

Myungsoo opened his eyes slowly when the sunlight hits his face as he turn on his sides. Still half-asleep, he yawns while sitting up, ruffling his already messy hair, he only saw it in movies but he can literally hear the birds chirping from the outside, the blue sky that tells today will be a bright sunny day, and the tree right across from his window that has thick leaves shouts an angry shade of green, he thought he hears the leaves clapping whenever the wind hit them.

Just like the weather outside, Myungsoo was in a good mood.

And so he gets up, walk towards to his closet and pick his clothes before walking to the bathroom to wash up.


Myungsoo walks into the kitchen and he was welcomed by a pouting and whiny Jae In, slumped on a chair while her arms are crossed over her chest. His mother is stirring some soup in the pot while Jae In's mother cuts the vegetables.

"I'm bored." Myungsoo hears Jae In said as he opens the fridge and gets the pitcher to pour some water in his glass.

"Maybe you won't be bored if you help us make lunch? Then you would be a help to us than be a pain in the ." Her mother nagged, harshly cutting the vegetables Myungsoo thought she's imagining that it's her daughter shw was cutting.

"I don't want to!" Jae In rolled her eyes, putting her arms on the table and resting her head on her arms, her eyes shows that she's determined to not help them, but still a visible pout can be seen on her lips. Jae In is upset.

"Jae In-ah, you said you will give me a tour right?" Myungsoo asked, already seated in one of the seats, eating a slice of bread. Jae In looked at him slightly surprised, surprised that he's talking to her now and not snapping and glaring at her.


"Give me a tour today." Myungsoo munched on his food. Since he's a good kid, he will get Jae In away from the kitchen so the two can cook in peace, and he's just in a good mood today and Jae In still hasn't get her revenge yet and it looks like she wasn't planning to get one. Besides, it'll be a shame to not take pictures outside especially if the weather is like this. It wouldn't hurt to spend a couple of hours with her.

"You mean now?" Jae In asked.

"Let me finish eating first then i'll go upstairs to get my things and meet me outside."

"Okay!" She obediently nodded. Putting his palm under her chin as he watch Myungsoo. Waiting for him to finish eating.

"Wait here." Myungsoo said after he put the glass on the sink, then went to his room to get his wallet, phone and camera.

It's been a couple of days since the orange juice incident and Jae In became nice to him again, it bothers him at first but decided to shrug it off when Kyungsoo and Joonmyeon said Jae In is always like that.

"Come on." Myungsoo said once he came back and they both walked towards the door, Jae In following a few steps behind him.

"Be sure to be back by lunch!" Myungsoo heared her mother chirped ,and he waved before exiting the kitchen.

"Wait here, young master." Jae In said then started running toward the back of their house. The "young master" thing bugged Myungsoo at first since Jae In called him by his first name when they met the first time, but Jae In calls him young master without any hint of sarcasm or playfulness so he shrugged it off and let her call him young master. Plus, as narcisstic as it sounds, he feels powerful and important.

"Here, young master. I borrowed my father's so you can use it." She stopped in front of Myungsoo and flash him a proud smile but then frowned when Myungsoo is not looking at her, instead looking at the blue bicycle that she's holding.

"I can't ride a bike." Myungsoo blurted out, not even hesitating to tell her that he don't know how to ride a bike. It's better to say it than to let Jae In see him having a hard time riding it but fail.

"Oh." Jae In said, then she added. "Then you can sit behind me, i'll pedal." She offered.

"No, i don't want to." He shook his head, he won't sit behind her! He's the guy he should be the one pedalling.

"Master." Her eyes narrowed, then quickly pulled Myung soo's wrist and forced him too sit behind her, putting his arms around her waist. Myungsoo fought back the urge to blush.

"Can we just ride the car?" Myungsoo asked. Jae In shook her head, telling him both their father are fixing it in the garage.

"If your embarrased, you can clutch on my shirt." She offered wink a wink then laugh loudly when Myungsoo's ears turned a darker shade of red.

"Just to let you know, i can ride a real bike." He grumbled.

"I know, and just to let you know, i'm not judging you." She said then pedalled towards the front gate.


"We're here!" Jae In came into a halt then put her hands in the air.

"My legs hurt." Myungsoo complained having his long legs folded so his feet won't touch the rough asphalt as they rode the bike, as fast as he complained when he put his feet on the ground, it's as fast as he forgot the numbing pain on his knees and his muscles.

The view in front of him was fantastic, they were on the side of the road, right above the cliff, so he can see the whole town in front of him, the blue sky and the white clouds blinding him.

"Beautiful isn't it?" She asked and Myungsoo can only nod as he take in the surrounding in front of him. He took out his camera, then take a few shots of the town beneath him, the tree a few feet away from them, the sky, everything that makes Myungsoo fascinated.

"You aren't listening to me again." Jae In gave him a nudged.

"Sorry what?" Myungsoo asked as put his camera down from his face. Finally looking at Jae In, he was so busy taking lots of pictures that he didn't hear the girl talking beside him.

"I said that big building over there, that's our school!" She pointed, half her body touching the railing and Myungsoo almost got a heart attack when he thought Jae In would fall.

"Are you done? Let's go to the park." She smiled then hopped on the bicycle, myungsoo followed suit.

While pedalling, Jae In pointed out things and place to him.

"That's where we buy groceries, and can you see that store a few feet away from us? That's a bookstore, they sell lots of good books there. Here are some restaurants, cafés, and a few clothing stores and then BAM! Where at the park!" She exclaimed with so much delight then giggled when Myungsoo hit the side of his face behind her back when she stopped without notice.

The park in this town is like parks in Seoul, lots of trees with different shades of leaves and different kinds and colors of flowers, there are lots of bench to sit on, some kids run to the slide while some kids prefer the swing or play in the sand.

"Go on, take a picture. I'll just take a call." She smiled then left Myungsoo. Myungsoo shrugged then put his camera in front of his face again to take some pictures. The he felt his phone vibrate, he took it out inside his pocket then answered the call.

"Myungsoo!!" Six voice boomed at the other line and Myungsoo put his phone away from his ear.

"Are you still there? I think we got him deaf." Hoya said, Myungsoo got back to his senses and asked them what's up.

"You don't ask us what we are up to, it's always the same! You, what's up there?" Woohyun asked, then he can practically hear Sungjong whining for saying 'sky' and he got beaten up by his hyungs.

"I'm outside. As usual, taking pictures." He said nonchalantly and he snickered when he heard Sung gyu telling him he better be sending him pictures of beautiful girls by the end of the day.

"I don't know hyung, if girls playing in the sand is included in what you are saying beautiful girls then maybe i can send you a couple pictures?" Myungsoo asked.

"Hey master!" Jae In tapped his shoulder then gave him a can of coke. He's sure he can hear Sung gyu yelling on the other line saying "Who the hell was that?! Did she just call you master?! Why would she call you master?! Kim Myungsoo you are such a --"

"I'm going to send the pictures later. Bye." Then he hang up, he doesn't want to hear Sunggyu's funny accusations.

"Thanks." Myungsoo said as he opened his coke. They both sat on one of the benches nearby. The way Jae In is acting towards him is bugging him again, she seems so nice. So he asked him if she's planning something, maybe a murder that's why she's kind, cause he'll be experiencing hell a few moments later. All Jae In did was laugh, choking on her own coke, then telling him she's like always like that, but if Myungsoo didn't want her to be so kind, she could always be back to being rude, and left him in the park like right now. Myungsoo didn't want that.

"It's almost lunch." Myungsoo changed the topic, really he already had a taste of Jae In's wrath that made him sleepless and troubled, so he should be contented to what she is acting now. "Can we make it by lunch?" He asked.

"No, that's why i called them." She answered then a smirk formed on her lips, gazing at something with smug look on her face.

A white car with it's roof open stopped in front of them. Then a tall guy came out and gave Jae In a big teddy bear hug, both Jae In and the tall guy saying gibberish stuffs.

Myungsoo thought Jae In might lose her supply of oxygen since her small frame is nothing compared to the giant one, who is still, hugging the out of Jae In.

"Hey stop that!" Myungsoo didn't notice him at first but he saw someone leaning at the car, he seems reprimanding the two but he's smiling, his canines poking out of his mouth. Myungsoo thinks he looks like a dog or a puppy. The two guys both looked like a dog.

"Why did you call us to go here?" The tall guy's deep voiced slightly shocked Myungsoo. It's a contrast to his energetic personality.

"I totally forgot! Master!" She exclaimed then let the Chanyeol guy put him on the ground again.

"Master?" The two chimed, looking at each other then turned their attention to Myungsoo. Myungsoo cleared .

"Hello, I'm Kim Myungsoo." Myungsoo introduced himself, then the two guys exclaimed in recognition, comically pointing at his face while their other hand clasping their mouths.

"Don't be afraid of them, they seem weird and dumb but they're nice." Jae in whispered beside Myungsoo, chortling when the two guys in front pouted like kicked puppies.

"I'm Chanyeol, and this midget beside me is Baekhyun--umf!" Chanyeol put his hands beside his ribcage that Baekhyun nudged a little bit hard, soothingly rubbing it.

"I'm Baekhyun." The smaller guy between the two said, giving Myungsoo his infamous smile while glaring at the person beside him. "What did you feed her that she became this nice to you? She blackmailed us to come here!" Baekhyun exclaimed, looking accusingly at Jae In.

"I did not. Now take us back to the house or i'll call your Hyung and said you are using his car again." Jae in blinked innocently then walked first toward the car.

"If that's not blackmailing, i don't know what that thing called is." Chanyeol sighed then followed, not wanting Jae In to call his older brother. Jae In yells for them to move faster and put her bike at the back of the car and Baekhyun and Chanyeol screamed "Yes, master." That made Myungsoo confused and intrigued.

'This girl is crazy."


Author's note: I don't know what the hell am i writing ugghhh  this chapter is so long and it's so full of nonsensical things >_< sorry guys! I'm still trying to improve my writing skills.

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[Koala] Chapter 4 is almost done^^


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Jae in is cutely weird and i like her interactions with the exo boys, can't wait if kai is going to be in this story or not. Love this story.