That Boy And Kai?

Stranger, Help Me!!




Luhan's thought got interrupt by unknowing person's voice. He finally turn to face the annoying person's voice. "Pang!" a hands slap on a flat skin could be heard after Luhan knows what happened. That person just slapped Luhan on his pretty face. Luhan got burn on the inside after that rude person just flatly slapped him not knowing what is guilty. Luhan slapped the person back on the face, hardly. He's not at fault because that person started first and it made him boiled up into an anger. After he removed his hands from that person's face. He regret it. He wants to go home now. His teacher was infront of him just how long he standing he don't know. So he just slapped his teacher, right? The question answered after he got notified that his going on detention class after the school ended. Well, when did he arrived school. The time has passed so fast lately. Frustrated what he was done before, he screams in his mind as he can not go home early. He wants to hang out with his friends.

He thinks to himself for awhile. Why he's not skipping the school today. He whispered furiously due to his stupidness why he not thinks that earlier. The anger moves away as he realized his class have a new student to introdoced to. But, Who is the new student? What his name? Is he good to be my slave? many thought running to his mind without an answeres. Well it's not himself, who's not to be at fault though. It's the teachers who should be the blameworthy. No no no, it's the new student fault. No no no...

His minds going crazy. He kicked the table beside him. The question just too much to handle. Well not himself though. As he starts to have a war in his heads, a knock could be hear from the already empty classroom. The students running out to meet their home. He don't know what to do, he just sit down queitly waiting for his teacher. The person sneakily walk insides, don't want to interrupt the silence. As long Luhan could bare to the little sounds the others made. He suddenly feel his chest thumping our loudly. Pressing his palm on his chest, feeling the beat. It's just like a music to him. He closes his eyes hearing his heart singing. A long with his humming. He never felt this before. It's just got him a realx tuned.

"Uhh..excuse me, sorry for disturbing your dream. Have you seen my book where i place it on this table?" the person asked carefully doesn't meant to disturb the others while pointing to Luhan's left table not far from him. Luhan fluttered his eyes open only to be found an angel infront of him. He stunned to the beautifulness until it suprised him to let out a 'beautiful'  under his breath. It just perfect to watch a feline and pretty eyes looking at you while talking to you with that pretty pink lips.That person just raising his eyebrows caused to Luhan's weirdness. "Ahh.. it's okay if you don't know where it is. I'll be going" The person left get prevented by Luhan's hand. The boy just stay like that not dare to talk a words.

A minute passes by, Luhan still holding the by's arm tightly, while admiring the boy's features. "Ahh..i'm gonna go now. I'm sorry but i-" the boy's word got cut from the teacher, who was by frantic running to the class, catching his breaths. "Ha..Ha..Ha..Hey, Luhan our class detention cancelled today, okay" the teacher trying to speaks clearly. Luhan take a look at his teacher. Ohh, maybe because his wife again. Luhan's guessing it right, when he heard a scold on his teacher's phone. "Ow, okay okay, jagi~ I'll be right back okay. Bye muah~" His teachers make kissing lips then just shut his phone not wanting to hear his wife nagging more where there is a ringing call came. Luhan just want to puke out seeing his teacher communicate with his wife. Usually his teacher all fierce and very firm but after seeing this make him want to laugh his heart out. "Ehemm, ignore that moment..By the way, Luhan.." the teacher cleared his throats then straighten up his body before continued "tomorrow we have a class detention due today cancelled, tomorrow we will met again" the teacher being the fierce one again, give an excuse before leaves. Luhan let out a sigh before frown deeply startling the boy beside him. Look to his side, whoever this kid is, he going to take him and locked him in his room forever and make him as a pillow.

The boy twisted his arms and it send to Luhan's. Luhan receive the message and look to his hands was gripping tight the others hand. Immediately, Luhan pull his hand back. Not saying sorry, he got up after he got a permission to leave the room.

"Wait" Luhan stopped. Sigh. Look back just for a talk.

"What?" respond with annoyed shows up on his face. Luhan throwing his hands in the school's trousers uniform wanting to look cool.

Startled by the fierce contact, he loss his words to spoke out. The boy just hang his head lower after the gaze turn to hard one.

"What?!" Luhan asked again but much harsher than before. The boy just speechless by the harsh tone he receive from the other.

"I-I.. want to ask if you was the one whoever the per-person who was looking for you?" the boy hung his head low like he's talking to the floor.

"Who?" Luhan ask wondering who was looking for him.

"K-Kai" the boy answered got ignored by Luhan, who's not move an inch hearing the name. "W-Who again?" now Luhan is the one who's stuttering unsure by the other's name spoken up.

"Kai" the boy respond back. Not knowing what is wrong, he shook Luhan's body lightly. "H-Hey?" The boy called out.

Luhan finally faced the others after longingly stare at the floor. "H-Hey, what's wrong?" The boy give Luhan a sad eyes. Luhan stared at it.



This eyes i was dreaming before. This eyes i want to meet before. Eh, right?


Is he a guy? Luhan's thought.

Luhan's was stop running now but his heart was the replace of his legs where it running fastly before. Luhan suddenly make his space to catch the boy before the boy dissappeared. He reach out his hands to pull the boy's arm. He stretch his arm long enough to make him collapsed to the dirty ground. Well, it happens after he step on a wrong way. He flips his own foot then fall to the ground. A hiss could be hear when he tried to got up. This is familiar to him whenever ho got chased by the cops, he often fall to his own feet. But, it's more hurts if you found your need is dissappeared just like that.

Everyone left whatever their doing and all attention on him. It must be embarassing to him. But he doesn't have that feeling though. He keeps on running. Look around his atmosphere. All people aroun him just make him more harder to find the boy.

Sheesh, that boy ran so fast that i could Luhan's rub at the back of his head.

When he walk alone, kicking a pebbles scattering away. Hands in pocket. Withoout he realization, his arrived. Was about to make a victory dance when a teacher comes to him and pinch his ear.

"Yah! Where are you going, huh? Want to skip school?" Mr. Choi, his PE teacher, smirking wildly after he get the boy. "Aww Aww it's hurts, Minho!" Luhan informally yell to his teacher. "Woah, you already know how to fight back by calling me my real name? That's not going to happen" Mr. Choi pinch Luhan's ear harder. "Aww Aww" Luhan just moan loudly, begging to stop pinching his ear. Luhan caught up. Mr. Choi brought him to his class. Mr. Choi knocked on the door. "Excuse me, Mrs. Kwon, this kid.." Mr, Choi pointing to Luhan "wanting to skip a class, again!" Mr. Choi push Luhan in the class.

Luhan hissed and walk towards his table. Every students look at him with a gaped mouth. Who's going to messed up with Mr. Choi, he will eat you alive.

All Luhan knows is all black after he hid his face between his arms placed on the desk.


Luhan's dreams pushed aside when a certain hand wave infront of his face. "Hey, are you okay?" The boy earlier was him. Luhan's look to the boy's brown orbs deeply and identified perfectly his face.

So. are you the new transfer student? Because i've never seen you around?" Luhan suddenly asked the boy. The boy confused, nodding true before answer it whole "Yes, i am. Why?" The boy ask again.

"It's just..I.. ahh.."Luhan can't continued his words as he rubbed his head. The others just chuckled due to the act. "May i asking why?" the boys cleared up his words.

"I.. ahh.. nothing. Bye, i'm gotta go" Luhan stuttered then leave. Their shoulder brushed a little. The boy shrugging knowing nothing to do but replied to the others "Bye"

Luhan run to the already dark alley street while a streetlight lighten up the mood, thinking what he have done to ruined their first meeting. But, his not sure is that the person from the last incidents.Shrugging the though away, walking straight on street alone.

Suddenly the mood change when Kai's face showed up in his mind. Groan loudly followed by a frown let out. Thinking back about Jongin make him afraid to go home.

About to stretch his arms when a hands land on his shoulder. Luhan widen his eyes.

"Hey, Luhan. What's up?"

Eyo, sorry for making you guys forget about the last chapter. But, i regret i update a very short chapter. Btw, Hope you enjoy~ Enjoy the cliffhanger too. (smile evilly)

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17|08|'14- i will update this story on 30|08|'14


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Chapter 3: getting lengthy each chapter. nice one!
P.S I love this fic, the story is so good!
minseokkie99 #2
Chapter 2: Holy damn this looks interesting. Subscribe subscribe
PrincessxSchaniel #3
Chapter 1: Hahaha. I love ur story . I'm excited for the next chapter . update soon !!
lalice2 #4
Please update soon :)
oh im excited please update soon!