while you stay here.”

The patient looked down from the ceiling too see a short, thin, and quite frankly, beautiful man standing in front of him.  The man gave him a small smile before beginning to fiddle with a machine.  Chanyeol wouldn’t lie, that smile made his heart flutter.

“You’re a guy.”

“Yes, and so are you.  I hope,” The man responded, somehow sounding kind and sarcastic at the same time.

Chanyeol released a small laugh at his comment, not yet strong enough to laugh like his normal self.  “Sorry, I’m just not used to seeing a guy nurse.”

The black haired boy shrugged, “I understand.  I’m Byun Baekhyun, by the way.  Do you need anything while I’m here?”

There was a comfortable silence as Chanyeol thought.  “I’d love some water, and music if you could get any.”  Chanyeol gave a happy smile as thanks.

Baekhyun stopped fidgeting with one of the machine, “I can easily get you water, but I’m not so sure about music.”

“That’s okay, water is fine,” Chanyeol commented.

Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows before taking a deep breath and sighing, “Mhm, I’ll be right back.”

Chanyeol nodded the best he could, considering he was lying down.  “Bye.”

Once Baekhyun was completely gone, Chanyeol let out a sigh.  He had never, ever, seen a man so beautiful.  The patient never pinned himself as someone with a ‘type’, but now that he had met Baekhyun, he knew that the shorter man was definitely his.





When Baekhyun came back, Chanyeol heart began beating faster.  The older placed a glass of water on Chanyeol bed-side table before giving the patient a mischievous smirk.

What?”  Chanyeol asked, a small smile forming on his face because he knew something was up.  And it was going to be a good something.

“Well,” Baekhyun began as he walked around the room, “I snuck into the break room and grabbed my IPod and ear buds.”

“Okay . . . ?”

Baekhyun smile faltered slightly and he stopped moving, “Don’t you want music?”  His voice dripped with the want of approval.

Chanyeol frowned, “I thought I couldn’t get music?”

Baekhyun winked and Chanyeol swore that his heart stopped beating for a second.  “You can be the exception.”

Chanyeol held back the inhumane squeal that wanted to erupt from his throat and graciously took the IPod and ear buds.  Luckily, the IPod didn’t have a lock.

“Feel better, Channie.  I’ll be back in a few hours,” Baekhyun said as he waved and left.

And that was it.  Chanyeol must have died and been sent to heaven.  How could such a simple nickname make him feel so weak?  Is this how Kyungsoo felt when Jongin calls him ‘Kyungie’?

Oh no.

Did that mean . . .

Chanyeol was whipped by Baekhyun?


Baekhyun did not lie.  He did come back in a few hours, but his patient had been asleep.  Chanyeol had even tried to push himself to stay awake for Baekhyun, yet, he failed.  Normally, the nurse would awaken his patient so he could check up on them, but Chanyeol looked so goddamn peaceful.  Baekhyun just couldn’t bring himself to wake up the giant.

Instead, he left, promising himself that he’s come back a little later.  Then, he went off to do other things around the hospital, trying to get Chanyeol’s sleeping figure out of his head.

He just looked so nice and happy, even if he was sleeping.


“Will you stop?  I am fine,” Chanyeol groaned as Jongin began cooing him again.  Kyungsoo and Jongin had come back 10 minutes ago and Jongin had spent the whole time trying to make Chanyeol feel better.  Even if he did already feel fine.

Chanyeol looked over at a pouting Kyungsoo who had his arms crossed.  Though it was fun to see Kyungsoo pout over not getting Jongin’s attention—which he usually always had—it was still upsetting to be babied by the youngest of the three.

In fact, he was older than the both of them!

“But I want to make you feel better,” Jongin whine.

Chanyeol let out a groan of frustration as his door clicked open.

“Hey, Channie, time for—”

Baekhyun paused in the doorway and looked at the two new boys.

“Baekhyun!”  Chanyeol cheered when he noticed the nurse.  At one point, his heart began beating at an incredibly uncomfortable pace, but due to the fact that Baekhyun could make Jongin leave, he didn’t notice.

“Who’s this?”  Jongin questioned as he pointed to a slightly confused and bewildered Baekhyun.

“Oh,” Chanyeol started, “This is my nurse, Baekhyun.  Baekhyun, these are my friends Kyungsoo,” Chanyeol pointed to his pouting friend,” And Jongin,” The patient pointed to the youngest.

Baekhyun gave a small nod and was back to his charming self immediately.  “It’s very nice to meet you all.  I hate to intrude, but I must give Chanyeol a check-up and that is best done alone.”  That was a lie, Baekhyun just lied.  He never lied, but he just did.  Was he really that desperate to get his patient alone?  Well, he was a cute and dorky giant.  Baekhyun blinked rapidly and hoped that his cheeks weren’t inflamed from thinking about Chanyeol like that.

“Okay,” Kyungsoo quickly responded, mood brightening suddenly.  “Come on, Jongin.  I wanna buy you something.”

“What?”  Jongin asked, confusion dripping in his tone.

“Come on!  Baekhyun needs to do his job,” Kyungsoo whined as he tugged Jongin out of the room and far away from Chanyeol.

Baekhyun pointed at the door where Kyungsoo and Jongin and just left and gave Chanyeol a questioning look.

“They’re dating, Kyungsoo is jealous because Jongin is giving me a lot of attention,” Chanyeol explained with a small scoffing laugh.

“Ah,” Baekhyun said, making a face that showed his understanding.  The nurse then gave a smile to Chanyeol and sat on the foot of his bed as if there weren’t any chairs to sit on.  “How have you been liking my music?”

Chanyeol shrugged, tilted his head, and gave a small smile that made Baekhyun want to scream.  “It’s very mainstream.”

Baekhyun, though completely dumbfounded by Chanyeol, still had his sassy side.  He raised an eyebrow at his patient, “Does that mean you don’t like it?”

Chanyeol shook his head, “No, it’s fine.  There are even a few songs on here I really like.”  The wide smile Chanyeol have out made Baekhyun weak in the knees, even if the older had seen that smile multiple times since meeting Chanyeol.

Man, did this guy smile a lot.  Well, it’s not like Baekhyun was complaining.

Baekhyun nodded and stood up, hoping to change the conversation so his pink cheeks wouldn’t be noticed.  “I should start you exam.”

“What do you want me to do?”  Chanyeol asked, excited to see what needed to happen.

The older held back his bend me over and me comment and responded, “You don’t really have to do much.  It’s basically me doing all the work.”

Both men noted the innuendo from Baekhyun, but neither commented on it.  Instead, Chanyeol gave a nod and a smile, letting Baekhyun get to work.


By the end of Chanyeol’s exam, both men were blushing so badly that neither of them noticed the other’s red face.  During the check-up, Baekhyun had to reach over and touch Chanyeol all over the stomach, making sure the right places hurt.  Not only that, but Baekhyun had to test Chanyeol for fevers, flues, or any other type of sickness he could have received.

This time was definitely not filled with flirting and laughing like both men had wanted.

“O-okay, that’s it.  Um, you seem fine to eat, so I’m g-going to bring you some food,” Baekhyun stuttered as he looked down at his clipboard so Chanyeol couldn’t see his face.

Chanyeol wanted to see his face though, even if he was also blushing profusely.  “Mhm, will I be the exception to all the crappy hospital food too?”

Baekhyun looked up at that comment, just like Chanyeol had planned.  The nurse immediately slapped Chanyeol’s arm and looked away.  “Maybe if you didn’t tease me all the time.  Rude little patient.”

Chanyeol gave an innocent smile, “But it’s so cute when you blush.”

Baekhyun gasped at Chanyeol’s comment and panicked.  What should he do?  The nurse turned redder than red, grabbed his things, and rushed out of the room.

Chanyeol, who had now noticed Baekhyun’s blush, gave out a small smile, realizing that his feelings might just be returned.

A/N:  Okay, I either really like this or really hate this.  There is no in between.  Anways, this is the first part of Baekyeol!

In all honesty, these boys are such weirdos that their whole relationship is filled with obvious flirting.  Yet, let's see how this plays out!

Feel free to subscribe, upvote, and comment because that would make me happier than Chanyeol being around Dara!

PS.  All the talk about corn and jelly bean and a school girl really happened.  My brother and I talk about really weird things while on morphine.

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Chapter 4: Karma hit Kyungsoo real hard and fast~ ^^ Love how flirty Baekhyun gets and then shy the next second...these two traits are such a perfect combination for Baekhyun~ This is such a cute story!
SoSquishy #2
Chapter 4: Awwe this is so cute ;;_;; I really like this one awwe ;;_;; so cute :-) <3
jambydsy #3
Chapter 4: Aaaawww happy couple times !!!
ILoveTao1234 #4
Chapter 3: Please update to epilogue soon!! Love it!
Chapter 2: I really wish the "South Korea's survey for the population of homouals" was a thing. Anyways, way to go! I'll look forward to the next update ^_^
Chapter 1: I actually had appencitis a year ago ._. it was really bad and I had this weird walking-chair-thing on wheels that the nurses had to me around in. Anyways, I really like this story! It's so cute n.n
Love it! Best part with the 'You are a jelly bean and a school girl~' xd haha this fanfiction is just my style! Update soon,Author-nim~
Chapter 1: Aww it's cute!!