This is a date?!

Pen Friends

Rae finished applying her mascara as Key came tumbling through her door. She glanced up and picked up her clutch bag.
"Where are we going exactly oppa?" Rae tilted her head and Key stiffled a giggle.
"It's a suprise! Come on!" Key took her hand and pulled her into the main room. Taemin and Minho were stood waiting.
"How come i'm the only one that has to dress up?" She pouted and Minho looked offended.
"Hey this is my finest soccer shirt!" Rae giggled shaking her head. Key tapped his foot impatiently. They took the hint and followed Key out of the door, Bowing to the Manager as they got to the car.
"Hyung we have to go pick up Rae's present... Can you drop her off at the resturant? She can tell Jonghyun-hyung and Onew-Hyung we'll be late." Taemin was practically bouncing in his seat. He really hated keeping secrets. The Manager nodded and smiled slightly. As they pulled up to the resturant, Minho practically pushed Rae out of the Van.
"We'll text you when we are on our way back!" He called cheerily, before slamming the van door in her face. Rae shook her head and made her way through the door. She waved to Jonhyun and Onew as she arrived at the table. She blushed as her gaze rested on Onew. She was getting stared back at. 
"Wow...." they both spoke in unison and Jonghyun groaned.
"Aish, third wheeling isn't my style, I'm going to go outside. Where are the others?" He grinned at Rae and she shrugged.
"Said they had to get something. They said they'll text when they are almost back." Rae sat down opposite the two males and cossed one leg over the other.
"I'll go wait outside for them then!" He got up in a excited manner. Onew gave him a funny look and watched jonghyuns retreating form. Rae and Onew sat waiting for the others. Onew's fingers drumming the table. Both of their phones rang alerting them they had text messages. Rae laughed.
"Your message tone is my song?" Onew's cheeks went pink and he pointed at her.
"Your message tone is my too!" Rae blushed and mumbled at him before opening the text message from Minho. 'Have fun, we'll be at the dorm in about 2 hours! :P' Her eyes widened and she raised her gaze up to meet Onew's own widened gaze.
"This is a Date?!" Rae and onew spoke in unison again. Rae scrunched her nose, oh she was going to have words with her oppas! Onew just sat there.
"I did wonder why Jonghyun was so happy to go stand in the cold...." He laughed and looked round, "Well we may as well eat their money away. What do you want Rae?" She blinked completely confused. She was still in a daze when the waiter arrived to take their order. Onew ordered for both of them, and then reached out to tap rae's hand. She snapped back to reality and smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry" Onew shook his head to dismiss the apology. 


"I'm so full!" Onew walked happily towards the dorms, Rae's arm linked through his and her head rested her head on his shoulder. He grinned at her as they passed a little crane machine, "Want me to try and get you a bear?" Rae giggled at him, "I saw it on a drama once...." Rae nodded and Onew brightly made his way over to the little machine. After 5 attempts, He had managed to win her a little Cow doll. She hugged it with her free arm as they continued their walk home. 
"Why did you seem angry earlier?" Onew had stopped his cheery way and was in serious mode, "Like you didn't want to be on the date...." Rae shook her head roughly.
"It's not that...." She looked at her feet shyly, "I wanted you to ask me. Not the others to set it up..." Onew pulled her closer placing his arm frimly around her shoulders.
"How about i ask you for the rest of the dates?" He grinned as she looked up at him, her face bright pink under the street lights.
"Rest?" She blinked and Onew pecked her on the cheek swiftly.
"Every Date after this one." He smiled happily and took out his phone, "I hope you are all home now, we're almost there" Rae heard a panicked squeal. Definately the diva squealing. Onew hung up and lead her into the dorm building, then he punched in the code to the door. They both entered and Onew helped remove Rae's shoes before kicking of his own. Rae winked at Onew and growled towards the main room before calling in a sickly sweet voice, practically dripping with venom.
"Oppas, We are hoooooome!" Key squealed from the kitchen. Onew kissed her gently.
"Go easy on them ok?" He grinned and made his way passed her towards his room.


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