
Pen Friends

Rae sipped at her drink. Her manager was going over her setlist for the evening show. Rae checked her phone for any e-mail updates from Minho, She hadn't heard from him for two days! That has never happened since they had started talking.
"Rachel are you even listening?" It took a moment for her brain to translate to english. Rae nodded and smiled softly.
"Don't worry, i precticed the set this morning. It's fine." Her manager gave a look of disapproval.
"That wasn't what i was taking about. This is your last concert before your gap year. Don't you want something different to happen?" Rae sighed and nodded, her eyes sad.
"There is something i want to happen. But, I doubt you can help." She excused herself and stood up, once again checking her e-mail as she headed out of the company building. She really missed the guys, especially Jinki. She took out the mp3 he had given her and plugged in her earphones as she climbed into the back of her car. Rae felt the car start as she softly sang along with Onew.
"Miss, We are here." She felt herself shook, she opened her eyes startled. Two soft innocent looking brown eyes and a pair of mischevious twinkling eyes staring straight back at her.
"Jong...? Tae...?" Rae seemed unsure of herself. Did she really miss them that much?
"RaeChul-ah!" Taemin's face broke into a grin, which faded as Rae began hitting them. "YAH!" She Hit them with each word, "Why didn't you guys e-mail?!" She scowled at her friends and Jonghyun chuckled.
"We were on strict orders." He leaned closer, "We are on a secret mission...." Rae's eyebrows shot up in shock.
"What kind of secret mission?" She blinked, "And where is my driver?" Jonghyun grinned and pointed a Taemin.
"Minnie's English got pretty good. He convinced the driver he needed a break. I took his keys." Rae scrambled over the seats to hit them again.
"Yah! that's stealing!" She pinched her nose and shook her head.
"It's borrowing Noona! We said we'll return it in the note hyung put in his pocket." Taemin looked apologetic.
"That isn't the point Tae. Hey..." She looked around the surroundings, "This is my house! I'm supposed to be at schedule!"
"No you don't." Rae blinked at the new voice. Minho?! She opened the car door as he opened his arms for a hug. Rae walked over to him and punched him hard.
"You ! How could you not message me?!" She scowled at him and he ruffled his hair.
"Onew made me keep silent." The name sent her heart pounding.
"Jinki-Oppa?" The three males nodded and jabbed their thumbs to her house. She walked to the door confused, Met by Key.
"Hello, young miss, are you on the guest list for this concert?" Rae blinked.
"Eh? Concert?" Key nodded completely immersed in his role as an Usher. Rae giggled and nodded, "I guess so i mean i own the building" Key gasped.
"Oh i'm so sorry Miss Kim. I'll show you to your seat. Would you like refreshments? A Concert guide?" Rae shook her head before blinking.
"you even have a concert guide?!" She let hang open in shock.
"No" Key leaned in to whisper, "Onew wouldn't let me!" He pouted and Rae Giggled as she sat down in the garden.
"Excuse me miss, do you mind standing so we can reach our seats?" Rae burst out laughing. They really were too much! Jonghyun, Taemin and minho had dressed up pretending to be guests to the concert too.
"Sure...Madam...." She snickered at Minho in the dress. He leaned over and grumbled in her ear.
"Taemin refused to be the girl this time." She shook her head laughing and stood to allow them to literally walk past her and sit down in their seats. The music started up a big curtain dropping to reveal Onew, playing her piano.
"Yah! did you guys go in my room?!" She glared at the other three audience members but stopped as onew began singing. It was the song he'd put on her mp3. She sat watching him in a daze, a soft smile on her lips. As he finished the song, Rae couldn't contain it anymore. She jumped from her chaor and ran straight over into Onew's awaiting arms. He pressed his lips to her head and wiped away a few tears that had escaped her eyes.
"We aren't just here to see you. We came on business" Rae nuzzled into him not caring, "Rae. Your contract is up soon right?" She nodded and looked at him, he now had her attention. "We've been asked to discuss with you manager about a transfer."
"A what?!" She jumped at the loudness of her own voice.
"Transfer. SM want you to join them." Rae gulped.
"Are you serious?!" Onew nodded and key wandered up behind him.
"I think it was because how useless Jinki was without you." Onew pouted.
"I cant help it! I'm in love!" Rae blushed right to her roots, "Without Rae, i'm useless now.." Rae gulped running this through her head.
"Ok." THe males looked at her curious. "I'll transfer but, take me to my shedule and return my ar to its driver!" The guys nodded once in Unison, but Rae found herself busy as Onew held her tighter and kissed her.
"I missed you." Rae managed softly.
"Me too." Onew nuzled into her shoulder, "I love you."


yay! i'm sorry if you've been waiting for this. everytime i wrote my flat mate turned my laptop off and lost everytihng i had written! <3 hope you like!

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