

"It's me, your handsome and sweet and funny and a genius and hot and handsome bestfriend Lee Sungyeol!!! So answer the phone!!!!" Myung Soo groaned when his phone ringed, and yes that's his ringtone, for Sungyeol's number only. His bestfriend recorded it once telling that should be his ringtone for his number so MyungSoo would know if he' s the one calling. 

Reaching out with his eyes closed, he unlocked his phone and answers the on-coming call,

"What?!" he asked in an annoyed, raspy voice. He pressed his face deeper unto the pillows when he heard his friend laughed from the other line, 

"Why are you so grumpy? Didn't get enough sleep?" Sungyeol asked, 

"It's because of that damned girl." Myung Soo growled, cursing Jae In in his mind. He sat up while ruffling his messy bed hair.

"What did you guys do?! Kim Myung Soo, it's your first day there and you're already banging your driver's daughter?! Shame on you! You should've wait for a month atleast!" Sungyeol gasped, obviously teasing. He laughed when he heard his bestfriend screaming, telling him he would never do Jae In, Sungyeol raised his eyebrows, 'So that's her name?'.

"So why didn't you get sleep?!" Sungyeol whined, and so Myungsoo told him about the girl that their caretaker saw a few months ago, who went inside his room, where the caretaker heard noises, how the caretaker saw nothing when she entered his room, how maybe Jae In is just joking to get back at him when he slammed the door on her face that afternoon but he still cannot sleep that night because his senses are waiting for any sounds, any scuffling sounds, like he's actually waiting for the ghost to appear and so he stayed up all night and that he can only sleep when he saw the sun rising from his window.

"Woah. You're that scared with what she said?!"

"Shut up."

"Pfft. She's just pulling your legs. You just said that she's taking her revenge. She's lying to scare you on your first night there." Sungyeol said, amused that the story Jae in told him had a great impact on Myungsoo.

Myungsoo sighed, maybe Sungyeol is right. She's just fooling around, there's no ghost.

"You think so? I can't believe i bought her story." Myungsoo groaned.

"Really Myungsoo, your whole existence shouts charisma. You can intimidate people with just your eyes, sometimes even scare the life out of them, but your a scaredy cat." Sungyeol laughed when Myungsoo shout at him, telling him to shut up for the second of the day.

"Anyway, i just called to check up on you. Yes, yes, i know you already have a mother but you can't stop me from doing so. I've got some errands to run so i gotta go. Now get out of your bed! Bye!" Sungyeol chirped, Myungsoo rolled his eyes then bid him goodbye.

He looked at the clock on his side table, 7:37. He mentally groaned, 'Mother of God, why?' he asked when his head hurts from standing up. He barely had any sleep. He picked new clothes before washing up, hoping his headache would go away when he showered.


Myungsoo's eyebrows furrowed when he heard an unfamiliar voice inside the kitchen. He took a peek, frowning in disgust whe  he saw Jae In back-hugging a guy. The unknown guy groaned, telling Jae In to go away because he's cooking. Jae In whined, tightening her hold of the guy's waist, her face buried in his back. 'Jae In has a boyfriend? I thought... wait-- who's that guy? Is he a cook here or somethin'?' Myungsoo thought.

"Jae In how many time do i have to tell you? Go sit on the kitchen counter-- Oh hi! You're already awake!" the guy who was busy reprimanding Jae In, turned and smiled when he saw Myung Soo. When he saw the quizzical look on Myung Soo's face, the stranger smiled awkwardly that made Myungsoo want to ruffle the guy's short hair. No homo.

"I'm Kyungsoo by the way, Do Kyungsoo." The wide-eyed Kyungsoo offered his hands (with Jae In still clinging on his back and peeking on Myungsoo), Myungsoo took it and gave him a sort-of smile as he introduced himself.

"Did you sleep well?" Kyungsoo kindly asked, and with the word 'sleep' Jae In dashed outside the kitchen, chortling. When Kyungsoo saw Myungsoo's dark expression, as well as the way Myungsoo glared at the back of Jae In's head. That's when he realized Jae In did something to the poor guy.

"She did something to you huh?" He asked.

"Told me her mother saw a ghost entering my room." Myungsoo answered while getting a water from their refrigerator as Kyungsoo went back to cooking. Myung soo leaned on the kitchen counter as he watch Kyungsoo cook.

"Don't mind her, she's always like that. Trolling people, but she's nice." Kyungsoo said, occasionally looking at Myungsoo and giving him an assuring smile. Now that Myungsoo thought about it, Jae In was actually nice when they first met, giving him a sweet smile and offering to give him a tour outside, that is until he slammed the door. Myungsoo shrugged.

"You wouldn't mind me asking but why are you..." Myungsoo can't find the right word to say, but Kyungsoo understand.

"I'm cooking breakfast. Jae In texted us that you and your parents are already here, so we thought we should pay a visit. Can you pour some orange juice to the glasses? Thanks." Kyungsoo kindly asked as he put the eggs on the table.

"You know my parents?" Myungsoo asked as he pours juice to every glass that is in the table.

"Uh-huh, they're here every summer and we always saw them whenever we came here. They're nice, your parents." Kyungsoo smiled at Myungsoo, then he told Myungsoo to wait at the table because he'll just get something.

"A sugar." Myungsoo stated, he don't know why Kyungsoo gave him a sugar, but when he saw Kyungsoo's mischievous eyes looking at him expectanly, that's when it hit him. They both laughed.

"She won't get angry, right?" Myungsoo asked, putting two spoonfuls of sugar to the glass that Kyungsoo said where Jae In will seat later.

"Naaahhh, she'll most likely get revenge. So we better brace ourselves after this, but for now add two more spoonful of sugar!" Kyungsoo laughed.

"You're evil." Myungsoo shooked his head, laughing.

"You're not the first to say that to me." Kyungsoo smirked. So they seat and get to know more about each other while waiting (and also waiting for the sugar to dissolve) for the others to come and eat. Kyungsoo is a nice guy, according to Myungsoo's observation while talking to him. Kyungsoo has a heart-shaped smile and a big pair of eyes, he almost looked innocent, but his surprisingly deep voice blew it. 

"At last, they're here." Myungsoo whispered, but Kyungsoo heard it and they both exchange weird glances when they saw Jae In entering.

"So much food!" Jae In exclaimed.

"Yeah yeah seat here beside me, you monster." Myungsoo wanted to smirk when Kyungsoo instructed Jae in to seat beside him,  where the glass of the too-sweet-it-can-pass-as-a-poison juice was poured, but he can't because his mother was introducing him to someone, his mother said he is Jae In and Kyungsoo's friend. He's name is--

"Suho. My name is Suho." The guy hold out his hand, offering Myungsoo a handshake, his angelic smile plastered on his face. Myungsoo wonders if the windows were open and the sunshine is reflecting on the guy's face. He took Suho's hand and shook it, also introducing himself.

"Don't believe him! His real name is Joonmyeon, he just wants to call him Suho because according to himself, he's a guardian. A guardian who would protect his family, his friends, his loved ones, and the school and the students." Jae In said in a dreamy expression she could ever muster just to mock Suho.

Suho laughed awkwardly, scratching his nape.

"She's right. My real name is Joonmyeon, but you can still call me Suho if that makes you comfortable." Joonmyeon smiled, showcasing his pearly white teeth and slightly nodding his head.

"Just kidding Oppa. You're nickname suits you, you look like a guardian angel." Jae In softly smiled, Myungsoo studied Jae In's expression and he can tell that she's not joking and she meant what she said.

"Okay now let's eat!" Myungsoo's mother exclaimed, patting Myungsoo's and Joonmyeon's shoulder and leading them to the table.

"Mother, where's father?" Myungsoo asked her mother.

"He's together with Jae In's mother." His Mother answered back.

"Why?" He asked non-chalantly as he sit in front of Jae In.

"They're checking the flowers outside." She answered again while putting foods in Myungsoo and Joonmyeon's plate.

"Oh." That's all he can reply. It's kinda disturbing, always seeing his father and Jae In's morher together, even when they got here, he put his arm over here shoulder, that scene disturb Myungsoo. He hopes nothing is wrong.

Jae In ate like how she ate last night. Eating her food like everybody will be angry at her if she left a food on her plate. Actually maybe there is a person who would be some-what angry. Myungsoo's mother. Myungsoo's Mom doesn't like wasting food, so maybe that's why she likes Jae In. Kyungsoo kept putting eggs and bacons in her plate, telling her to eat more while her Mother kept asking the two guys on what was happening in the town while they were gone.

"Joonma-hyung here, is the school president this year. He won the election." Kyungsoo tapped Joonmyeon's shoulder, a proud smile on his lips. Myungsoo's mother claps, congratulating him and telling that the school body will be in good hands because Joonmyeon is a good hyung and has great sense of leadership.

"Thanks, Auntie. By the way, is Myungsoo going to our school?" Joonmyeon asked.

"Of course! So you guys should take care of him and tell me if he did anything wrong! I'll throw a party." She laughed.

"Why would you throw a party if i got into trouble?" Myungsoo asked.

"You're a good student. Don't be so uptight. Jae In always got into trouble more than you." His mother snorted. So, Jae In always got into trouble in school? Why? Is she a bully?

Myungsoo stole a glance at Jae in and have to keep his smile when he saw that Jae In took her glass, and Jae In who saw Myungsoo's lips quirk up a little, started to be suspicious and she tilt her head as if to ask why.

"You should drink your orange juice, monster. It's bad if you just keep on eating, don't you feel the food going down on your throat when you swallow it without drinking water?" Kyungsoo asked while combing Jae In's hair using his fingers, Myungsoo mentally thought that he really should ruffle Kyungsoo's hair for his acting skills. 

"Yeah, it kinda hurts." She answered, then put her lips on the glass. Two gulps and she closed her eyes tightly shut, she put the glass away from her face with an unreadable expression, her eyes slightly teary.

"Why, sweetie? Something's wrong?" Myungsoo's mother, who sensed Jae In's face, asked.

"No, no, nothing's wrong." She forced a smile, then looked at Myungsoo who was having a hard time keeping his smile to form on his lips. Her eyes turned into slits.

"Let's cheers for Joonmyeon-hyung." Myungsoo offered, smiling sweetly, he could almost hear a faint snort from Kyungsoo.

"You don't have to--" Joonmyeon shook his head, embarrassed with all the congratulating and whatnot.

"Sure!" Myungsoo's mother exclaimed then holds her orange juice out. Joonmyeon, Kyungsoo, Myungsoo and a reluctant Jae In followed suit.

"To Joonmyeon's success!" Myungsoo's mother said happily then congratulated Joonmyeon for thr second time, followed by the clinking of glasses.

"Let's do this in one shot." Kyungsoo added and Myungsoo swear he almost choked when he heard that. They both shared a look then look at Jae In who was having a hard time drinking her juice.

Kyungsoo and Myungsoo looked at each other then shared a truimphant smile, enjoying Jae In sufferring before them.

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[Koala] Chapter 4 is almost done^^


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Jae in is cutely weird and i like her interactions with the exo boys, can't wait if kai is going to be in this story or not. Love this story.