
Sticks and Stones

Story: Sticks and Stones, Chapter 1 - Apology
Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia...

"Damn it, England..." America grumbled for the umpteenth time in the past twenty minutes.

Couldn't you see it...?

He stared down at the burger in his hand, tears present in the corners of his eyes. Couldn't anyone see it? He didn't like being overweight, even at the slightest. He didn't like eating all the time, but in all honesty, it was the only thing that brought him happiness. Well, it wasn't that exactly; rather, it distracted him from at least some of his problems, and calmed him down.

Why do you people criticize me for every other ing mistake I make? Am I really that bad of a person to all of you? England, Am I really that horrible of a brother...?

All he ever wanted was to be appreciated by the other nations, which was part of the reason he always claimed himself to be the hero. He'd always wanted be able to help those around him; not burden them. But, instead, it just seemed to turn out that way. When he tried to do something good for someone, it always seemed to backfire, usually with him unintentionally saying something he didn't mean to, and would later regret saying anything at all, just like today.

'Fat !' England's words echoed in his head. He thought for moment, and couldn't help but wonder if that was what England really thought of him. He sighed. it would only make since that he did, and he wouldn't be wrong to think so either. He was overweight, after all. He sighed, contemplating his many faults and 'dispositions'.

People kept calling him 'selfish', and 'impulsive at the risk of others", but as hard as it was to fight his case, he couldn't see himself being selfish at all; actually, quite the opposite. He felt he was always at least trying to satisfy everyone else, despite how much he, himself, suffered. He was suppose to be the hero, right? And a hero's job is to make everyone else happy, so, because of that, he wouldn't fight back like some would.

"America?" America had honestly never been so startled in his life, and immediately jumped in response, dropping his burger.

"England!" he quickly gave a fake huge grin, as he turned around to face the Brit "Ah, sorry dude, you scared the crap out of me! So, what's up?"

After a moment, England awkwardly began to scratch his cheek. "Listen, um... I just wanted...to, um...apologize for what I said earlier..."

America shewed his hand to act as though he was waving it off. "It's fine, don't sweat it, dude! We all say things we wish we hadn't sometimes; Even heroes like me!"

America's gaze drifted off for only a moment, and it just-so happened that England managed to catch it. Britain rolled his eyes, to keep his suspicions unnoticed.

"Right..." he mumbled in reply. There was look in America's eyes that worried him. It was a look of which he couldn't quite place. But he knew one think was for certain. America was not acting himself, by any means.

Looks like you couldn't see through it, after all, England. It really hurts... Everything from your insults to the Commie Bastard's belittling of me, to even my own self-loathing. It looks your words have gotten to me, after all. You all keep telling me to stop eating so much, and that I need to go on a diet, so I might as well listen to the truth..."

~ End of Chapter

A/N: What did you think? Please review. Sorry this chapter is so short, but I have my reasons, jsyk.

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Chapter 11: I loved it