First meeting.

Pen Friends

"Hyung.... Why are we at the airport again?" Taemin rubbed the back of his neck, yawning sleepily. In fact if you looked at all the Shinee members together, Only Minho looked excited.
"My Friend is coming to Korea. The one i write to, I said i would meet her at the airport!" He grinned
"Yeah, You.... not us!" Key's diva tone sliced through the air in the blasphemy of being woken up on his day off. Jonghyun, clapped Key on the back before yawning his own opinion.
"Didn't you say she's a Shawol? Sure she isnt just coming to kidnap you?" Minho laughed at jonghyuns question.
"Nah, I'm her least favourite." He was facing his band members and didnt notice the female form approach behind him. Onew opened his mouth to say something but minho continued, "Though you never know. She grew up In America. She could be coming to kidnap us all!" The female rolled her eyes behind her sunglasses before removing them to reveal deep chocolate eyes.
"Yah. Oppa! What kind of person are you making me out to be?!" The voice reached Minho's ears and he turned round embarrassed.
"Sorry RaeChul-ah" RaeChul stuck her tongue out at him before bowing to the Other Shinee members and formally introducing herself. 
"Hello, I'm Minho-oppas Writing friend from America.It's nice to meet you all." AS she stood straight again she was met with bows in return.
"Hello we are the Shining Shinee!" They spoke in unison and Raechul giggled. Minho was practically bouncing with glee.
"Whats wrong with you oppa?" Raechul raised her brow, "Do you need the toilet or something?" Minho pulled a face at her. 
"I'll make you sing Rae!" Minho and she smacked his arm.
"Yah, I'm jetlagged right now. can we just find my hotel? I'm starving!" Raechul followed Minho to the Shinee Van. The other 4 boys followed after all talking in hushed voices. One of the boys Walked over quickly and took her suticase.
"I'll put it in the back for you." He smiled and Raechul almost melted. 
"Thankyou very Much" She bowed and got into the car. The conversation was full of questions as they travelled about the sights of Seoul. Key, Who had now woken up properly had started playing music and singing loudly. Rae smiled at the craziness of the idols, then shrugged and joined in, body popping from her seat. When they arrived outside the Hotel, Jonghyun looked up at the building.
"This is in a rough part of town right?" The others nodded.
"Maybe we should put you in a better hotel Rae. I'll pay if you cant afford it." Minho looked at his friend Concerned.
"Oppa! What did i say to you? You arent to pay for a single thing. You may be exceedingly rich, but i'm not exactly poor either!" Raechul went to geto ut of the car when she felt a hand on her wrist.
"Then you can come stop with us. Technically we arent paying for anything...and we know your safe!" Taemin grinned at his genius plan.
"That's actually not a bad Idea." Onew mused before tilting his head, "But to be in a Dorm with 5 guys must be a bit intimidating."
"Are you kidding? Rae live ith 8 guys!" Minho laughed. Rae blushed and hurriedly explained.
"In a house share! I have my own section of the house!" The shine boys wwent from shocked expressions to understanding ones, "And i only live there because my fans found my last house!" And back to shocked.
"Fans?" It was key that had asked. And Rae nodded.
"I won american idol." Key's face suddenly lit up in recognition. Key had become the fan for the ride back to the dorms. Raechul found this funny and managed to get along well with all of the members. But That smile earlier, him, she looked at him the most. His beautiful skin, his gorgeous eyes, How kind he was towards her and towards his other band members. He made her smile. And her thoughts filled with him as she snuggled down into the covers of the guest bedroom in the shinee dorm. 


I couldnt resist this! It wont change who it is but i want to see ho people think helped her and made her smile.
Comment who you think!

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