30 days of drabbles: day twenty-nine - diamond (kyungsoo)

kpopawriterholic's drabble/scenarios dump

To a normal person, you look extremely creepy right now, maybe even stalkerish, with the way you’re looking at him.

You are currently gazing fondly at your squishy boyfriend who can be the complete opposite at times and is dozing in a make-up chair as the stylist gently lifts his head up to mess with his hair. No jealousy or possessiveness present at all, you let a small smile slip as his mouth falls open and chuckle when the stylist clucks her tongue in mock disapproval before lifting his chin to close  his gaping mouth.

Your figure shifts closer to him and you carefully position yourself on the counter away from all the chemical products that don’t need to be used for a while. A few minutes later, the stylist nods in greeting and you give a slight bow in return and thank her for her hard work.

Kyungsoo wakes up for no reason and you can tell by the way his eyes languidly shut and open before focusing on you. A matching grin forms on his face and you hop off to lay a soft kiss on his forehead. “Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey,” you breathe into his ear before playfully catching his earlobe with your teeth. You laugh when he jolts awake and cups your face to pull you down for a proper yet brief kiss.

The other present members ignore your actions, probably because they’re all texting their girlfriends/boyfriends.  He pulls back as far as the chair allows him to and you lean your forehead against his. His minty breath washes over your lips as he breathes, causing you to lightly bump his nose with yours.

The smile is still there and he holds out his hands in a gesture too familiar these days. You balance yourself on the arm rest and take his left hand in yours. Your thumbs lightly knead into the palms of his hands.

“Still not used to the crutches yet?” you murmur worriedly and Kyungsoo shrugs his shoulders.

“I just like it when you massage my hands,” he cheekily remarks, causing you to scoff but nevertheless still massage his hand.

The gleam of silver catches your eyes and you pause in your motions to assess your distraction. You turn his hand over and lift it up to observe this silver band wrapped around his ring finger.

“Is there some sort of engagement with another woman that I wasn’t aware of?”

He takes his left hand away and gives you his right hand. It’s clenched and you pry it open, only to be surprised by a ring similar to his but encrusted with little diamonds on the edge.

“Soo…” You trail, almost scared but fighting to find air as your heart pumps sonorously in your ears.

“Please be by my side forever,” Kyungsoo whispers as if he’s afraid, too. “I can’t even begin to imagine what things would be like without you, even a text away. Sometimes, I’m scared that you’ll get sick of all of this, of hiding, of pretending you don’t know who I actually am at events, and you’ll leave. Everything would be empty in the house and I’d probably go crazy, maybe chase you down and beg you to take me back.”

“But that’s not going to happen, right?” You cut in gently.

“At least I hope not.”

You can tell he had it sized, how, you’ll never know, when you slip the ring on and admire how it looks on you. Nothing stops you from meeting his lips again and you can feel the smile, not just physically, but also emotionally. It makes you grin even more and you wouldn’t trade anything for the chance to spend the rest of your life with this man, flaws and all.

“I know you didn’t want to a big diamond because it’d be a bother when putting on gloves for surgery,” Kyungsoo mindlessly breathes and you tackle him in his chair.

He chuckles and nuzzles his nose in the crook of your neck and shoulder and the other members are cheering and whooping and yelling, “Finally!” and yeah, maybe it is finally.

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