I don't need your help



Chapter 2

I don't need your help

E.den stood there face to face with the rest of the student council. They stood a meter away from each other. The student council had their arms crossed and was scanning the idol group E.den. Jessica was the only one not glaring at the group and just stared at Yuri who stood across from her. E.den stood there with their hands in their pockets staring right back at the girls. A sigh escaped Taeyeons lips as she moved her gaze away from Tiffany who was burning holes in her face.

"How long do we have to be in here for?" Taeyeon spoke with annoyance in her voice.

"Forever" Jessica spoke unconsciously. E.den looked at her, uncertainty was clearly written in theirs eyes and their facial expression showed annoyance for they did not  want to stay in a room with the council under their glare. Seohyun nudged her bringing her out of her thoughts.

"I-I mean just until the hallways cleared and once you get your schedules and locker arrangements" Under her breath Jessica muttered "Yeah that's what I meant"

There was a knock on the door and both E.den and the student council turned their heads facing the door. Tiffany sighed and mumbled "It's about time". Tiffany walked towards the door with her arms crossed, she reached for the door handle and opened the door. The secretary from the main office walked in holding five crumpled papers that belonged to the idols.  

"Your schedules and lockers" The secretary had her hair tossed, her clothes were ruffled, and she seems to be some what shocked.

"What happened?"Yoona spoke trying to stifle a laugh. 

"Your fans, that what happened" she glared at Yoona wiping the smirk off of her face. She turned to Taeyeon giving her a bright smile.

"My niece is a huge fan of yours, do you mind if you sign this for her" The lady showed her a paper that she clearly printed from the internet. Taeyeon smiled and nodded guiding the lady over to the table to sign the paper.

"My niece is going to love me for this" Taeyeon hugged the lady and told her to tell her niece that she said hello. The lady left and the silence embraced them once again.

"Well we will be taking our leave" Seohyun Spoke.


As the Student council and E.den exited the student council room they were swarmed by fans. The student council was pushed amongst the fans making them separate from E.den.  E.den had their backs up against the wall as camera phones were shoved closed to their faces, their names being called followed by 'please sign this' or 'you look even cooler in person'. The only thing E.den could do was smile and try to move forward through the crowd but failed to do so as their bodies were pushed up against the wall yet again. Yuri bit her bottom lip as she glanced at Taeyeon. She noticed that she was clenching the bottom of her skirt and her breathing starting to get heavier. 

"Alright, back it up lets go people!" Jessica's loud voice rang through the ears of both the fans and E.den. The student council stood in front of each member blocking the fans from continuing their advances on the Idols. 

"What are you doing out of class? Causing all this commotion for not only our guest but also for your peers" Tiffany crossed her arms as she spoke glaring at the students who then avoided her gaze.

"Well stop standing here and get to class" Jessica said coldly. The fans quickly scurried off one fan came back and took a photo before the student council could scold her she was long gone. E.den did not get the chance to say their thanks as each member from the student council took their schedule and examined it.

"Let's go we will show you to your class"


Tiffany walked just ahead of Taeyeon in silence. Her arms were crossed as she walked. She was slowly beginning to lose her patience when she didn't here a 'thank you' from the idol from just saving her from being mobbed by fans. Tiffany sighed before speaking.

"You're welcome" Tiffany said coldly

"For what?" Tiffany stopped dead in her tracks making the idol crash into her. 

"I just saved you back there" 

"I didn't ask you to"

"Just admit it you need my help" Tiffany began to walk once again as the idol. 

"I don't need your help" Taeyeon walked ahead of Tiffany leaving the girl to be stunned in her spot, not moving.

Taeyeon managed to find her class on her own and Tiffany trailed in slowly after considering they both had the same class. Tiffany took her seat bu the window. Taeyeon occupied the seat diagonally from her. Tiffany sat with a sigh and crossed her arms and began to slowly zone out not bothering to pay attention to todays lesson. She started at the side of Taeyeon's faces as the words 'I don't need your help' continued to lurk in her mind.

You don't just act cold on TV. You're even colder in person. 


Classes came to an end as lunch approached as Tiffany was exiting the class she was shoved to the side by fans who were swarming Taeyeon's desk. Tiffany rolled her eyes and left the class remembering how Taeyeon said she did not need her help.

You're on your own Kim, since you don't want my help    

Tiffany walked to the cafeteria and sat at her regular table with the rest of the student council. Her arms and legs were crossed as she Taeyeon managed to sneak into her mind. She didn't like that Taeyeon snuck into her mind. She shook her head from side to side trying to get Taeyeon out of her head.

"You alright?" Krystal asked

"Yeah... just a headache"

The student council heard screams in the distance and they already could tell it was E.den. The cafeteria doors were pushed open roughly as 4/5 of E.den entered the cafeteria. Their eyes searched desperately and landed on the student council table. They rushed over to the table and stopped in front of Tiffany.

"Where's Taeyeon? Please tell me she's with you" Yuri asked

" She's in class with her fans"

"By herself?"Tiffany nodded her head.

"How could you leave her by herself?!" Yuri began raising her voice.


"She has anxiety. She can't be enclosed like we were this morning" Yoona said

"I-I'll go get her just stay here with the rest of the council"


Tiffany was in front of the class within seconds being on the track team did help her get to the classroom quite fast. Once she got to the classroom she saw that Taeyeon's desk was had more fans gathered around then the last time.

"YAH!" Tiffany shouted as loud as she good. She got the attention of the fans. They all looked at Tiffany with fear in their eyes. Tiffany crossed her arms and walked towards the group of fans. The group began moving away making space for Tiffany to be close to Taeyeon.

"Leave now before I change my mind about letting you off easy" The fans were gone without a second thought. Tiffany looked down at Taeyeon who was clenching the desk.

"You don't need my help huh?" Taeyeon didn't speak as she was trying to calm down from what just happened. Tiffany leaned against the desk in front of Taeyeon listening to Taeyeon take deep breaths. Tiffany watched as Taeyeon's grip slowly begin to loosen on the desk. Taeyeon stood up and began to walk out of the classroom. Before she could leave she stopped, keeping her back facing Tiffany she muttered a "Thanks" before walking out where the rest of E.den was waiting for her.   

Written two chapters today I hope you enjoyed the double update ^^ 

Please leave your comments ^^

and I'll see you next time ^^

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Chapter 4: you know, some big brother YOU are (-_-) DIDNT EVEN TELL ME ABOUT THIS
maanpren #2
Chapter 4: Nice story. I will wait for your update...
AeshaNic #3
Chapter 4: Make E.den fall first maybe they did already hehehe.....
cooljags #4
Chapter 4: Why there is no yulsic :(
Chapter 4: chapter 4 : thank for update
krystal ahh I think you did a fangirl amber but you do not want to admit it,kekekeke
super like this chapter,,,,amber FIGHTING..make krystal falling for you....
Really want to read the next chapter..
soshi_frvr24 #6
you're now in my favorite authors list :) keep up the amazing updates. FIGHTING !!
Chapter 3: Make everyone in the student council like yuri so that the girls in e.den jealous and must strive to make them their fangirls
marianee #8
Super like this !
unbelieve #9
Chapter 3: Hahaha.. You must make tiffany be your number one fangirl.
kryberforevertogethe #10
Chapter 3: Waiting for your update author. Really want to read the next few chapters!!