Entertainment Strike



Chapter 1

Entertainment Strike

"The Entertainement strike has taken effect. All minors under Seoul entertainment..."

"Turn it off" The Leader's cold yet stern voice rang through the ears of the memebers in the van. She had her arms and legs crossed as she closed her eyes letting her head rest against the head rest of the seat. The mini T.V that was in the van was shut off by one of her group memebers. With a sigh she opened up her eyes and turned her gaze to the tinted window.

"They can't do this to us" Yuri spoke. The leader moved her gaze from the tinted window to the tan girl. 

"We're at the peak of our career and have a comeback right around the corner. Why now?"

Through the rear view mirror their manager would glance from time to time keeping his ears open to the girls as they fussed about their life having to make a slight change.

"Hey. Don't think about it like that. Just think about it as if it were a vaction, a break from this life, Yeah?"

"How's it a vaction when we still attend scheduals but now have school to worry about" The leader spoke. 

"Well when you put it like that Taeyeon..."

"It's not a vaction" She flatly said. She turned her gaze to the window as the van came to a stop. Through the tinted window Taeyeon watched as fans tried to push their way past securtiy, she watched as the fans cheered loudly, she watched as they waved their fan signs. She shivered a bit at the thought of the fans breaking past the guards and surrounding them. 

The engine of the car turned off. The managered shifted in his seat to face the girls. 

"Look, For today just focus on making your fans happy, we'll worry about the strike later" He spoke with a soft tone. One thing Taeyeon liked about this manager was that he reminded her of her father with the caring tone. He helps her stay close to home when home is far away. 

Taeyeon sighed as the memebers looked at her.

With a small smirk she spoke "Let's give them what they came for" She watched as the members smiled and began (insert something about getting ready). She saw a smile plastered on her managers face as he gave her a reassuring nod. With one last slight nod she opened the door and they were ready to face the life that they were used to. Once the doors opened the fans cheered loudly.  


The young women with a tray in her hand manouvered her way between the filled tabels. She had to deal with young teens spending time spazzing over idols on a Sunday afternoon over a cup of their popular Caramal macchitos. This was how she spent her Summer vaction. She woke up early, left early, arrived early, dealt with the teens reactions, then left late in the evening. This was her daily routine, but not anymore. Today marks the last day of summer vaction and now she no longer has to work full time. 

The bell over the entrance door rang and so did a high pitched voice.


Tiffany rolled her eyes as she knew who that voice belonged to. She bowed to the table and hurridly made her way back to the kitchen with her friend walking closely behind her.

"Jessie I'm working can't it wait?" Tiffany was busy placing drinks onto the tray before walking about yet again with her friend keeping up with her. 

"Nope. Anyways you know about the entertainment strike right?" 

"How could I not? It's all you been talking about for the past four weeks"

"Well it's happening and guess who will be attending our school"

"I don't have time to play a gussing game, just tell me"

"E.den!" Her face lit up and Tiffany placed the tray on the counter waiting for the next order to be placed on the tray.

"That group you're oppsessed with?"

"Yep! Starting tomorrow I get to be close to E.den's very own Kwon Yuri" Jessica closed her eyes and leaned against the counter hugging the E.dens recent mini album. Tiffany sighed and patted her friends shoulder getting ready to break her happiness.

"That's if you can get to them" Tiffany grabbed the tray and hurridly walked away from her spaced out friend.

"Yah! I'm not done!"


With a sigh Taeyeon watched as the van pulled up infront of the dormitory.Her arms were crossed as she stared at the van. The manager came out of the car and opened the door for the members of E.den. He shut the door and ran to the driver seat.

"Are you guys ready for today?" 

"It's school can you really be ready for it?" Amber said 

The drive was quite as each member was busy with something of their own. Amber was reading her comic book, Yuri was listening to music while looking out the window, Yoona and Sooyoung were eating... again, and Taeyeon, Taeyeon was finishing up writing lyrics for what was supposed to be one of the songs on E.dens new album. 

The manager kept on glancing at the girls who were pre-ocuppied. He slightly smiled and continued driving. It was a silent drive until they reached the school. Outside of the van fans were cheering in anticipation on which idol group was going to step out of the van. The manager sighed and turned to face the memebers of E.den.

"This is it" He sighed.

"Don't cause any trouble and I will be back after school to pick you up for your schduales" The girls sighed and nodded their head. Yuri reached for the door handle opening it she exposed the memebers of E.den. The loud cheers made Yuri shut the car door.

"We can't go out there" Yuri sighed letting herself sit against the leather seat.

"Well we always could make a run for it" Amber suggested 


Gasping for air, Tiffany placed her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath. Jessica texted her telling her to get to school early, that there was an emergency. Tiffany being the president has to make sure the school is in tip-top-shape. If anything happened to the school it wouldn't look good on the application that she has to write up and send into SNU. 

At the front of the school her bestfriend stood there anxiously looking around. Tiffany caught her breath and walked to her bestfriend.

"What's the emergency?" Jessica grabbed Tiffany by the wrist and dragged her to where E.den's van was parked. Tiffany watched as fans pounded on the van screaming for the idol group to come out.

"This. This was your big emergency?"

"Yes. Now do something about Miss president" Jessica pushed her friend towards the crowd and followed her friend. Tiffany and Jessica pushed their way to the front of the scream fans. With their backs pushed up against the van Jessica let out her dolphin like scream catching everyones attention, calming the crowd down. Jessica's scream caught everyones attention, even E.dens attention.

Tiffany crossed her arms before she spoke.

"Is this anyway we welcome guest to Seoul High?" Tiffany's tone was cold as she spoke. Jessica stood there glaring at everyone. The fans stood there shaking their head.

"Now. Head on inside"

The group of fans began to head on inside with groans and displeasing sighs and some foul language. Tiffany and Jessica leaned their heads against the window letting out a sigh. 

"Nice scream Miss Vice president" 

"Nice attitude Miss President" Tiffany slightly laughed as well Jessica. 

"Think you can take it from here?" Tiffany asked. Jessica nodded her head and Tiffany pushed herself away from the van. The door harsley opened sending Jessica to the ground before Tiffany could react a member was already helping Jessica to her feet.

"I'm sorry I should have checked before opening the door. Are you alright?"

"Yu-Yu-Yu-" Yuri raised her eyebrow starting to worry the girl may have gotten injured. 

"She's alright. Just in shock" Tiffany said.

"You must be E.den" Tiffany said. The members climbed out of the van one by one untill there were five members standing in front of Tiffany and Jessica in their new school uniform. The members nodded and bowed introducing themself as a group. 

"I'm Tiffany and this is Jessica we are your President and Vice President" 

The van door shut closed and their manager came around in a rush. Quickly bowing to the two ladies, the two of them bowed back. 

"I'm sorry to interupt but you two are the president and Vice president am I correct?" The two girls nodded and the manager broke out into a smile. 

"Can you please watch over them untill they graduate and make sure they don't get into trouble" The manager spoke quite fast and before the girls could answer he went back to the driver side and hopped in the van and sped off considering he was late for a meeting at the comapany.





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Chapter 4: you know, some big brother YOU are (-_-) DIDNT EVEN TELL ME ABOUT THIS
maanpren #2
Chapter 4: Nice story. I will wait for your update...
AeshaNic #3
Chapter 4: Make E.den fall first maybe they did already hehehe.....
cooljags #4
Chapter 4: Why there is no yulsic :(
Chapter 4: chapter 4 : thank for update
krystal ahh I think you did a fangirl amber but you do not want to admit it,kekekeke
super like this chapter,,,,amber FIGHTING..make krystal falling for you....
Really want to read the next chapter..
soshi_frvr24 #6
you're now in my favorite authors list :) keep up the amazing updates. FIGHTING !!
Chapter 3: Make everyone in the student council like yuri so that the girls in e.den jealous and must strive to make them their fangirls
marianee #8
Super like this !
unbelieve #9
Chapter 3: Hahaha.. You must make tiffany be your number one fangirl.
kryberforevertogethe #10
Chapter 3: Waiting for your update author. Really want to read the next few chapters!!