Second Clue

Pen Friends

Raechul busied herself with her makeup as she got ready for her day out with The Idols.
"You almost done?" It was Jonghyun. He leaned against her door and let out a slow whistle in approval. Rae rolled her eyes at him and laughed. She grabbed her bag and her camera, Then she rooted through her suitcase for her hat. She pulled her sun hat on and her sunglasses,
"Let's go." Rae pulled her long dark curls over one shoulder and hooked her arm through Jonghyun's. They entered to chorus of whistles.
"You look awesome" Key stuck his thumbs up. She grinned.
"Are we going?" Minho was already out of the door. 
The group kept in a circle around Rae in a protective way, Lunch passed and Her stomach began growling.
"We should eat." Onew's voice floated back to the rest of the group, "I vote chicken!" Rae laughed as they all started arguing what they should eat. 
"I have an idea. Why don't we all go our own ways for lunch?" Jonghyun hooked his arm through Rae's and pulled her off. "I'll keep an eye on rae!" I looked back at the shocked group.
"So what are we eating?" Rae turned back to Jonghyun. He tapped his nose and continued walking a while. Her Phone started buzzing with a call. She took out her phone and answered it. 'His' voice could be heard, he seemed worried.
"Where are you?!" Rae calmly replied they were outside a ramen shop. She gave him the name and hung up.
"So, they are coming to eat what i want too right?" Jonghyun grinned. Rae pretended to be hurt at being used, "I noticed how you were being looked at, Rae. He likes you." Jonghyun winked knowingly and Rae blushed. The others turned up, all out of breath. Onew, bent over his knees and Taemin pretended to collapse onto the floor, much to key's disapproval about getting his clothes dirty. Rae laughed.
"You Guys're hilarious." She pulled them all up straight and standing before walking into the raen shop, "come on. I didnt get used by Jonghyun for nothing. we might aswell eat together!" She smiled and sat at the table. Minho looked up from his food.
"Hey, Rae...Isn't this your song?" I pointed to the speaker above their heads. Sure enough, it was her own voice that reached her ears. She nodded and continued to eat her food.
"Ah... so this is your singing voice?" Jonghyun Ruffled her hair, "Not bad" She stuck her tongue out. 
"If i didnt know anybetter i would have thought you were complimenting me!" THe group laughed and asked a passing waitress to take a picture of them all. Rae looked at the picture on her camera before looking up at the laughing males. Her heart warmed at the sight of the laughter, and she sat smiling. 

So it isn't Jonghyun. Only two left!! so next chapter will technically reveal who it is!  Stay tuned <3

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