
Pen Friends

"Yah! Oppa!" Rae scowled as Minho scored another goal against her. She pouted and folded her arms, "I'm not playing." Taemin took the cotroller and played in her place. She noticed Onew frown.
"Food's ready!" Key stuck his head out of the Kitchen and Rae went over to help.
"Want some help oppa?" she tilted her head and Key handed her a bunch of bottles full of water. 

"Put these on the table." Rae nodded and did as she was told, she over heard the conversation from the living area.
"Hyung, why are you so grumpy?" she peeked round the corner to see Jonghyun leaning against the wall neext to Onew.
"Have you guys noticed that Rae calls you all oppa. but with me it's Jinki-oppa?" He frowned and Rae stiffled a giggle. That's what he was worried about? She hooked her head round and called at them.
"Yah! Oppa said foods ready. come on!" She grinned and she sat down. Onew sat next to her and she handed him some chopsticks, "Here you go Jinki-Oppa" She smiled at him sweetly and he took the chopsticks frowning. Rae bit back a laugh and thanked Key for the food as he sat down. She dug into her food, she made certain to remain using Jinki-oppa during conversation. When they had finished, Onew offered to wash up.
"Don't you think you're being too mean to hyung?" Taemin jabbed Rae in the ribs. "I'm not even older than you and you call me oppa!" Rae giggled. She spoke louder so that Onew could hear in the Kitchen.
"I'm not being mean. Oppa is one thing. But Jinki-Oppa is different from you all. I like Jinki-oppa, as more than a brother or a close friend. I like using his name. It's the name his parents gave him." Rae shrugged and took a sip of her water, "Jinki-Oppa is called in a different way because he's special. So he needs to stop frowning about it and enjoy it." Rae turned her eyes to the Kitchen and locked gazes with Onew. After their food had settled they returned to the living area. Onew had sat next to Rae and she had snuggled into him happily.

Rae hadn't even been aware that she had fallen asleep. Last she remembered she had been humming along to the music that had been playing. She rubbed her eyes and looked up. Onew was fast asleep. He hadn't moved? She blinked. He was really cute when he was sleeping. She her fingers lightly over his cheek and shuffled up to sit in his lap properly. She carefully lifted his head and placed it onto her shoulder. Onew nuzzled into her and she giggled. He lifted his head sleepily and brushed his lips on hers. Then he pulled them both down straight on the couch.
"Jinki-Oppa...." She giggled and shook her head. Funny guy. He smiled sleepily and her heart skipped a beat.
"Rae...You have to cuddle me every night." She raised her brow at him, "I sleep so much better around you." He pressed a kiss lightly on her forehead and pulled her tight against him, "So warm." Rae smiled softly and buried her face nito his shoulder. She was vaguely aware of someone throwing a blanket over them both and heading into their room.  
"Who was that?" She looked up at Onew and he rubbed his eyes.
"I think it was Manager Hyung." Onew yawned. Rae nodded and shivered, a cold breeze hitting her. Onew wrapped his arms around her and smiled, "Cold?"
"A little" Rae admitted. Then Onew's lips found his was to hers an a soft, passionate kiss. She blushed and He winked.
"There now you're all warm." Rae stuck her tongue out at him and he chuckled softly, "by the way.... thankyou..." Rae tilted her head.
"For what?" she blinked, curious.
"Explaining why i get called differently." This Time Onew's cheeks reddened a little, "I wish you would say one bit again, to my face." Rae thought for a moment before wideneing her eyes.
"I like You, Jinki-oppa" Onew's face brightened instantly. Rae grinned and he kissed her one more time.
"You too." Rae blushed and hid in his shoulder again. "More than you know." He rested his cheek against her head and smiled as sleep regained them both again.

I am so sorry i took so long for this update. To make it up to you... have an onew XD

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