

From: Sunggyu-hyung
To: Myungsoo-yah
What the hell did u just send 2 me?!
From: Myungsoo-yah
To: Sunggyu-hyung
Uhh... girls playing in the sand?? 
From: Sunggyu-hyung
To: Myungsoo-yah
Funny ha don't ever set foot in Seoul or i'll kill u
From: Myungsoo-yah
To: Sunggyu-hyung
Why hyung?! Did i do something wrong :(
From: Sunggyu-hyung
To: Myungsoo-yah
Don't pretend 2 be innocent! And don't use emoticon it doesn't suit u
From: Myungsoo-yah
To: Sunggyu-yah
But wwhhhyyy? I sent lots of pictures of girls 2 u and this is what i get :'( 
From: Sunggyu-hyung
To: Myungsoo-yah
Yeah but they we're little girls!  And don't. use. a. ing. emoticon. It annoys me
From: Myungsoo-yah
To: Sunggyu-hyung
Aren't u a e hyung XD
From: Sunggyu-hyung
To: Myungsoo-yah
From: Sunggyu-hyung
To: Myungsoo-yah
Is that a yes?
From: Sunggyu-hyung
To: Myungsoo-yah
No. Ur d . Y  is a girl calling u 'master'? Bet u like it so much
From: Myungsoo-yah
To: Sunggyu-hyung
That's our driver's daughter. She's supposed 2 call me master.
From: Sunggyu-hyung
To: Myungsoo-yah
Oh stop wid ur kink, ert.
From: Myungsoo-yah
To: Sunggyu-hyung
At least i'm not d 1  who wants 2 b called daddy :P

Myungsoo shook his head as he went inside the kithen where he saw his mother pulling out a tray of cookies inside the oven.

"Why did you bake so many cookies?" Myungsoo asked as he went inside their kitchen. His mother putting the tray of freshly baked cookies above the kitchen counter.

"We're going to give some to the--ouch!" His Mother yelped, before putting her slightly burnt finger to her lips.

"Watch it! Why do you always forget that you just pulled it out of the oven? This always happens since i was a kid. You never change." Myungsoo scolds, his mother only smiling sheepishly. Being so eager, she always picked the cookies barehanded forgetting that the cookies are still hot, which always result to her being hurt.

"Since my finger is hurt. Take half of the cookies to Jae In." She smiled innocently.

"I know what you want so no." Myungsoo told her Mother as he studied the reddened finger.

"Oh come on! She's a good kid! Besides you need to have friends here." She urged.



"Still no."

"Do it while i'm still nice."


Myungsoo knocked at the door a bit urgently, his lips turned upside down. He had no choice but to obey his Mother.

"Myungsoo? What are you doing here?" Jae In asked when she opened the door.

"My Mother wants to give these cookies to you." He said then handed the tupperware to Jae In. Urgency seen on his movement. He wants to get out of here. Now.

Maybe not now.

"You won't go anywhere, come in!" She pulled Myungsoo before he can even make a step away from the door.

"You could let me go." Myungsoo glared at the hand around his wrist. She closed the door then let go of him.

"Let me introduce you to someone." She smiled when Myungsoo glared at her, pushing him on the back with one hand. Her other hand holding thr freshly baked cookies.

When Myungsoo stepped inside the living room, he saw a man sitting comfortably on the couch. Brown hair, defined jaw, red lips and sculptured eyebrows, for short, he's a good looking guy. Okay, good looking is an insult. He looks like a model posing for a magazine, and he's just sitting there with his plain white shirt and perfect face. Myungsoo's eyebrow furrowed when he had the sudden urge to take a picture of the guy.

He seems to be looking at the tv, his serious expression and the intense gaze he has makes him look like a bit cocky for Myungsoo's taste, but when the guy turned his head to look at them, a hint of recognition was written all over his face, followed by a gentle smile as he stand up.

"Sehun-ah! This is Myungsoo!" Jae In introduced Myungsoo too Sehun. Voice laced with excitement.

"Hi, i'm Sehun." The guy named Sehun said while his lips, fidgeting from his position cutely. Apparently, this tall manly guy has a cute side too.

"Myungsoo." He smiled, suddenly remembering Sungjong by the way Sehun cutely shook his head with his eyes closed while pouting when Jae In said something.

"I think i have to go..." Myungsoo uttered but Jae In shook her head, forcing him so sit on the couch then left the living room to get some food after giving an i'm-watching-you-so-don't-even look.

"Please tell your Mom the cookies are delicious." Sehun said as he put cookies in his mouth, one after another. 'Is he even chewing?' Myungsoo thought.

"Sure." He nods. Now that he has the time to look at Jae In's house, the interior was plain white, with big windows to let the sunlight come inside. He also saw some plants on the table, some on the floor.

"Foods!" Jae In exclaimed, putting the snacks and beverages on the table.

"Come hang out with us for a while." She sat beside Sehun then leaned her head on his chest, snuggling comfortably. That made Myungsoo's eyebrows rise.

'Okay she has Kyungsoo and then Chanyeol and now Sehun?' Myungsoo thought, he remembered that her mother is bugging her for being single, but he saw how close Jae In are to the boys and those skinship is nowhere near just friends. He saw how Kyungsoo is affectionate to her, how Chanyeol likes putting his arms on her shoulders, how he always hug Jae In whenever he got the chance. Once he saw Baekhyun playfully bit her wrist then laughed his of as Jae in became red. Now, this guy Sehun even put his hands on her head, playing with her hair. Only couples do that, right?

Myungsoo sipped some soda then looked at the tv screen. He thinks he's looking at something forbidden and he shouldn't stuck his nose to it. It seems like Jae In is somehow playing with them and a fight might break off. If a girl like Jae In is worth fighting for. Who knows.

"Wait up." Sehun suddenly said then sat stood up and went to somewhere. Maybe he's going to do his human thing.

He heard Jae In snickering then picked something from the ground, a wallet. Jae In looked at him then put her forefinger to her lips to shush him. She took some bills from the wallet then put it back on the ground again.

'She's steals money too?' Myungsoo thoughts but decided to shut his mouth. He don't want to get involved with that crazy girl.

Sehun came back and Jae In welcomed him with the sweetest smile on her face, but Myungsoo could only see a demon smiling wickedly at her prey. Jae In faked a shock and picked the wallet again like it's the first time she saw it on the ground.

"I think you drop your wallet." She innocently shrugged then handed the wallet to Sehun, who thanked her for being nice.

'She took your money, fool!' Myungsoo screamed mentally. Myungsoo heaved a sigh then continued to look at the tv screen, he can't understand the movie, he's busy trying to think of some ways to tell Sehun how Jae In is just toying him.

"Sehun, we're out of snacks. Please buy some?" Jae In looked up to meet Sehun's gaze, they're at their position again. Jae In leaning on Sehun's chest, her hands comfortably resting on his stomach.

"Huh? Didn't you bought a lot? You know i'm going to say here till sundown." Sehun furowed his eyebrows but stood up again while running his fingers through his hair.

"I did but we already ate it." She smiled sheepishly then pulled something in her pockets, she handed the bills to Sehun.

"Woah we're using your money? I thought you're a cheapskate." Sehun laughed when Jae In threw a pillow at him.

"Let me borrow your Dad's bike!" Sehun yelled from outside. Then he was gone.

"What?" Jae In asked when she saw Myungsoo staring at her in disgust.

"Why did you take your broyfriend's money? You know stealing is a crime, don't you?" Myungsoo snapped. Jae In took a piece of cookie then put it in , completely relaxed.

"Hey it's just for fun."

"That wasn't funny."

"Then why didn't you stop me?"

"It's none of my business, that's why i didn't."

"Then act like it's none of your business." Jae In hissed, her eyes turning into slits.

They didn't talk again, even when Sehun returned, and Jae In's mood is back to cheerful, Myungsoo can feel the coldness that's coming out of Jae In whenever he looks at her. He pissed her off, he knows.

They proceed in watching, the two eating their snack and Myungsoo refusing whenever Sehun offered. He occasionally asked Myungsoo some questions, since Jae In is refusing to talk to Myungsoo, what a great host.

"I think i need to go." Myungsoo stood up. Only looking at Sehun and not giving any acknowledgement that Jae In is in the room also.

"Hey aren't you missing something?" Jae In suddenly asked, her lips slowly forming into a smile. A smile that always make Myungsoo uncomfortable.

"You too, Sehun." She added, Sehun looks at her, his eyebrows furrowing then took out his phone and put it on the table, he took his wallet next.

"Hey where's my money?!" Sehun demanded to Jae in when he saw his almost empty wallet.

"You already used it to buy your snacks." Myungsoo answered.

'Jae In might stole mine too.'  He thought, then he took out his wallet also, his heart beating in a fast pace when his wallet looks thinner.

"Who says it's Sehun's money?" Jae In said then pulled out another bills then handed it to Sehun.

'. It's mine." Myungsoo glared at her, he doesn't need to open his wallet, Jae In took it when she's pushing him to go to their common room. He didn't feel anything, though.

"Give it back." Myungsoo said in a menacing voice, Sehun nudged Jae In, obviously nervous. Jae In looked somewhat relaxed, like she's not facing someone's wrath.

"Relax, Master." She crooned, she stood up then walked towards him, not leaving his eyes. She took another bills on her pocket then put it on Myungsoo's hand. Myungsoo remembered that it was exactly the money that was in his wallet a few hours ago.

"It's my money. You think i would really use someone else money?" Jae in asked, then laughed while saying that she's just playing with them.

"Okay now stop glaring, you're scaring Sehun." Jae In added and it's true, Sehun stood few feets behind Jae In, his face looks like a boy who got reprimanded.

"I almost peed in my pants." Sehun said, his hands on his chest. Breathing deeply.

Was he that scary?

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[Koala] Chapter 4 is almost done^^


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Jae in is cutely weird and i like her interactions with the exo boys, can't wait if kai is going to be in this story or not. Love this story.