Not A Fan



Chapter 3

Not A Fan

E.den stared at the student council table as they were full of smiles and laughter. A sigh escaped their lips at the same time. Every student and teacher is crazy about having them in this school but the student council minus Jessica was not so thrilled on the idea of having E.den at their school. E.den ate while staring at the Student councils table.

"I don't get it how can they not like us?" Taeyeon mumbled.

"Not the blonde one. The blonde one actually is a fan girl" Yuri said

"But the others. They despise us" Amber said

"Did you ever stop to think that maybe they're not a fan of us" Yoona said not peeling her eyes away from her food as she munched away. The rest of E.den turned to look at Yoona looking appalled on what she had just said. Yoona rolled her eyes and continued munching away.

"Maybe she's right" Amber said.

They thought about it before shaking their head and saying "Nah. It can't be" Yoona again rolled her eyes before getting up.

"Hopeless" Yoona sighed before leaving.


Yoona walked the halls aimlessly ignoring the voices she heard from her fans saying things like 'shes's so much prettier in person' and things like 'Hyung you should get her number'. A few fans would approach her from time to time asking her if she is enjoying Seoul high. She would only respond with a nod. Eventually the fans got the hint and left her to walk aimlessly to her hearts desire.

Her aimless walking brought her to the schools music room. Her ears perked up at the sound of the sound of the piano being played beautifully. Yoona leaned against the door frame with her arms crossed head leaning also against the door frame. Fur Elise was what the girl was playing. Yoona eyes closed as she began to loose herself into the music.

Even though he was deaf he still knew how to make beautiful pieces. To this day I still wonder how he did it.

"Fur Elise" Yoona spoke. The girl at the piano jumped making her play the wrong note. She turned her body to face Yoona only to role her eyes before turning her body back towards the piano. Yoona pushed herself away from the door frame and walked towards the girl. Her strides were short but quick. She took a seat beside the girl on the bench.

"A classic piece. You play it so gracefully and with meaning. You fond of classics?" 

"Please leave" She spoke. Yoona was stunned for a second before she came back to her senses. 

"I take you are not into classics then" 

"It's you who I am not fond of" Again Yoona was stunned. Before she can speak the girl beat her to it.

"I'm not a fan of yours and prefer not to be associating with you. Please. Leave" The girl on the bench turned to face Yoona as she asked her with manners to leave. Yoona smirked before getting up. She crossed her arms and walked towards the door before leaving the room she turned her head slightly. 

"I wasn't expecting you to be a fan since the way you've been glaring at me and by the way you speak. That's what makes you intriguing. That you're different. Good day Seohyun"

Yoona left with a smirk on her face and determination on her mind.

Don't worry by the end of the year you will be. Thanks for the challenge


The library was quite. The silence was what Amber was craving for, for the past three hours. As she walked row through row looking for a quite space to read she found it by the desk by a window in the back corner of the library. She placed her bag on the desk and pulled out the book she has recently been reading. William Shakespeare. She heard hushed whispers behind her. She turned and there were two girls arguing over an answer on the sheet they were looking at. She chuckled before turning her attention back to what she was doing.

She rummaged through her bag pulling out her headphones, iPod, and her book . Hamlet. She placed her ear buds in her ear and before she could open her book a girl took a seat in front of her. She recognized her as one of the girls from the student council. She had her own ear buds in and was flipping through the pages of her book before coming to a halt. Amber looked at the book that the girl was reading. She too was also reading a Shakespeare book. Except she was reading The Merchant of Venice. Amber peeled her eyes away focusing on her own book.

"You are into old English I see" Amber did not take her eyes from her book as she spoke. The girl looked up at her and nodded to Amber dismay she couldn't catch it.

"Is it for a school project or are you actually a fan?" She heard the girl sigh. Amber glanced at the girl in front of her who was not glaring at her.

"I'm actually a fan of Shakespeare, as for you... not so much" Amber grinned. Looking at her watch she noticed her class was soon going to start. She got up from her chair and slung her bag over her shoulder. Walking over to the the girl she leaned down pulled out her ear bud and whispered.

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." The girl turned her head slightly. Staring deep into Amber's eyes she spoke

"You speak an infinite deal of nothing." The girl spoke. She let a smirk play on her lips as Amber grinned. Amber had no words she just grinned, stood back up and left the girl to lean on her hand and continue reading her book.


Taeyeon and Tiffany both sat in the student council room. Tiffany has managed to save Taeyeon once again from being mobbed by her fans. They both sat at the table, opposite ends of each other. Both had their arms crossed and were glaring at one another. No words have been exchanged between the two for the past ten minutes and Taeyeon has let her mind wander for the time being.

Is she seriously not a fan?

That had seem to be the only question running on Taeyeon's mind. Taeyeon turned her head side ways a bit trying to figure out the girl who was sitting across from her. She sighed as she uncrossed her arm and held her hand on her head letting her elbow rest on the table.

"E.den. You're not a fan I suppose" Taeyeon asked.  Tiffany shook her head and Taeyeon began to grow restless towards Tiffany.

"How can you not be a fan?"

Tiffany sighed as she uncrossed her arms and leaned forward interlacing her own hands and let her elbows rest on the table. 

"You're quite mistaken. I like the rest of E.den... just not you" Taeyeon just stared at her trying take in the words of Tiffany. Taeyeon was ranked number one as being the favorite E.den member by fans. To Tiffany, Taeyeon was her least favorite member. In fact Taeyeon isn't even a member of E.den in her mind.  Taeyeon clenched her jaw the unclenched to speak.

"Who's your favorite member?" 

"Yuri. Even though Jessica has called dibs Yuri will still be my favorite" Tiffany smirked. 

"What makes Yuri your favorite?"

"Her body, she's the best at dancing, her personality..." As Tiffany went on Taeyeon was slowly losing it. She knew Tiffany was pushing her buttons to get a reaction form her. It was working.

"I consider myself her fan girl" Tiffany used her body weight and pushed herself back giving her space to get out from the chair. With her arms crossed she took long and slow strides to the door. Placing her hand on the door knob but not actually opening the door Tiffany looked over her shoulder and noticed Taeyeon was watching her every move.

"Tiffany Hwang. I'll make you crazy for me. I'll make sure you can't stop thinking about me. Tiffany Hwang I will make you one of my fan girls"

Tiffany smirked "Just face the fact Taeyeon. I will never be your fan girl" And with that she opened the door leaving a heated Taeyeon behind.  



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Chapter 4: you know, some big brother YOU are (-_-) DIDNT EVEN TELL ME ABOUT THIS
maanpren #2
Chapter 4: Nice story. I will wait for your update...
AeshaNic #3
Chapter 4: Make E.den fall first maybe they did already hehehe.....
cooljags #4
Chapter 4: Why there is no yulsic :(
Chapter 4: chapter 4 : thank for update
krystal ahh I think you did a fangirl amber but you do not want to admit it,kekekeke
super like this chapter,,,,amber FIGHTING..make krystal falling for you....
Really want to read the next chapter..
soshi_frvr24 #6
you're now in my favorite authors list :) keep up the amazing updates. FIGHTING !!
Chapter 3: Make everyone in the student council like yuri so that the girls in e.den jealous and must strive to make them their fangirls
marianee #8
Super like this !
unbelieve #9
Chapter 3: Hahaha.. You must make tiffany be your number one fangirl.
kryberforevertogethe #10
Chapter 3: Waiting for your update author. Really want to read the next few chapters!!