Happy Break

Hollow Heart

Jiyeon was the only Korean in class. She felt lonely, as no one really spoke in Korean. To ease her loneliness, Aiko and her bestfriend Mayumi made friends with her and let her join in their circle.

"So, Jiyeon-chan, how does it feel to be a pop star in Korea?" Aiko asked.

Jiyeon smiled. It was weird to be called Jiyeon-chan when she was used to be called Jiyeon-ah or Jiyeon-ssi. She thought she had to get used to it.

She related T-ara's hectic schedule, but she said it was fun.

"So, why did you quit T-ara? I mean, you guys are totally famous there, right?" Mayumi asked.

Jiyeon quitted school to be a pop star. Now that she had saved lots of money, she wanted to get back to school. Since she quitted high school few years ago, she is basically older than her current classmates. She decided to study in Japan for a change.

"So, we will call you Jiyeon-neechan? Or Jiyeon-nee?" Mayumi asked her.

"Whatever you call your elder sisters, then I will accept," Jiyeon said. In fact, she would have preferred to be called "eonni", and the title made her miss her fave eonni in the world, her team mate Ham Eun Jung.

"Well, that settles it, we will call you Jiyeon-nee," Aiko said matter-of-factly.

"Ah...I cannot believe myself still, having a pop star for a classmate," Mayumi smiled from ear to ear. "Just when I was adoring BoA and Younha, I can actually meet a pop star in person."

Jiyeon only smiled. Some Hallyu stars were making names in Japan: FT Island, CN Blue, 2NE1, Tenjochiki (CSJH), Tohoshinki (DBSK), Bae Yong Joon and Jang Geun Seok. Finally, the trio quitted talking about the Hallyu stars when Mayumi talked about her older brother.

"Hikaru-ani used to be very irresponsible and have this no-care attitude," Mayumi said. "But a few weeks before graduation, he started to change a bit. Now, he is working as an assistant cameraman."

"Ah...Hikaru-kun is totally my type," Aiko dreamily said.

Jiyeon smiled and asked. "How does he look  like?"

Mayumi got her wallet and took out the picture of her brother. When Jiyeon saw the picture, she commented. "He's hot!"

"I know, right?" Aiko squealed.

She and Jiyeon were totally squealing when Yankumi passed by, holding a tray of food.

"Hello girls, mind if I join?" the teacher asked.

"Ii desu," Aiko said politely.

When Yankumi arranged her food neatly on the table, she overheard Aiko and Jiyeon squealing again.

"Could you please introduce me to Hikaru-kun? Please? Please?" Jiyeon pleaded to Mayumi.

"Oi, Mayumi, we have been friends since first grade in high school, but you never introduced me to your brother," Aiko pouted. "You're so mean."

Yankumi shot a glance at Aiko. Just when she thought that Aiko was the total leader.... Well, Aiko is a school girl after all. She can also be infatuated with hot guys.

"Yamaguchi-sensei, I will tell Hikaru-ani that I am under your class," Mayumi proudly said.

Yankumi blushed. "Oh, he will be thrilled to hear that, will he not?"

Mayumi smiled. "Hikaru-ani never shared the names of his teachers. All he shared was that there was this certain high school teacher who changed his life. When you said you have a student by my family name, I concluded that you were the teacher he had been talking about."

And Yankumi blushed again. "Ah, sou ka (is that so)? I am very glad to hear that." She was proud that Tsucchi changed.

Mayumi shared what happened to Tsucchi after high school graduation. "Right now, he is working as an assistant cameraman."

"Sou ka?" Yankumi asked in disbelief. She was totally happy that one of her students had made an impact in his own life. 

Just then, students from the lower years came to their table and gave some papers to Jiyeon. They had totally recognized her.

"Jiyeon-sempai, may we ask for your autograph?" the kouhai asked.

The pop star felt weird indeed. Since she came to Japan for a change, she had to get used being called sempai instead of seonbae, and be called kouhai instead of hoobae. She gladly and obligingly signed autographs.

Yankumi was busy munching her sushi when she watched the younger girls ask for Jiyeon's autograph. Later, more girls flocked to the table, and one girl who had not noticed, jabbed Yankumi accidentally. When the student realized that she had jabbed a teacher...

"Ah...Gomen nasai, gomen nasai, gomen nasai...." the student apologized, bowing her head a lot of times.

"Daijoubu desu," Yankumi amiably said. She also cannot believe her luck of having a pop star for a student.

While the students were busy, she looked at her secret camera. "When can I eat in peace?"

To this, the students looked at her, and they were silent.

~cricket sound~ ~silence for 3 seconds~

And Yankumi noticed that the students were looking at her. In embarrassment, she replied. "Just continue, ladies."

And the students continued their own harmless ruckus, while she continued eating her own lunch.

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shizukasenshi #1
yeeeeey!!! moko ni nakama-san!!! plus jiyeon!!!

I would have never thought of this pairing!!!